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Posts posted by AlfonsV

  1. On 22.5.2017 at 7:08 PM, mogandave said:


    So you agree a lot of Thai food is nasty, that's all I said.

    I like Thai food, but I don't eat it when I'm in the US anymore than I would order an "American" breakfast here.

    No, it's not what I said or agreed

  2. 34 minutes ago, mogandave said:

    Should people in the US not eat Thai food? 

    I like a lot of Thai food, but s lot of it is just nasty an most of it is not very healthy, not that I give much of a rip.

    Do you watch western movies or TV?

    In the US I would prefer Thai food of course


    Nasty ??? You do not need to eat snakes or crickets


    Movies and TV: Almost not. Has nothing to do with food, anyway



  3. It's difficult to say as there are at least a dozen of my favored meals. Would be easier to say what I don't like. I come to Thailand first time 3 decades ago and am living here since several years. I am not bored about the food and for me it is definitely 1 of several reasons to stay here. If someone needs McDonald, Sizzler and Pizza Hut or can only survive with western stuff from Tops or Rimping it's beyond my understanding of "living in Thailand". My exceptions: about 3 times per year Indian food, once a month cooking potatoes at home, from time to time a brownie and once a week a dark Swiss chocolate.

  4. 2 hours ago, TKDfella said:

    This maybe not quite true. My former Thai wife was (and still is) a Head of Ward Nurse at the local general hospital. They did their own research into Somtam and categorized people who ate this dish 1, 2 and 3 times a day. I was surprised, when she was doing some stats on it, at how how many Thais ate Somtam 3 times a day. In those that ate 2 or 3 times a day had a large peak in the graphs for stomach ailments while those who ate Somtam once a day or a couple of times a week didn't suffer much more than non-eaters.

    Interesting to learn. However, I would never eat anything 3 times a days as I never drink 3 bottles a day. 555

  5. 35 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Riding on a motobike with no helmet is more dangerous than eating plaa raa...


    "Somewhere between 1 percent and 5 percent of people infected with the parasites contract liver cancer."


    And kills you not slowly but mainly very fast. What kills the thai people slowly, is the msg which they put everywhere with full spoons, in somtam as well. 

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  6. It is rather ridiculous to mention the airport exists since 90 years. The traffic significantly increased only during the last 1, 2 years. Some years ago the last plane started at 24h+ and the earliest one at 7:05am. Now the noise of starts goes from 6am to 1am+. Thus the "silent" time is reduced 2, 3 hours, and this in the very recent time. Some planes (cargo?) take off even between 2am and 3am. In addition, the corridor became wider just during the last year (this is not from official reports but from my personal impression).

  7. Do we speak about the same issues? Knee pain is not like knee pain. Knee is a quite complex system of bones, cartilage, ligaments and muscles. Pain may result by pulling of this or that, damage of periosteum or cartilage around the bone or the entire meniscus.


    In my case (age end of 60es) the main reason for knee pain was and still is to have carried too much weight thus the cartilage is irreversibly used (arthrosis). The knee produced liquid to compensate and the knee was swollen like a balloon (inflammation).


    After having collected some information and good experiences from friends, I decided to go to Sripat (private sector of Suan Dok), although RAM was recommended in an other thread at TV. But RAM is definitely the most expensive and it seems they are again more keen than others to rise their annual figures of joint replacements. Rajavej was the most far from my home.


    The doctor at Sripat explained the damage and made modest recommendation. Never pushing me to do a replacement. I do not want cortisone because 1) it help only temporarily and pains come back, 2) because success of injection is estimated at around 50%, and 3) because it destroys bones !! (read wikipedia). It is the very last medication in emergency case but not a good long term one. Ibuprofen or similar should not be taken regularly or during a long period as it would have quite heavy side effects (read wikipedia). The calm Sripat doctor sucked off the main part of the liquid and prescribed some anti-inflammatory pills which were replaced by other ones after a while. In addition, I take since more than a year a daily bag of Viatril-S Glucosamine sulphate which ease the cartilage issue at least (true healing is not possible for arthrosis).


    The very first weeks I walked on sticks and got a wheel chair at the airports. I had to walk more carefully in general but now my neglected muscles feel more strong after some exercise. I am waiting the further development and when I feel it's time for a replacement I will get actual information about doctors and prices, and decide where I will do it -  here in CNX or in Europe. I have to pay it by my own anyway as the insurance I have does not cover orthopaedics.

  8. The far worst airport I know is Paris CDG. Also I was not amused about Lisbon.

    The air carriers which I dislike: Air Asia Indonesia, Air France

    The airports - smaller and bigger ones -  I like most because of their easy navigation, comfort and friendliness: AMS, Zurich, Vienna, Helsinki.

    Depending on your destination, connection and your budget you may consider to fly Swiss

  9. OP : "During the past 2 years I have never seen thai baht so strong."

    I do not know on which facts this statement is based or just on a superficial personal feeling.


    It does not correspond to the charts I get at https://www.oanda.com/lang/de/currency/historical-rates/

    During the last 2 years there were 2 higher peaks, in October 2014 and in October 2015.

    And the 5 years period shows that THB was again much higher vs Euro from summer 2013 till summer 2014.


  10. I am living in a condo without cable tv. The high speed internet is good for computer work but not satisfying for internet tv where continuously occur interruptions all 10 to 30 minutes and sometimes even a new start is needed.

    Thus, I am thinking about a satellite in addition. In the office I was told that True Move is best but I cannot decide which package I shall choose. Alternative choice would be VTV. Does anyone have experience with this company?

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