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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I asked If biden gets incapicated before the elections how does the dnc pick the candidate. Real simple question, you don't need to answer if you don't know the answer. I apologize for not watching FOX.

    Why Biden then do you ask his replacement pick? Why not trump, Pence or Harris? Fox did a fair job in reporting the Harris pick. 

    The two exceptions were Gutfeld but he is always a sickie and Jeanine who was making a sick prediction he won't be there on Election Day. 

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    What I find remarkable is that while Harris was always the most likely pick for Biden’s running mate Trump, his campaign and his followers have not developed any response to her being the candidate for VP.


    They have so far responded with racism, misogyny, petty name calling and of course a re-hash of their ‘Birther’ nonsense.


    But beyond offensive personal attacks that only appeal to Trump’s dwindling base, they have nothing - absolutely zero arguments that the important swing and suburban voters will listen to.


    Just the same old offensive attacks in an election in which a key questions voters are asking themselves is ‘Do we really want four more years of this?’



    Seems like most have just given up as each new day appears so exhausting. Don't feel sorry for them...

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, scorecard said:

    I understand Joe Biden has mentioned he would be a 1 term president.


    I'm not from the US so my knowledge of how this works is far from complete. Others have said that if he resigned at the end of the 1st term that would automatically put his VP into the presidency.


    Is that correct? If so is this partly a plan to get a Democrat woman president? 

    Let me help here. He never said that but the opposition has said that. If he does decide to not rn for reelection the field is open to the party's elected replacement during the forth coming primaries. 

  4. 46 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

    Maybe explain this in another way to you.


    Trump was criticized for remarking about grabbing women's privates. A perfectly legit criticism, which he responded to by saying it was locker room talk. Lastly, the criticism did not end his presidential bid.


    Harris was asked a number of legit questions about her prosecutorial career. Never once did she answer any of the criticisms, she just ignored and deflected. And. her presidential bid ended as a direct result.


    She was quite literally gaining tons of ground in the polls, got asked a questions or two, and it ended her. 


    And you call these criticisms "desperate searches"? Why did she not just answer the questions then? 


    You keep asking for "legit criticisms". Here they are: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/17/opinion/kamala-harris-criminal-justice.html


    The criticisms of her are 100% legit. It is you who seems to be confused by the fact that these criticisms need to be addressed.

    The Senator whom she replaced (Barbra Boxer) wrote today she should admit the mistakes and just move on. Who among us have not made mistakes? She like myself can admit and move on. That child in the WH will never admit a mistake. The support Biden has appeared as no match for Harris candidacy. Hence, she left the race for good reason. Who among us have made intelligent decisions once the writing was on the wall?


  5. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Kamala Harris's appointment has tied the GOP in knots and been tripping all over with contradictory statements. We have Rudy G retweeting a qoute from the National Review story on Harris's awesome and terrible powers as a former prosecutor that lend herself easily to abuse and Harris was an enthusiastic abuser. That is contradictory to Trump campaign earlier statement that she would hide her records as former prosecutors and was an anti-police radical who let crime ran rampant. No wonder Trumpers are all over with their own version of Harris's slander. Reflect poorly on the coherency of Trump's election campaign and they seem disarray. 



    Honestly, they had a ton of time and had to know she was the most likely VP choice but they have no real plan to uproot her. Sad but incompetence is the way of reality in trumps camp.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, stevenl said:

    We're still waiting for any substantial criticism on her here from the TVF sleuths.

    So feel free to post that, in stead of vague conjecture.

    Trump campaign can't figure their narrative out either. This is fun times from here on to November. https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/08/13/us/politics/ap-us-election-2020-biden-harris.html?searchResultPosition=6

  7. 4 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

    People saying the attacks on Harris are not fact based are delusional. 


    She was attacked in the debates on her record. She had NO Response! She dropped out of the race soon after being attacked, and never offered any sort of answer as to the accusations.


    Do your own research, but it sounds to me like what happened is she wanted to quit and get out of the race before things got real bad and she actually had to answer some of these questions. Maybe she wanted to get out before she was questioned again to save her chances as a vp pick. 


    Really think about that, a simple 30 second attack on tv and she completely drops out of the race, has no valid response... and there is no truth to the allegations? 

    What in the world are you thinking? Very funny assessment.  LOL

    • Haha 1
  8. 6 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    You could pick anyone out of the phonebook and get a candidate with more skills than Trump.  But the main point is to win.  It's possible that the Harris pick will motivate Black voters to turn out in greater numbers than otherwise.  Since Black voters are crucial to the Dems, the Harris pick could make sense.  My only reservation is that Black voters did not vote for her in great numbers during the primaries, so her choice may not end up helping that much.  

    That is true but it is also true they solidly were backing Biden. Probably, also thought Harris would be his VP. 

  9. 7 hours ago, stevenl said:

    That's what happens all the time in US politics. The running mate is the one that can get the votes that the candidate himself has no access to. Which is why I think Pence will be dumped soon, he doesn't need someone like Pence right now, but a vote getter a bit more centric.

    He doesn't have the gonads to switch to Haley. She actually could help him but that is not a trait of his.

    • Like 1
  10. 9 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    You act as if it was all flowery poems and lovely beautiful letters from your side. I have admitted many things I don't like about Trump and the whole god damn tihs show in general. Either side you vote for you are getting bent over the barrel. Depending on what you do for a living and how you handle it is the difference as subtle as if they use lube.


    The left has spewed more vulgarities and hatred Trump than pretty much anybody else in the history of the internet. I get that it is going to get much uglier. Do not even attempt to say your side has had any amount of decorum or diplomacy since Trump was elected.


    At least now with Kamala there is a head above the bunker to target. Let's see how well she fares dodging bullets meant for Biden.


    Again I agree with you but you are leaving out just how much responsibility he owns in all of this. He brings out the worst of himself almost daily. Don't forget the facts

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