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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Charles just looked exhausted. At least till the balcony scene when he managed a little animation. (Admittedly almost any movement could make the crown fall off or go skew-whiff, which wouldn't be a good look.)
  2. The thing about politics in Thailand is that - unlike every Western country - they are (mostly) non-ideological. That is, politics here is not about socialism in its various forms vs capitalism in its various forms. In Thailand it's (mostly) just about personalities and who's got the money and who hasn't ("Who's up who & who hasn't paid"). Which is why you get all the shilly shallying immediately after The People have spoken as individuals, and even some parties, 'change sides' to ensure they'll continue to share in the cake ...
  3. Basically factory fodder. That at least is my Thai-Khmer family's experience. Poor wages, long hours and contracted for 3 years with no variation. Indentured servitude.
  4. Ah the irony! Tourism is an industry that, everywhere in the world but particularly in the natural world, destroys its own foundations. Thailand is well down the track. Little symbolic gestures won't help.
  5. If you read the Guardian article above the current figures are $A888 gross debt, $A517 net. Whichever figure you prefer to support your prejudices, the basic fact is that the increase in debt over the last 4 years was the product of the wild enthusiasm of ALL Australians - including notably the ALP - for conjuring up ever more funds to support The People in their many hours of need.
  6. It's what happens when The People and all political parties demand more and more spending, more and more wage subsidies during a great pandemic. And now that the great pandemic is - at least for the moment - over, The People and the new government blame the previous government for spending so heavily and pushing up the national debt to some $A550B (not the $A1T that is often touted).
  7. Thai politics warming up. Will real change come to a country still wallowing in the C20th? (and in the 1960s in south Surin). Can anyone actually change anything without authoritarian force? How do you get the small weak 'middle class' to actually think big and look to the rest of the world for new liberal democratic models? How do you stop the thick gluey mess of corruption stopping all progress in all directions? The next 12 or more months promise to be interesting. But they may not be uplifting.
  8. My partner & I (34 & 74) are recovering (after 1.5 weeks) from a new bout of covid caught in Bangkok 2 weeks ago. Probably the latest variant (Arcturus), I guess, characterized by much hacking coughing - different from our 2 earlier bouts over a year ago which were very mild. We are both vaccinated & boostered from a couple of years ago. I understand that there are now good-quality vax available in The West which cover all variants and probably most likely new ones in future. Are they available in Thailand yet? and specifically here in Surin or in Buriram province or nearby? Thanks for any useful comments.
  9. Public commentary in Thailand always focuses on tourism as the beginning & the end of the country's economic activity. Not a good basis for a better future, and it neglects the negative effect of multiple and multiplying holidays on all other economic activities. Productivity! Thy name is not Thailand. Indeed the very concept is unknown.
  10. My understanding is that she wanted to be a teacher but within a large 'n generous organization with plenty of opportunities for a decent career ... She knew it was going to be difficult but to reach as high as she did by way of qualifications and still not be offered a position is pretty appalling. Says nothing good about this country as a whole.
  11. Yes, with my b/f (40 years younger than me) I try to avoid preaching but that doesn't work anyway. I try to set an example - high on vegs, high on salmon, low on carbs of all kinds & sources ... - but that doesn't work. The only thing that works is his vanity and the approach to a week in Bangkok & the gay disco. Then he slims down nicely, though not by eating healthy, just by not eating. (Sigh)
  12. Currently working as secretary to a doctor. Which is a few steps up from the paddy fields and the cane fields but far short of her legitimate ambition.
  13. And what are the 600-a-monthers doing about it? Nothing. And their families? Nothing. Doubtless a new improved-model government is about to be elected in Thailand. Whether it actually gets to form a government remains to be seen. But the underlying passivity of the former slaves & serfs whose descendents I live amongst - passivity reinforced daily by a status-conscious culture, by poverty & routine, by Buddhism and by a school system whose main output is ignorance and obedience - means that nothing much changes or it changes at such a slow pace for most of the peasants that they fall further and further behind the rest of the world. Example: A young woman from impoverished background in my village. Worked hard at local school & secondary school & then university. Top marks all the way. Came 2nd or 3rd in the whole of Thailand in the exams to enter the Police force. Failed because she couldn't raise the um facilitation funds required to enter the RTP. With examples like that it's hard to think that Thailand has a great future. Just further wallowing in a filthy trough.
  14. Well, someone's making a nice profit out of you. I paid 2976฿ last month to run a 630sqm 2-storied house with 2 occupants here in south Surin with 6 ac's (though only 3 normally used) & set at 22C-25C depending on need during the 2 or 3 hottest months. The a/c in my library u/s runs most of every day from about 0900 to 2200, and in the main bedroom u/s from around 2200 to 0600.
  15. The BKK Bank's list of bank holidays for this year has May 1 National Labour Day and May 4 Coronation Day listed as bank holidays. 5 May is also mentioned elsewhere as a public holiday added by the Government (presumably to make a lovely 4-day weekend for the adoring populace, while reducing the nation's abysmally low productivity levels even lower).
  16. And what on earth are Thai students studying in the Sudan?
  17. Nothing short of a firing squad for the top 10000 will change anything. Where's Fidel when we need him?
  18. Don't worry, the quickest way to ruin a 'pristine' beach is to advertize it. Should be nicely befouled and generally ruined this time next month.
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