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Wake Up

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Posts posted by Wake Up

  1. 13 hours ago, brling said:

    Laughable,  So most of the 26,000 road deaths in Thailand are caused by the drunk farangs ?

    Some TV information is very useful and some is complete BS. Driving is Thailand is not a big deal. I do it all the time and the histrionics about driving in Thailand are laughable. Have you guys ever driven in any other countries?  Most (not all) Thailand driving critics probably don't drive at all. But don't drive I don't care but I hate to see so much driving misinformation spewed over and over and over like a badge of honor. Drive Khon Kaen or Krabi and tell me it is dangerous. If you do then clearly you cannot drive. Drive Bangkok and you get traffic but you go too slow to be dangerous unless you are on a motorbike. Don't let the tv fanatics keep you from driving a car.  They are way overstating the reality of driving in Thailand which is not bad compared to China, Rome, Chicago etc..... 

  2. I find driving a car in Thailand not a lot different from driving in other countries except for the drunk tourists renting motorbikes driving on the wrong side of the road and some Thai motorcycles that drive at night with no lights the wrong way on the road.  But Thailand has a big mixture of cars and bikes unlike most countries so more accidents happen. In Hanoi it is mainly bikes. In the states mainly cars. So comparing Thailand to these places distorts statistics because more cars combined with more bikes means more deadly accidents. I enjoy driving in Thailand and would not change a thing especially driving in Issan and Krabi. 

  3. 5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Go back to sleep, been here 30 years,so i would say it's the right place for me,

    and believe it or not still very happy,  thanks for caring.


    regards worgeordie


    30 years you must be proud and know it all. But I cant tell you are happy from your daily negative comments. Maybe you could say something positive or maybe you just keep your happiness hidden. ?

  4. 10 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

    Where Thai - Western marriage is concerned: Western women have a pretty myopic view, whereas Thai women can see the hidden attraction of having a husband 3 times their weight and at more than double their age.


    Not to mention the husband being dumb enough to believe that their child bride is actually marrying them for their charming personality and physique

    Personally I prefer to be dumb according to your definition and have a gorgeous young woman in my bed and having the best sex ever compared to living your definition of smart and have an old fat woman in my bed and never having sex. No brainer. But to each his own. 

  5. Good to hear. I rent a car and drive or fly a lot but sometimes I want to enjoy the train or bus. Something nostalgic about the train. When you hear reports about the accommodations it is encouraging to go by train. I am interested in if anyone has taken the train from Bangkok to Khon Kaen as I would like to make that trip someday. 

  6. 5 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    "Go back to your own <deleted>$king country ",   BUT leave your money here.

    regards Worgeordie

    Seems like you post multiple times a day almost exclusively negative words about Thailand. You have that freedom to express your thoughts but maybe Thailand is not the right place for you. Maybe you should consider a better place you can enjoy and find happiness.  Regards Wake Up

  7. In Rome and suppose to take Greek ferry to Greece today which was cancelled. Greece is broke and many unemployed yet those with jobs desire to strike. This is a global world and life is not fair so strike if you wish but no loan and your country defaults into bankruptcy and third world status. It can get worse and no one is entitled to government benefits that the governments cannot afford. 

  8. Good luck to you. I read things on TV that are not true or bad advice. A friend Expat in Khon Kaen has a Khon Kaen lawyer and the judge ruled in his favor against ex wife in house issues. Basically the ruling was the 30 year lease he had in his home in his exwifes name was enforceable and made her leave him alone to enjoy the house for the remainder of the lease. He will die before the lease is over. 


    So the stories that all Thai courts favor Thais is simply untrue. I know of other stories where house was sold and the court gave the Expat 5 million of the sales proceeds and gave the ex wife 1 million when she left Expat for a Thai boyfriend after 8 years. 


    These two cases does not mean others have not been screwed but they do show  you can get justice in court so good luck to you. 

  9. On 5/12/2017 at 3:49 PM, realenglish1 said:

    I've been here 15 + years and have had  most of the different types of visa's including a Work Visa

    He is wrong here so give it a rest 

    With 52,000 plus posts mainly about advice on immigation, extensions of stay and visa issues I don't need to defend Ubonjoe. He has helped thousands of people understand immigration issues. No disrespect to you intended but I stand by my original words that what an expert (Ubonjoe) thinks deserves much more credibility and respect than what others think. Peace. 

  10. 6 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

    If you listen to the people who "think" they know your going to go crazy


    You will have NO problem coming back at all It is not relevant when you come back No worries  and no fines 

    To be fair there is a difference between what Ubonjoe "thinks" and what other posters "think." Ubonjoe is usually 100 percent correct and very reliable and deals with these issues daily. ?

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  11. On 5/10/2017 at 5:05 PM, anotheruser said:

    Anything KK can get is a good thing. I stopped there around ten years ago and got off the train there. Thought it might be a charming little place. Took me around 30 minutes and I was off to the bus station to get to my next destination. 


    Smart City of the future is a bit of a tall claim but if they can even get 1% of the way towards that it would be an improvement. 

    Visit again with a Khon Kaen girl on your side and you may never leave. Best women in Thailand and lots to do if you know where to go and cheap. 

  12. Sin sod no way but I have been bitten once twice shy. If her parents need sin sod then I understand but someone else will have to pay it not me. I did not work my life to support a girl and her family. If that is the Thai way then ok but I choose the rent a girl Thai way instead of the support the Thai wife and her family way. Peace. 

  13. Best of luck to Mobi and his family. 


    To the rest of us please leave if you prefer to leave and those of us that stay will stay until we die or leave. No place is perfect for everyone. But right now BKK is perfect for me.  Love it and love living in BKK. Enjoy Pattaya, Khon Kaen, Krabi and other places in Thailand also. Don't know what it was like 20 years ago or will be 20 years from now and don't really care. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and yesterday is over. Today is all you have so enjoy it whenever you rest your body on the planet. Peace ?

  14. 11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    R these guys for real, you can buy Citizens all around the world, der..................

    I agree with you but he does not necessarily have to buy people off. Wealthy people can have several passports. Look at the British isles and Caribbean countries. For 500,000 USA dollars in investment you can get one of their passports legally.  Happens for tax avoidance and other reasons often in the families with 10,000,000 USA dollar net worth and up. I firmly believe in justice and wish he was arrested and convicted, but billionaire sons live by different rules.


    The best thing we can do  is boycott any companies his family is associated with and put economic pressure on the companies and their investment partners to make him come back to Thailand and turn himself in to police. 

  15. On 4/29/2017 at 6:30 PM, OmarZaid said:

    As I see it, ex-pats who stay will need to accommodate a changing mindset and general dumbing-down of Thais  due to the extremely inadequate educational malaise and moronic TV programming. City dwellers will be marooned in Islands of ever growing jealousy and malice behind the unlearned smiles. These are the most dangerous places in the not too distant future because of the lack of communal restraints that accompany anonymity. So beware! I say this because the Thai male is becoming increasingly ostracized in his own land by policies and personal inadequacies that prevent the genuine ascendance of dignity to hold dominion in his heart. Traditional ways are becoming hollow rituals without the moral meaning and guidance they once held, which means the fabric of this society is  degenerating due to the above cited programming and inadequate education. Thus, the gang mentality under top-dog administration will prevail at street levels once the present 70+ year-old generation dies off.


    This being said, the constructive thing to do is to learn some Thai, not make enemies, stay close to traditionally strong families, do not offend folks in authority, and do not rely on the 'gated community' mindset. Those days are coming to an end, except for the privileged few who really don't deserve them.


    Expats are dealing with a new generation of Thais that have been distanced from the ancient moral patterning that gave them the authentic 'land-of-smiles' folk-soul that withstood their enemies. Now one sees desperation everywhere, disguised by empty outward forms. My wife (of >10 years) and I live in a semi-rural setting. At her  prompting we just put iron bars on all points of entry because she 'cannot trust' the community not to produce some thieving jerk who will knock me on the head just because I am white and we have what he/she will never get. Not only that, but the number of widowed/divorced & single women who would scheme just to compromise me for some form of traditional pay-off is substantial.


    I do not overly concern myself with worry over these matters, but I do note them and take them to heart. Nonetheless, I prefer living here and doing what one should intelligently do to maintain civilized boundaries and restraints. For that matter, I make it a point to let everyone know that we maintain good relations with local police, communal chiefs, government officials and immigration officers, etc. I attend weddings, and all funeral with due respect, and go to Temple on all special occasions. My wife is also a highly respected retired teacher who knows (taught or taught with) most of the elders, middle aged parents and their children. For the unintelligent, I highly recommenced Pataya and another drink.


    All the best.

    You could really use a trip to Pattaya and a drink. Cheers?

  16. I was lucky to be raised by my grandfather who fought in world war 2 and lucky to travel the world for work. My grandfather showed me the joy of living and the gift of life. He drank, slept with women (he loved my grandmother deeply but he was horney and she was not) smoked and laughed often. He only cried when he spoke of his friends who died fighting the Japanese. His advice was every day you live you win the lottery so have fun and try not to hurt or judge others. In a blink of the eye you are gone so do what you want to do and complaining is a waste of precious time. So in essence I may or may not be Thailand tomorrow but whenever I am I hope to have fun and not hurt others and enjoy all the pleasures of the world. Thailand has a lot of pleasures that are more easily accessible than the rest of the world at a lower financial cost and that is why I am here.  I don't worry about the government or politics or visas or being called a farang  or anything Thai because if it turns bad I know how to make it to Swampy and there are many places on the planet to live.  But not a lot of places on the planet where you have the freedom to enjoy the company of young beautiful women and that is something I truly enjoy.  I hope when I die that I die in the bed of a beautiful woman with a smile on her face and mine. ?

  17. 18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    The government are culpabale as this is a govenement registered taxi cab. 


    A proper check of the driver and this wouldn't have happened. 

    I understand your anger but the government is not liable for the acts of criminals. The taxi company that owned the car may be liable for no background check etc..   This is not a unique Thailand government problem but a world problem that certain humans are criminals (Thais, Americans, Brits, Chinese .....) and companies are not perfect.  This was a terrible rape and the criminal should be put away for a long time. Rape and taxi driver rapes are not limited to Thailand. 

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