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Posts posted by BangkokKen

  1. Are the days of the perpetual "tourist" AKA "digital nomad" numbered ?

    That is a really good question. My own sense is that it may be, but Thai officials are split on the issue

    If I look at the original METV conditions (though they have been watered down in some cases) they seem to look for a guarantee that the traveler is planning to return to home country. There are also indications, not only that visa exempt entries are being counted by the immigration computers (and generating alerts) but also tourist visa entries and tourist entry extensions. We are seeing people entering on valid visas being quizzed where this did not happen in the past. Some put this down to "power trips" by individual immigration officials, but I think they are following instructions to be suspicious of those spending too long in Thailand on tourist visas.

    The existing immigration law does not currently provide for a restriction on long-term tourists, but I do see things moving in that direction.

    I think what they are trying to say is ; ''Nomads are very welcomed on Elite Visa'

    If you want us to let you stay in peace here, pay the price.

  2. Absolute nonsense. the OP is the type of person Thailand needs . He has the income and wants to spend it in Thailand. If Immigration keeps up this charade all the money will flow to other countries. Thailand is a developing country and is attempting to invoke a developed countries immigration policy. A huge mistake. There is already a flow of former expats to other countries and it will continue until the authorities get the word as expats vote with their feet. Thailand's reputation is already suffering from a poor Immigration policy; police raids on senior citizens and an increase on crime against foreigners as well as the usual scams.

    They don't need farangs anymore they have Chinese.

    Chinese tour tourists don't drink; don't do drugs, don't patron brothels, don't overstay and don't commit crimes.

    They just come, spend money and GO!

    You really know nothing about Chinese tourists. Just go at night to Chinatown and see the hundreds of hookers and the underground bars and clubs. Was their this week and Nana Plaza is nothing compared to Chinatown. One KTV after another in the small Sois and a lot of Chinese pimps and KTV owners with their Thai managers. A lot of the girls for sale are under-aged but they are from China, Vietnam and Laos.

    No indeed I did not know Chinese package holidays included brothels tours!

  3. Absolute nonsense. the OP is the type of person Thailand needs . He has the income and wants to spend it in Thailand. If Immigration keeps up this charade all the money will flow to other countries. Thailand is a developing country and is attempting to invoke a developed countries immigration policy. A huge mistake. There is already a flow of former expats to other countries and it will continue until the authorities get the word as expats vote with their feet. Thailand's reputation is already suffering from a poor Immigration policy; police raids on senior citizens and an increase on crime against foreigners as well as the usual scams.

    They don't need farangs anymore they have Chinese.

    Chinese tour tourists don't drink; don't do drugs, don't patron brothels, don't overstay and don't commit crimes.

    They just come, spend money and GO!

  4. Regardless if grounding has any value, if my grounding rod was efficient or my reading accurate, I should get my body voltage DOWN when touching the rod;

    Numerous videos on youtube show people measuring body voltage with grounding rod, are showing that as soon as you they touch a grounding equipment, their body voltage drops to nearly zero.

    Why do I have the opposite effect?.

    Also the meter only reacts on AC when I should apparently use DC for body measurement

    Does it mean the meter is faulty?

  5. I get an error on the second video link.


    There is no scientifically verified proof that grounding your body has any physiological effects whatever, however, if it makes you feel better (psychological effect) please go ahead and do it.

    It almost certainly will do you no harm unless you have a lightning strike near your rod, in which case you won't feel anything, ever.

    Sorry the title of my topic is misleading; I need help on using a meter (yes for grounding)

    whether grounding has benefits or not is irrelevant

  6. Reading body voltage

    To read body voltage simply hold the metal tip of the red test lead between your finger and thumb. You will find that your proximity from electrical wiring and appliances will greatly affect the reading, as will the general level of EMF in your environment, and also which storey of a building you are on (higher up will generally result in higher body voltage). If the meter shows just the digit 1 on the left of the screen, this indicates the range has been exceeded so switch to the next range up: 200 V~ When you ground your body by touching some bare skin to a grounding sheet, mat, band, etc. then you should see the reading drop to very near zero.

    ​Thats exactly my point, my body voltage goes up instead of down

    Obviously you have already discharged and are then charging.

    Sorry what do you mean?

  7. Reading body voltage

    To read body voltage simply hold the metal tip of the red test lead between your finger and thumb. You will find that your proximity from electrical wiring and appliances will greatly affect the reading, as will the general level of EMF in your environment, and also which storey of a building you are on (higher up will generally result in higher body voltage). If the meter shows just the digit 1 on the left of the screen, this indicates the range has been exceeded so switch to the next range up: 200 V~ When you ground your body by touching some bare skin to a grounding sheet, mat, band, etc. then you should see the reading drop to very near zero.

    ​Thats exactly my point, my body voltage goes up instead of down

  8. Well not really

    I haven't been able to get a coherent reading and I am still not sure if it is because I am clueless about meters and electricity or because the meter is faulty.

    Sorry I prefer not to go onto details about grounding, because I am only discovering it myself and also don't want to get into a 20 pages debate about its benefits.

    My problem is to get to use this bleeding meter.

  9. The rod has a metal wire attached to it.

    I put one probe on the metal wire or even on the rod and the other in my hand, and the meter says I am around 0.1 V.

    But if I touch the wire or the probe, then the reading is multiplied by 4, ie 0.45V

    I will try the DC range


  10. Is this an ad for insurance company?


    b/ No foreign is ever right in an accident

    c/ Foreigner is wrong from the moment he arrives at the airport, he should stay home and not come to Thailand. Anything that happens to him is HIS fault and no insurance company is going to cover that.

    d/ if you think you will ever get a dime from a Thai insurance com

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