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Mitkof Island

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  1. I am glad someone is taking this matter seriously. Maybe have some high ranking government officials spend a couple of weeks sleeping in a tent will maybe get a hint pollution does not care how much money you have YOU and your CHILDREN are going to suffer.
  2. Are Air Humidifiers helpful at all? Where did you purchase the air purifiers and how much? Anything at a Homepro store itself?
  3. Yes it is mostly at night between the hours of 6pm soon after sunset tends to hit a peak about 1 am than slowly gets better sometimes not. What is the air purifier brand , changing filters ? , how much from where? helpful much?
  4. I travel anywhere there are few if any foreigners and oddly after twenty years doing fine. Not saying have not had any mishaps but it sure seems like places like Pai, Phuket and Pattaya kill off a lot of foreigners yearly.
  5. Curious how most expats deal with the air pollution in their homes. Do you have air-con in every room or a safe room to stay inside? Do you use air purifiers also? Name brands of air purifiers would be helpful along with prices where you purchased it and how it works in your home or room. As much information as possible would be helpful for all those concerned. Since the government seems totally unwilling to make any effort to clean up the air and garbage pollution. We are all at risk including those working for the government and their families!
  6. Have the Russians learned yet maybe it is safer to stay in the homeland and enjoy their great leader.
  7. He would have been shot dead pulling that stunt in America. Witnessed the same before the Thai cop with a gun just ran off left us with this drunk FREAK to deal with on our own.
  8. More stupid arriving by the plane loads daily. Thankfully I stay clear of the foreigner FREAK shows here like Phi Phi.
  9. Remember he is the smartest man in the world. Over 70 million gullible SUCKERS voted for a guy who could not name all fifty states if his life depended on it. Don,t worry with a Clown and his cult in charge America as we know it is gone in 2025.
  10. Besides the internet where are the best shops in Thailand for purchasing and or ordering things such as Ginger Bread Cake Mix ? A store that sells bakery items ? Any suggestions would be helpful.
  11. Yea I think Thai Immigration would be shocked how many there are in Pattaya alone.
  12. BIG HINT ! The majority of foreigners who do not speak Thai have rentals. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly rates. You think they met them at a temple or market place? It is very obvious where they meet them . Not that hard to notice.
  13. Checked the exchange rate yesterday morning about 9 am about 34.40 to the USD. The ATM exchange rate was about 33.30 . Any idea how often the rate changes and when?
  14. One of the numerous reasons I will never set foot in Phuket ever. Samui, etc all about the same. I just avoid the foreigner hot spots.

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