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  1. So, an end to poverty in Thailand!
  2. 1000 'generals' down to a mere 500? How will they manage? Surely having a 'general' in charge of each platoon of conscripts is how every modern armed force operates. Just ask the Russians.
  3. You always take this line, but fail to consider the rationale - as the OP states - for staying with OA, namely the insurance requirement is fine & accepted. In my case, at age 75 I need decent health insurance anyway so there's no advantage in changing to another visa type.
  4. Always ask for a receipt BEFORE handing over money. 9 times out of 10 he'll make a rude noise then wave you on without the fine ...
  5. So 59 & 62 is elderly? Not amongst Khmer peasants, I shouldn't think. As to the money stored, fairly typical levels of ignorance involved. My PILs - 78 & c81 - don't have bank accounts. Never been inside a bank in their life. One of their sons (still virginal at 38) has never been inside a shop of any kind in his life. Waits outside in the carpark when we venture in ...
  6. Poland moving up the economic ladder ... Good to see (I guess).
  7. Yet another Falang comes to Thailand for drugs (yawn). Public whipping would be good.
  8. I must say that the British interviewer appears arrogant, condescending & fairly stupid.
  9. He has the appearance (in the interview) of being intelligent & civilized. Given the horrors of the last regime - over 50 years of it - the notion that all will be just fine after 3 months is ridiculous. Syria is hugely complex as to ethnic groups & religions. And deep history going back 3000 years. We can only sit back and watch the new people as they struggle to revive a terrorized nation. And wish them all the best. Foreign interference - Russian, Iranian, Israeli, US - will complicate things, though the first 2 look to be greatly weakened, possibly terminally.
  10. We visit Bangers 2 or 3 times a year, for a few days only. Always Sukhumvit - restaurants & shopping, Lumphini & Benjakiti parks. We love the crowds, particularly the Skytrain. We've done most of the touristy things; no need to repeat. Visited Pattaya twice over the years, a few days each time. OK, but the beaches are nothing to write home about. No need ever to repeat. Life here in south Surin is quiet & sweet.
  11. Um, isn't that what Thai politics is about? And vice versa too ... securing power & privilege to increase wealth.
  12. Interesting how people find it hard to cope with population statistics & economic realities. The French are outraged that anyone could suggest raising the retirement age to 64! Meantime in countries where people are better educated (by politicians) about these things - I'm thinking Oz, for example - the retirement age is already at 68 and heading to 70.
  13. Thaksin doesn't seem to have it in him to maintain a low profile. Constantly announcing government policies or proposed policies, and not even pretending that his daughter is really in charge ... All of which is pretty stupid and will lead to collapse of the government in quick time. Thais prefer appearances to reality.
  14. Certainly Thailand needs the death penalty for leaders of military coups or attempted coups. I'll believe the pollies are serious when they have that on the statute books and actually carry it out.
  15. Part of the growing process, transitioning from 3rd World agriculture & 2nd World vehicle assembly to more sophisticated economic models. Every country goes through it but it's not obvious that either the Thai ruling class or The People as a whole are prepared - or educated - for radical change.

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