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Everything posted by shunter

  1. Surely a good example to foreign criminal's and foreign governments' would be, or should be the bringing the Red Bull fugitive to book? Start with spring cleaning your home grown miscreants before the dreaded foreign criminal's
  2. The blame for the deaths (murders) of those innocents must be and should be laid at the feet of corrupt officials and the corrupt Keystone brigade, plus a bus operator who ignored the regulations in a myriad of ways.
  3. Paetongtarn is and was offered by her pimp father to further aid and abet his and the family's self promoting financial activities and power.
  4. A lot of self promoting assorted political pack animals of soi dogs snapping at the heels of Thailands and Srettha' heels. Certainly not for the benefit of the nation as a whole. Such a shame Thailand was blocked from getting the government it deserved
  5. Reminds me of a ''shark feeding frenzy. Oh what a web we weave when we practice to deceive.'' The quote describes the destructive consequences of lies and the impact on peoples lives.
  6. Desperate ends, desperate means, searching the easy chairs and couches for any small change...
  7. There are number of post on TikTok as well as other social media outlets from assorted foreigners boasting about their cannabis plantations. One even offers a yearly return of 150% if you invest with him. States his product and exports are guaranteed by a merchant bank, and he brags about his 700 pound a month villa rental Chiang Mai area. Then a other openly boasts about both his drug usage and supply to clients and raves Krabi area. These and the rest of their ilk supply the xenophobic Anutin with his ammunition. Silence is golden they need to stop providing ammunition to Anutin and his kind.
  8. Thailand is not a democracy, it's a demonocracy. Feudalism (sadly) is alive and well in Thailand. An unmentionable implemented unspeakable scenario used to control and manipulate the serfs and peasants.
  9. Successive governments over the last 70 years have ignored all motions tabled in the UK Parliament to unfreeze this paltry parsimonious state sponsored theft from its more vulnerable citizens. Tony Blair's government fought tooth and nail in the European Court to deny the unfreezing of this discriminatory action and won their case.Sadly, those who paid in full are denied their rights, however there seems to be a bottomless money pit for the illegals washing up on UK shores. Happily as a consolation prize my private pensions rise each year according to UK inflation figures.
  10. One can but presume, 1. He has an amazing set of cojones. 2. Friends in both high and low places. 3. A very large truckload of contaminated facts and figures. 4. An amazing collection of personal protection amulets.
  11. Perhaps a wiser move would be to stop handing out assistance to those who are flocking to the shores of the cornucopia of endless benefits known as the UK, for which they've contributed nothing to nor in the greater majority of them will contribute nothing to whilst they lay in free leeching comfort in the UK. The state sponsored theft of pension payments to some 550,000 ex- pat pensioners payment is indeed a disgusting and paltry act, penalizing those who have paid in full. Look after your own first please
  12. Probably be found and not reworked as it's not blue'''🤣
  13. See another farang consultancy jumping on the band wagon of assistance in obtaining any type of visa you may desire, along with promising a 150% profit within in a year if you invest in his broccoli (cannabis) plantation. Also promoting his property for rent or sale activities. Been here two years, hints at having influential Thai friends in high places. Also states the sales and export of his ''agricultural'' products are backed by a merchant bank. emptor caveat https://www.instagram.com/richardklein.22/?locale=de https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/i-save-9-6k-a-year-rent-moving-from-london-to-thailand/vi-AA1jctYZ
  14. I'm bloody proud of my naturally aged coloured 78 year old white hair. full head of hair and it does get me some favours too, traffic often stop when I'm preparing to cross the road, either on my own, or with the missus, or the grandchildren...
  15. A quick cut and tuck and the ''boys'' will be happy ''girlies.''
  16. I larf, I larf, I pee I self. best piece of comedy as I have ever seen. As a monologue it would be a show stopper...
  17. Just check him out on assorted social media, Instagram content shows he is on a nodding acquaintance with the truth, in short a born again liar and a shady operator... https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ZOksZROH7/?img_index=1.
  18. He is but the tip of the iceberg, check out TikTok and see the characters there peddling kratom potions, weed fro his island lab etc. and being ejected along with his girlfriend from an airplane,also the guy who boasts about his commercial grass-growing activities ChaingMai way. check out the guys who brag about their online work no W/P
  19. Remember that drug panacea for all, ''Thalidomide''? The experts at the time wouldn't listen to or look at the delights that Thalidomide endowed upon babies. Big Phara was and still is about profit over the collateral damage known as people. Thalidomide is now used as a cancer and leprosy treatment, the babies of the time were Big Pharma lab subjects.
  20. Just remember that computers can only act on the information or instructions a human being inputs. An investigation onto the staff, programmers,etc. connected to the issues and any outside technicians, maintenance engineers etc might be a useful opening gambit.
  21. Let Thaksin sound any one of his cars horns. That will certainly speed up any legal action(s) and possibly a swift return to goal.
  22. Large brown envelope filled with grey coloured papers and portraits will without a doubt open the doors to property ownership when presented at the relevant office,problem solved.
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