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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 13 minutes ago, Pinot said:

    You see the ignorant masks aren't effective posts everywhere on TV. This is why there were 40k new cases in the US yesterday. This is mostly in red states with moronically loyal Trump governors trying to open the economy before it's ready to open. America is screwed because of Trump and his lemmings. The US will be dealing with this forever because of Trump's incredibly inept response. He's history but he's taking half a million people with him. 


    Thank Buddha I live in Thailand.  

    My daughter who is in medical field there says exactly this. She realizes that until a vaccine is available America is screwed now as this is the reality.

  2. 7 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    There are other questions -  not just that one. Why did Governor Abbott ignore the advice experts in the first place? Why did he actually forbid localities from requiring the use of face masks? Because of his willful ignorance, starting up the economy has been put off that much further into the future.

    And of course there's the even more important question: why are these judgement being left up to the states? Viruses don't respect borders

    Not one single state followed the guidelines.

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    Do cases matter, or does actual hospital icu's being overwhelmed and deaths start skyrocketing matter? 


    Who cares how many cases there are if the strain is now a lot less harmful then before? Everything I've been reading from reputable sources say this is now a lot less virulent then it was back in Feb-Mar.  Just keep the elderly and unhealthy tucked away.  Eventually this will go the way of SARS and MERS and die out.


    Media loves to keep stoking the fear fire as it works and gets them that extra bit of ad revenue from extra clicks and extra views.

    The majority are 35 and younger! Media reports the facts some like to make them up instead

    • Like 2
  4. On 6/24/2020 at 4:06 AM, Opl said:

    "Trump rambled about how well he did on a cognitive exam two years ago and even proposed challenging former Vice President Joe Biden to take the same test."


    trump will stay in desperation mode the rest of the way for sure. Hey why not his chance become more narrow every day. Next you will see those Republican who are likely to lose reelection change there tune

  5. 9 hours ago, Masterton said:


    You guess wrong. Polls are meaningless, this was proven after the 2016 election results. The way Reuters and other fake news sites frame stories and weave baseless opinion into the articles is what makes them lack credibility. Once you realize this, it becomes difficult to 'unsee' it. This is not news. It is little more than pro Democrat propaganda masquerading as journalism and why opinion is so divided in the TVF comments section whenever <deleted> like this is posted. Some people buy into it, whilst (fortunately) some of us are able to see through it. 

    So all you got is its the same as 2016? How about it is more like 2018 or worse!

  6. 8 minutes ago, Catoni said:

    And I feel offended of the leftists/socialists/Marxists calling Trump all kinds of names, a Hollywood celebrity even saying something damned nasty about young Barron Trump. 

       I’m offended about Black Lives Matter only flipping out when a white cop brutally murders a black man, but turn a blind eye to hundreds and hundreds of blacks being murdered by other blacks. Even black children being murdered lately, including a 3 year old, and a 13 year old girl. “Let’s just ignore that going on huh?”

         So where is the outrage?  Where are the marchers? Where are the protestors for those victims of violence?   Just silence.  

       I’m offended by Marxists ripping down statues and destroying history... even ripping down statues of Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and George Washington. 

        I’m offended by Marxist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA burning and destroying small businesses.... some of them black owned, and places where blacks worked. Now no job to go to. 

        And your offended by a reference to “...sleepy Joe Biden...”. 


    https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/trump-looks-like-loser/613363/ LOSER match that to sleepy “Do you get the impression the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, Susco said:


    Probably right after he heard that his re-election chances had dropped to zero.


    Unless Navaro is joking of course




    White House adviser Navarro says China trade deal is 'over'

    Watch this interview he just had. This guy is not joking!


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