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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Rasmussen has been questioned for its methodology and for an apparent bias toward the Republican Party. In 2024, 538 dropped Rasmussen from its polling averages and analysis, saying Rasmussen failed to meet 538's standards for pollsters.
  2. I still believe he has had a stroke and Dr orders are he lay low Trump cancels another event, this time with RFK Jr – hours after labeling Harris ‘lazy as hell’ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-cancels-rally-rfk-gabbard-b2633794.html
  3. He is a diehard MAGA and I have proof. Last 2020 election. Sad but come election I will award him the avatar he bet on if Trumps loses
  4. The betting markets make money on the totals. The odds are set so they make a profit from the totals bet not who wins
  5. If we explain why that is we have to kill you next
  6. All Americans know this is basic. YT makes up post to fit the MAGA agenda
  7. Trends is the only reason to pay attention to polling. Votes matter and I am reading that the decision may indeed be declared on election day.
  8. McDonald’s debunks Trump's accusation that Harris lied about fast food work https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mcdonalds-kamala-harris/ The reference to 1 in 8 is to the number of Americans who have worked for McDonald's at one point in their lives. "We end where we started," wrote Bump. "There is no reason to think that Harris didn’t work at McDonald’s in 1983 and ... every reason to think that Trump’s suggestion that she didn’t is offered in bad faith and without evidence. "
  9. October Surprise is here MAGA. Read all about it!
  10. Her victory to lose is correct! Seven of these twelve in her column
  11. All of these except for these four MAGA are now so sad
  12. MAGA are scaring innocent people. Recall how badly Trump played the hand he was delt https://www.yahoo.com/news/justin-trudeau-testifies-russia-funded-222627036.html
  13. Trump is always been a bed wetting crybaby only wants his attention
  14. ‘So meandering and strange’: Journalist tries to find the words for Trump’s Arnold Palmer comments https://news.yahoo.com/news/meandering-strange-journalist-tries-words-201204149.html MAGA do not care and will fall for the cult leader crazies
  15. The betting lines should have you ready to spend. Maybe that bible can wait.
  16. susan is the only desperate one here posting
  17. Kamala Harris Gaining in Key Voting Group, New Polling Shows https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-older-women-voters-polling-election-1971858
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