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Mitkof Island

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Everything posted by Mitkof Island

  1. Yea they were about six years ago after many died in one day.
  2. Happens here everyday. Still foreigners love these death traps.
  3. Mitkof Island

    Isaan Woman

    The one question I always ask. Where exactly did you meet your lovely Thai friend?
  4. Found a good fan room less than 50 feet from the train station.
  5. Any recommendations to any shops in Hua Hin I can have my hearing checked that has small hearing aids? Any idea of the costs and the time involved to improve my hearing. Would be grateful for any links or names of good outlets there.
  6. Does anyone know of any hotels within walking distance of the train station in Buriram that have fan rooms?
  7. From the foreigners I have encountered here over the past twenty two years the majority give me the creeps, men and women young and old. I am not Thai and think the foreigners who end up here are not the highest quality humans around. I much prefer hanging with the Thais as they are much more down to Earth and overall less arrogant.
  8. Are there any shops located near the train station in Korat or the main market? Name and or link I would be grateful.
  9. You want quiet and peaceful? Keep your gems a secret. Foreigners have a knack at ruining places.
  10. Are there any large Ganja shops that have pipe screens in Thailand? Have yet to find any.
  11. Foreigners = Balconies = Death. Twenty years and dozens of hotels with balconies. Have yet to fall off of any.
  12. The overpasses (eye sores) along most of the train lines some look like they would fall down with the smallest earthquake.
  13. So much debt in Thailand due to greed and shear stupidity trying to copy foreigners will be their downfall. Only a matter of time before the banks crash. Once again like 1997 begging America to save their A$$e$ again.
  14. I have been noticing over the last ten years of the millions of new cars in Thailand. Wondering where all this money is coming from. They can barely eat but have a new car to show off.
  15. I bet I can guess where he met this lovely woman. Foreigners never learn.
  16. I HIGHly suggest you watch the 1970's movie classic Up In Smoke after you LiGhT uP the first time. Make sure you have many edibles around like donuts and pizza.
  17. Thai Immigration needs to seriously thin out the very obvious foreign moochers that they allow to enter Thailand. One look at them you should be able notice Foreign Bum Moocher in large letters written on their foreigners. There are more than a few YouTube channels promoting be a foreign pest and money moocher attracting the crap here. Maybe check to see if the foreigners have enough money on hand. Otherwise send the bums back home.
  18. If you renew your 1 year Type O Marriage visa. Do you have to apply for another 60 day extension for 1900 baht? I can understand the first time if you entered the country on a 30 day wavier , the 60 day extension and then got your 1 year visa. But I have to do the 60 day extension every year?
  19. And what happens to all the Thais that spent money creating shops etc?
  20. The border with Burma is open to enter and stamp your passport?
  21. Just another stupid idea. Maybe time to put the bong down and fix so many issues the Thai government itself has create. Who are the idiots in charge?
  22. Help helped so many including myself. He will me sadly missed and very difficult to replace.
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