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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Truth is will you and 60 percent right wing think Trump won Talk about the idiots out there LOL Will you come here and apologize to us all?
  2. Russians are infilterating these Forums, I am sure of it.
  3. Probably true in your imagination MAGA fooled again
  4. Delusional, seriously too. Harris Wins You can pretend Trump has way too much baggage to win any election.
  5. Taking about a person melting down! Your just off your rocker!
  6. Spend some time researchig the betting markets, what a scam
  7. From what I gather the newly minted ones appearing are right wing pollsters. I have followed them and they are outliners. Too close to call from polling. I just believe in looking for trends. Did you view the video I included with the Hill spokesperson. Not likely will you feel thathe is reporting like just more lefties, do.
  8. GOP-leaning polls trigger questions about accuracy https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4941955-gop-leaning-polls-trigger-questions-about-accuracy/ Nate says that that is taken into account while not letting them inflate, a tremendouse amount. That being a 2 per cent lead is more like a 3.5
  9. I will expect the trend to continue and like you say this could be a slam dunk by Harris before the 5th!
  10. I know why becasue I follow elections since Kennedy She knows not enough days left to complete any down turn
  11. I track it daily thanks for the link https://portal.votehub.us/
  12. Man oh man what are you talking about his make up doesn't hide that tired look! Lets make a bet he doesn't make it to November 5th
  13. Don't you fret none Trump demonstrates his energy enough to tell his crew off.
  14. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/exhausted-trump-cancels-interviews-with-unfriendly-media.html
  15. Just like the tampons n the boys toilet You MAGA are too sick all are degenerates focused on toilets
  16. Under Trump, U.S. Prisons Offered Gender-Affirming Care https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/16/us/politics/trump-prisons-transgender-care-harris.html
  17. Under Trump, U.S. Prisons Offered Gender-Affirming Care https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/16/us/politics/trump-prisons-transgender-care-harris.html
  18. Wake up the cult of MAGA! What a great line that is
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