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Posts posted by Thechook

  1. 7 hours ago, seajae said:

    Wuhan has now been closed down with all transport shut off after several deaths over night, maybe Thailand needs to stop travelers at the border to do health checks etc as well to avoid this from becoming a major problem in Thailand but that would ruin their tourist numbers. Just maybe they need to place the populations health and well being above making money and getting tourists but I highly doubt it

    But what about the money they bring in

  2. 7 hours ago, Will27 said:

    Well gang, a rumour is going through the village this morning like a bushfire raging out of control, that former tipping champ BookMan is returning after a long lay off.


    Will he return like Ben Cousins?

    Not the player he once was and it was pretty sad seeing him running around for Richmond.

    A former champ who couldn't stay away but ultimately went on a year too long.


    Or will he return like Conor McGregor?

    Lost his last contest easily and directed his focus into other things, but

    he couldn't stay away either.

    Returned in impressive style to remind everyone that he still is dangerous.


    Hopefully all will be revealed soon.


    Watch this space.



    Bring him out of retirement 

    • Like 2
  3. On 1/6/2020 at 2:52 PM, ivor bigun said:

    I was born at the seaside ,when i was a lad ,always remember standing on the rocks ,you could see some walls at low tide ,my grandad told me there used to be houses there ,but the sea had covered them , that was long before his time ,must have had global warming then ,but they never taxed it so they were lucky .

    Well if they taxed it those houses may still be above water.

    • Thanks 1
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