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Posts posted by H2oDunc

  1. Evidently so :blink: They may be able to pick up a load of spares now as they have binned all the UK ones. I think the carrier also has some amphibious landing craft as well ? :huh:

    Supposed to be 1500 stranded tourists on Tao wanting off. :D

    Looking at the weather forecast for today and out the hotel window it isn't looking good for getting back to Samui today with the high winds predicted ? :blink:

  2. According to the Thai news report they are going to be transferring the trapped tourists by helicopter from the three islands and onto the carrier which will then return with them to BKK. Supposed to be here by the morning to start first thing.

    This is all by the Thai news channel. They also showed the Thai Navy rescuing 70 school children from a small island just off Chumphon.

    Things are looking bleak at the moment :(

  3. Cheers Jimmy. We aren't looking to get back to Samui till Friday / Saturday. I at least here have electric and internet etc yet at home have none. Staying here seems a better option looking at the TV reports of Samui.

    The Thai Navy is on the way to rescue the trapped Farangs so no worries there. They are supposed to be starting to airlift trapped Farangs from the islands to a carrier and then to BKK. :D

  4. We went out to get some food here stuck in Khanom and the place we ate at had the Thai news on. Evidently there is a Thai aircraft carrier en route to Tao, KPG and Samui to transfer the trapped tourists from the islands and take them to BKK. Things are evidently that bad now. They should start tomorrow :o

    It doesn't look like we are going to get back in the next few days.

    Samui looks a mess on the TV and has also been declared a disaster zone. :o

    It seems like it hasn't stopped raining since last September. We may have had a few days of sunshine but in between it has been raining non stop.

  5. Went into town, or tried to for a supply run to the 7/11 This is what we found.

    The river is up to just under the roof of the houses next to it. The road where the 7/11 is is under about 4ft of water and rising and it is blowing a hooly still.

    Ended up in a small Mum and Pop shop who seemed very happy to see us :D A few pictures here

    Lets hope it blows itself out tonight and we can get home tomorrow.









  6. As said above already. The guy was simply asking whether the bad weather should stop him from visiting Surat :huh::o

    OP the weather here around Surat Thani is bad. Very bad. There has been no ferries to the island for 2 days now and there is flooding everywhere. The rain is heavy and the wind is very strong. My advice would be to stay up in the North and forget the visit to the South as the whole Southern area is under water.

    I'm stuck in Khanom waiting to get home to Samui. Thisis what it is like here

    The river is about to break its bank and is just under the roof of the houses along it's bank.






  7. I spoke to crusty this morning. He is struck over this side as well with the kids from the sailing club. they were returning from racing in Krabi yesterday. His wife told him the water is up to the top step of the steps that go to his reception. It is the first time it has ever been this deep according to him. My missus is stuck in Chawang and the water is 3 metres in places and getting worse.

    I think being stuck here isn't so bad after all as the electric and internet are still fine in the hotel. :D

  8. I have just spoken to Seatran, Raja are not answering, and was told that no ferries are running today again. Not looking good for tomorrow either so its another night in Khanom.

    Not too much of a hassle for myself but for those with planes and travel arrangements to keep it is a pain. Is the airport open today ?

  9. Hope everybody on Samui is fine and the unavoidable damage will be within reason. Be careful out there,

    Am surprised you were actually able to make it to Donsak, Dunc! Which road did you come inf rom? Over Khanom?

    We came up the coast road all the way. Great till we got near Nakon Si and then there was water everywhere. The road from the Khanom turn off to the ferry was bad in places but passable in a 4 X 4. Just trying to find out if we are going to get back today but looking out the hotel window it isn't looking very likely :(

    That is one nasty looking sea :o

  10. Forgot to mention that a plane tried to land at Samui yesterday but was diverted to Surat, then NST and in the end was diverted back to BKK so not much travel going on down South at the moment.

    You do have to feel sorry for those here on holiday though :(

  11. From Songkla along the coast road to NST all is well. It is only when you get near to NST that there is water everywhere and the road is flooded in places. The road from Khanom to the ferry terminal is very flooded in parts and the ferries were not running yesterday and today isn't looking any better either.

    As of now it is still blowing a hooliy and the aves are crashing up the beach. Some poor Thai has also lost his longtail as that is also getting smashed to pieces on the beach.

    Tried calling Raja but no answer :blink:

    I hear Samui is a little bit wet as well. :huh:

    Just spoken to Crusty and the water is up to the steps of his reception which it has never reached before. Chawang beach road is impassable as well. At least here I have electric and internet which is both out at home so maybe another night or two here won't be such a bad thing ;)

  12. We managed to drive up from Songkla to NST without any problems and the weather was quite nice. Coming up to NST things changed decidedly. Lots of heavy rain and flooding everywhere. Arrived at Donsak un harmed and in good spirits and looking forward to getting back home. My friend goes to get a ticket for himself as I got a return for me and the car. Drives to the check in only to be told there are no ferries running for the rest of the day. <deleted>!!! How can they sell my friend a ticket for a ferry that isn't running ? :blink: The guy at the check in booth said they would refund his ticket which they did.

    Tried Seatran but they were not running either so ended up in Khanom for the night.

    As of right no looking out of the hotel window which is right on the beach it is still blowing a hooly and not looking good for the boats running today either.

    Wind Guru doesn't look good and the other forecast sites are the same. Looks like another day in Khanom. A one horse town where even the horse upped and left :D

    OOPPs Somebody isn't going to be a happy chappy as there is now a longtail boat getting smashed to pieces on the beach outside the hotel :o

  13. Lomprayah now do an all in ticket where you fly to Surat from BKK by Air Asia I think, get the bus to Donsak and then you take their high speed passenger ferry to Samui / KPG. 40 -45 minutes from Donsak.

    Dunc, where does this drop you off in Samui?

    Hi the high speed cat takes you to the pier in Nathon near where the Seatran car ferry leaves from. :D

  14. And yet only recently i have seen 2 separate posts where you have offered to rehome dogs from other people...from one extreme to the other eh?:angry: Don't worry though, the termite spray will kill them soon enough!

    Another great utterly useless reply. :angry:

    Pray tell just what would you do ? Just let them eat the whole car ? The whole house ?

    The termite spray hasn't effected them in the least but maybe the rat poisin will do the trick :o

    If you actually read the post you would realise I am trying to sort this out in a way that will be kind to the dogs. Maybe reading isn't your strong point ?

    If I could Catch them as said already they would be at the dog rescue centre.

    I have been feeding the dogs which were not mine in the first place and their puppies for over 18 months. Would you ?

    maybe you can come and take them as you don't seem to mind them eating my things so no doubt you will not mind them destroying your place ?

    I was hoping for some constructive replies but it seems to have just attracted the holier than thou posters who criticise but offer no solution.

    Roo you might as well close the post. Cheers Dunc

  15. I'm heading back to Samui from Songkla today so will be driving through the newly declared disaster zones. Does anybody know if Donsak is open for traffic etc ?

    I will let you know what its like when I get back. Or if I get back later ;)

    The missus said last night there has been another tree blown down in the high winds so cannot get up the mountain to the house and it has taken the electric down with it so it will be fun and games again when I finally hit Samui :(

  16. Good to know that people on this forum find racism to be such a big joke. Classy.

    No the people on this forum find perceived racism and the cult of the thin skinned victim hood culture a joke. Real racism is very rare these days thankfully but people finding offence on behalf of other people has become a plague that has devastated the UK and hopefully will never reach the same heights here in Thailand.

    In my working life I have been called all things and had insults thrown at me daily. It didn't bother me in the slightest. I just got on with my job.

    Get a life or maybe move to the UK where you are guaranteed to get a wide audience with your cries of racism.

  17. I find it very ironic that a guy that got the Nobel peace prize is again bombing the crap out of another Middle eastern country.

    All in the name of PEACE no doubt ?

    I also so a video saying he has just signed a Presidential decree that allows him to incarcerate a person for the rest of their life even after a court of law have found them innocent of all charges but simply on the say so of this ego maniac. Frightening ! Really frightening !

  18. We can try and confirm it tomorrow? Gf is normally right on these types of things. She wanted to warn me and i am passing on the info.

    Did you know that being 50mg over the alcohol limit will get you in the local police cell until they can get you in front of a judge next working day? To get out of this (eg dont spend the night in a cell) its 10,000 for a bike as a bribe and 20,000 if you were driving a car. I know a Thai who has been caught 4 times and his mother is fed up with bailing him out!

    I don't suppose for a second it has occurred to you that

    A Don't ride on the pavements as it is against the LAW

    B Don't drink and drive as it is against the LAW

    That way the " Greedy police " cannot fine you for breaking the law.

    Only in Thailand can the police be seen as greedy and corrupt for upholding the law ? :o

  19. I don't suppose it occured to the OP or the other poor targeted Farangs getting stopped that if they just followed the law of the land they have chosen to visit / live in then they would not get fleeced :huh:

    NO ! It is the god given right of the Farang to choose which laws he abides by here.

    We have the same thing here on Samui about 3-4 times a week. Both Thai's and Farang get the same treatment. 500 baht fine. :o

    Funnily enough in 4 years I have never been hassled, fleeced or anything as they just wave me through as I am always wearing a helmet along with the missus if she is with me.

    I find it amusing that in the one breath you are complaining about the BIB's not doing their job and in the next complaining when they do ? :huh::blink:

    It is simple. Wear a lid and carry your license

    Rocket science it isn't ;)

  20. As said before if I could catch the little B@#tards I wouldn't have a problem. I did try spraying everything with the stuff that kills termites etc but they just don't seem to care. It is looking more like the only option I have left is the option I was trying to avoid. :(

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