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Mitkof Island

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Everything posted by Mitkof Island

  1. Just one of millions of stupid dodgy looking foreigners who date and marry hookers.
  2. To count how much $$$ they have made from bribes from big corporations to allow burning to continue?
  3. Over a month now and the air quality only seems to be getting worse in Thailand. Many concerns about the hazards of smoking yet oddly unable to deal with the toxic air pollution in Thailand. You can not blame it on the surrounding countries. Oddly Malaysia the air quality throughout the country is superior to Thailand. Does no one within the Thai government have the backbone to get the farmers (huge corporations) to stop burning?
  4. Long overdue please make it national and thin out the thousands that should have never been allowed to enter in the first place.
  5. Curious what YouTube channel out of Pattaya he has. Amazing that after all these years YouTube has not taken down the dozens of sex channels out of Thailand run by foreigners.
  6. There was never a need for any of the stupid dangerous eyesores called over passes. Travel a little farther and a road crossing as before. Total corruption and the biggest boondoggle in Thailand history. Tear down that fracking eyesore.
  7. Just avoid tourist slums like Krabi. No more problems. I can certainly believe a group of Swedes were dumb enough to stand on one side of the boat.
  8. 30,000 to 40,000 baht a day in the ICU? There must be something cheaper in Bangkok.
  9. The EXTRA fees are getting old and it needs to stop. But as long as suckers keep giving them the money it will never stop.
  10. Has anything changed at the Thai office in Savannaket office? Anything that needs to be done online at their office before arriving?
  11. As far as learning Thai when dating or getting married. Try explaining that to the 99.9999% of foreign meatheads who either live here or spend much time here year.
  12. Had the same thing happen total B.S payment of 5,000 baht. If Laos had been open at the time I would have told them to F-Off and gone there.
  13. Yea getting to be very common and perhaps it time for it to stop. Head of National Parks is arrested so why not Thai Immigration officiers?
  14. Some look totally lost? Most look totally lost. Typically alcoholic losers who can,t even count to ten in Thai. The Walking Dead I call them this includes women.
  15. Unable to find a good dentist in my location need to make an appointment as soon as possible. Would be grateful for any help.
  16. Difficult finding a good dentist that can do more than fix a small hole or pull teeth where I am located. Anyone know of a good dentist in Hua Hin that can do serious tooth repair? Would be grateful for any information that would help. If not Hua Hin any other cities located not far from there.
  17. My question is. Why in the world do foreigners travel half way around the world and this is the majority both tourists and expats and they are eating at these places. 7-11, McDonald's , Burger Fling, KFC, Subway. I think if I remember correctly this is Thailand. A constant diet Pad Thai does not count as Thai food.
  18. This first go around I will just likely return to the office but will ask about the mail in option. But afterwards I will likely head to borders. Ok Thanks for your help.
  19. I believe I get my one year extension of stay on this Tuesday June 12th. So you are saying the FIRST time after the first 90 days I have to appear at the office in person again? I can either go in 15 days early or 7 days afterward the date? And after all that I can then leave the country?
  20. In my situation I have two homes one in the south my wife rents and another in the north where I am registered with the immigration office, my main address in Thailand. Because of Covid getting public transportation from my village to Thai Immigration in the north believe it or not is more difficult than if I just take a trip to Malaysia by train and return to my southern home. Besides I enjoy traveling and have never had any big issues crossing borders by land in the past. That is why I traveled to Savannakhet Laos before Covid and got my Type O Multiple Entry Viss/Stamp from there. Sure was a lot less hassle, no bank accounts needed, etc, etc, etc. I just crossed a border every 90 days. But thank you for taking the time to clarify what I can and can not do. Just trying to stay within the guidelines of the law. Have not gotten a clear direct message from the local office. Their English is not that understandable sadly and my Thai is not 100% fluent. So worry things could get lost in translation. And also don,t trust doing anything online with immigration. I would rather be face to face with a person.
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