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Posts posted by Siamwhiteelephant

  1. Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

    - drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesnt even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

    - dont lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

    - dont drink and drive

    - drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

    - if you run over someone, dont move your stationary vehicle even a little if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

    - dont ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

    Besides, he thinks its ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

    Thank you for the driving lesson, possibly you would be more effective on a soap box on the corner preaching to the Thai's as I would think that the majority of people you are currently addressing are more than knowledgeable on the in's and out's of responsible driving.

    Well aware of that; that's why I said "take note Thai drivers" at the beginning (which you obviously didn't notice)

  2. Defensive driving is something developed countries do. So take note Thai drivers, it may save you a lot of grief:

    - drive far enough from a vehicle in front so that you can make an emergency stop without a collision, the distance increases on a wet road (the drunk driver lied and yet his lie doesn’t even stand valid about not being able to stop in time)

    - don’t lie (CCTV, witnesses, and other evidence will debunk the lie)

    - don’t drink and drive

    - drive according to road conditions (e.g. not speeding and sliding out of control on wet roads)

    - if you run over someone, don’t move your stationary vehicle even a little – if the victim is under it, that may kill the victim or make injuries worse

    - don’t ride or drive on roads forbidden for your vehicle

    Besides, he thinks it’s ok to be drunk at work and driving in schools among children, too?

  3. Sorry, I forgot.

    RIP motorcyclist.


    You that about people you know, not "motorcyclist". Plus you don't say about Buddhist as they come back again.

    Why are you protesting? He shows he cares about unfortunate strangers, or is that foreign to your thinking?
    RIP is “said to express the hope that someone's spirit has found peace after death” The spirit is there, so that person is still alive, as Buddhists believe that life continues. Besides, not all Thais are Buddhists. 'Rest' dosn't mean physical rest but peace.
    Why are you protesting 'jaiyenyen's' good-hearted adieu?
  4. Disgusting so much for religion

    There is nothing wrong with religion per se, it is the way it is abused that is disgusting

    Basing one's whole code of conduct and moral compass on a superstition is dangerous, inept and ought not be condoned or even tolerated in this the 21st century. That may be said of all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones that seem to occupy 99% of prime time. There is everything wrong with this. Regarding dead cats... did anyone actually believe it would turn out well?

    Not when you don't allow enough room to swing a dead cat in.

  5. 40 killed "tiger cubs aged from birth to one week old" ... in a Buddhist monastry shock1.gif. Who killed them and who oversaw this?

    The antithesis of one of Buddhism's principles: protection of life, including animals and that "all living entities are equal".

    I predict that this news report will morph into international news.

    It is already being reported Internationally ! smile.png

    Try reading the topic for information ..................................

    You're right; my mistake not to have looked at the news source. Didn't know they may sometimes take national news from international sources.

  6. You wouldn't be saying that if you had done even a month in a Thai prison, 2 years in a Thai prison is hell and alot of ya'll would be contemplating suicide after the 1st week if you were doing a 2 year stint.

    Complete joke the justices system in Thailand ..

    It follows, then, that not only does the judicial system need a complete overhaul, so, too, does the penal system, with major prison reform, and effective prisoner management with retrained prison guards. The possibility of this happening could only be achieved through international consultation and the placement of some new enlightened officials.

  7. Zebra crossings, called ‘tang ma lai‘ (literally ‘path zebra’), are the ‘safety’ zones.. That’s why zebra figurines are often seen at Buddhist shrines in Thailand wai2.gif . Every good Buddhist knows these afford 'protection' and a 'safe' journey to an individual as do all zebra crossings in Thailand. If one doesn’t, it's not the driver but karma and you had it coming to you bah.gifOWORLD05_P1.jpg?alias=standard_600x400

  8. "Police are reviewing CCTV footage before launching a manhunt"

    And we all know how good Phuket police are at "manhunts" don't we.


    ...no doubt there will be a 'crackdown'... lol

    Farangs will be banned from taking afternoon naps. Anybody taking a siesta, especially if they are wearing a bikini, is asking for trouble.

    you must be correctly attired to retire...I think I would be buying a new toothbrush.

    No, if a new toothbrush is needed, the cell phone would’ve been the only other thing not to have been stolen.

  9. This lady is in deep kee...not only the local state theft and fraud charges related to the store but just possession of these counterfeit goods in a serious federal crime as well.

    She's in no trouble. Whilst on bail she can retreat in a local buddhist nunnery for a while. Then ignore summonses and writs whilst protesting how busy and important she is. Meanwhile her lawyers can confer with the judges, plaintiffs and police giving gratuities in brown envelopes.

    Slap on the wrist! (not)

    This didn’t happen in Thailand, but the USA, as even in the heading the article states. So, she is up to her neck in trouble.

  10. Is it a sound proof bathroom? In the time it took her to use the facilities the mood in the next room changed so dramatically 1 ended up stabbed and the other over the balcony? hmmm!

    We obviously don't know what happened but I would very strongly suspect that the 2 women are collaborating somehow.

    RIP the poor fellow, I hope the police find out the truth and justice is done,,,,

    This scenario seems very plausible. Investigators should be methodical and very careful in determining what happened. RIP the deceased. No apparent reason he’d jumped; most likely he’d accidentally toppled over the balcony railing or was pushed over in the struggle.

    It’s only my speculation and opinion, but I think the Thai press in some instances is bias in not leaving the options of the crime scenario more open, such as in this case. Rather it not highlight the unlikely suicide one here but, instead, the possibility of a Thai national as a suspect when a foreigner is involved.

  11. Be far more proactive, not reactionary! If this wasn’t Thailand, I’d find it hard to believe why the health officials are not tackling this Zika outbreak head-on. Not borne out in the Thailand media I’ve read, a Taiwan newspaper mentioned of the country's first two cases of Zika: “The first case, also a traveler from Thailand, was confirmed by the CDC on Jan. 19 after a man was screened and found to have a fever at Taoyuan airport when he arrived on Jan. 10. Chou said both men were from Udon Thani in northern Thailand.”

    Logic would suggest they both contracted Zika in Udon Thani. Why don’t the health officials be proactive and screen all residents of Udon Thani’s Sangkhom district? Then the disease could be identified there and contained. Better be prepared for this comparatively small outlay of cost and effort than a national outbreak that will be impossible to control and bring all kinds of negative consequences! But no, as so often is the case in this land, there’s not enough foresight, logical and proactive measures taken.

  12. What this country needs is an Eliot Ness. If you really believe in the next life, how better to get there through honesty, integrity and an incorruptible moral compass.

    This realm cuts very deeply in cultures, especially here. Every religion but one is based on the notion that a person can blot out their wrong-doing, short-comings and imperfection and gain redemption from all that by the veneer of self-effort, such as self-orientated making merit. You likely have this insight, but other readers may not.

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