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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. I really don't understand the huge vinyl boards, the fanfare and celebrations for picking up a single old man with an expired visa.  Sure by all means nab overstayers as other countries do but there is no reason for the huge celebrations.  Face is a big thing for them but do they have any idea how embarrassing and stupid all this self admiration is.

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  2. 2 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

    https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/china-pays-tribute-to-exhausted-coronavirus-staff-as-hospitals-scramble-for-supplies/news-story/95bb3b067270228d1b34f7fb2754070f Dare to say the China game by Port and the Saints could be cancelled....what a shame.......................................................on the brighter side when I leave in 11 days the airport should be close to deserted with less chance to pick up a bug and a good chance to get a burger at Burger King/Hungry Jacks ....


    I have notice with great delight the few times ive ventured downtown the hordes seem more worried about Thais and westerners than the other way around, many are wearing face masks which also acts as a deterrent for several of them talking at the same time at high pitched screeching voices....this I have witnessed first had up close a number of times but not this trip......even it may affect the stock market and seen my shares do a nose dive im more than happy along with Trump "the one who cant be beaten" to see half the there country wiped out .....only becasue of there barbarian like behaviour when in public....ive seen some things that would make your eyes roll.....and lets not talk about my trip to HK 10 or so years ago......thats when I decided NO chance was I going to ever visit China...I did date a Chinese Malay Nurse once who only was Chinese but born in Malaysia (her story) who invited me to go on a trip with her to China, I was seriously thinking about it but ended up decline, dating her for 4 years I got the impression Chinese women were very submissive and extremely sexy and super slim...I found out that all of my thinking was totally WRONG....I did you know play the felid a bit when totally single, I met a few Chinese women along the way....none were submissive super slim or sexy....in fact a common thread weaved through theres persona....just like Thai women they love money and its number 1...unlike Thai women every Chinese is a potential business entrepreneur....and most likely going to be if not already successful....one who use to do my head in a lot.......forget her name now and ended up refusing to do any work for her in a polite way came out to study, (to AU) as a member of the communist party helped her get that permission to leave....when the ruckus of the University protests in that square way back where some were killed the AU gov announced amnesty to students who were already here....she by that time had already gone underground meaning dropped out of school and was working in sweat shops....building her fortune with the issues back home she took the chance too come clean, loving her as the west would, seeing it as a victory over communism they gave her every privilege known to man..... her story she dictated to me..how she got started in real business.....and mate she had 2 restaurants in china town..one very well known....but not by me as i dont eat chink food.....


    Doing sweat shop work at home, sewing...and she did have a uni degree by the way....ventured forth into one of the many Chinese restaurant shops run by mum and pops chink of course all around Melbourne...like a cancer on the back of your dog they were everywhere....ordering from the menu....and this woman never misses anything....says to herself...I can cook this....and what she didnt know she would order and do a post mortem on it....not long after she got her first mum and pop Chinese restro going in the burbs....she knew to make money the best way was to "turn them over" so the road to Melbourne City started somewhere like Watsonia 20ks out....each restro got closer to her dream of a big city shop....she started ran for a year and sold till she got to the city....smart girl...but you couldnt work with her.....even her husband refused to join her in AU....he would vist her or she him but hadn't lived with her for 20 ys...even the lure of the money couldnt get him besides her....along the way the savy chick began to collect houses, by the time I got to know her the boutique builder I was doing some work for was building some units for her.....and just like she would do to me later was busting there balls....she of course never missed anything.....she thought she could do well in building....so this building company who by the way was run by a nice Chinese guy who apparently was so rich moved to AU and got involved with building just to have something to do.....as he didnt need to work and was barley 40....hand balled her off to me....by this time she decided she was the builder, gave her a price to frame 2 town houses, and im not expensive im fair but at the same time I expect to make a buck out of it.......two dicks and thats another story undercut me by 20%, I laughed when she said could I do better.....I was happy to get out of it by then...the writing was on the wall....of course these dudes realised they had screwed up.....the original builder had to get involved again and they dragged me into it too...bettween us we got her out of the mess but did you think she learned anything? chasing cheap prices can have big draw backs in building dear sirs....


    Smart as a cookie she had amassed a nice portfolio of commercial properties around where I had grown up not to mention the 3 or 4 house's I knew she owned....being close to the tram line too La Trobe Uni which a lot of Chinese went to she decided to pull down one nice house and stick up 16 apartments on 2 levels for students.....again she asked me to price the frame this time I loaded it as there was no chance I was going to physically work on it again she found someone cheaper....she was annoyed I wouldnt do it for less....but gees im not chinese who works for $50 a day....and of course I was roped back in when she burned the framers....not one gang....not two gangs......but 3....she was running the show of course, didnt know a dam thing, bailing up guys who needed to get stuck into it to make a buck and they would end up walking.......I came back the first time to try and smooth it out, anyway after that I refused to even to meet her and yes she had more projects in the pipe line gave her a story I was winding down etc etc.....she was tying up my time and for NOTHING....Anyway this woman who briefly I flirted with the idea of dating as a window of opportunity did appear decided against as I would have to be a yes boy, but then again im sure she would have got me that M3 coupe id dreamed off, by this time she had divorced hubby.......Had gone to China and ordered up big...all windows archs and skirts basins kitchens you name it were bought and loaded to a or several containers and shipped over....Driving by seen gangs of chinks working on her units....by that time many where around she had now found her own type.....to do her work....seriously she was a ball breaker....but smart.....very smart....nothing was to much for her....the only trouble in her life was her son....dead beat he was....im sure he had a job, driving mums BMW pretty much all the time never knew what a days work was like...good time Charlie I use to mentally call him....


    Then one nice Friday evening at a latin night club I seen a hot Chineses looking babe in the distance....she I thought was around mid 30s.....she was a serious stunner....I of course raced over once eyes had focused and brain had recorded said events....she wasnt going to leave my clutches and she didnt...all evening....proud to get her number life was beautiful......While gazing at her my mind recorded her as the "up grade" to my Chineses Nurse, similar looks indeed.......  Well I tried and tried but really never ever got far with her, she and I are still friends and we meet up every so often....turned out she was older than what i thought yet to delvge her age by the way.....ive known her about 13 ys now approx.....took the first 3 of them years to find out she was married.....so thats one good reason I never got anywhere with her.....then had to contend with a few more years of her anger during the divorce stage....so by that time my interest was slipping.....she knew I was keen on her...lets say I always made sure she knew that, but once learning of her "drama's" kept a respectable distance as you do waiting for your chance another day......(This in no way slowed me down in keeping my options open by the way) I use to flirt a lot with her and she did love it....im sure people use to think we were a couple....Anyway as the years roll on by you lean a bit about them....her ex had a business and pretty much spent most of the marriage working overseas, they would meet somewhere like Spain for a romantic 3 weeks or he would come home briefly from time to time, she lived in up market Glen Iris.....posh area by the way, her dad was a doctor...yet she never seemed snobby, she said she didnt get on with her sister's husband an aussie Italian builder  and she struggled with her mum.....are you seeing  the picture? she would have driven me nuts too.....a typical cancer the cup is half empty type, procrastinator and somewhat anal...all with a beautiful speaking voice...I still melt when I her her voice over the phone....im sure her ex didnt want to come home too, I was saved by the grace of god praise be to the exulted one up high as I would have jumped in for god dam sure and probably lived to regret it.....the chemistry has faded and what I know of her now NO chance....Chinese women are not soft and sensual.....

    Saints home game also and no grounds available in Melbourne that weekend.  

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