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Posts posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. 2 hours ago, pomchop said:

    Is there anything or anybody on the planet that trump doesn't blame for all his problems and whine about?




      If trump would have immediately returned the classified docs like biden and pence did  rather than lie about it and try to hide docs time and again for 18 months after being asked politely to return them there would never have been a document case.


    If trump had accepted the election results that were verified over and over via recounts and reviews almost all done by republicans and proved valid he could have gone to mar a largo and there would never have been an attempted coup or a riot at the capitol.


    If trump had not tried to coerce and meddle in Georgias election after being assured over and over by republican officials there was no fraud he could be playing golf without a worry in the world.


    The bottom line is that almost all of trumps current legal problems were brought about by trumps own poor choices....but rather than accept it like a man he whines like a 4 year old that didn't get the ice cream he wanted.  Boo hoo.

    It Trump just accepted Biden won. His lead now over Biden would be unsurmountable. 

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  2. 17 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    I dunno, Potential bribery. Deliberate destruction of the American borders, allowing the BLM riots to pass without a criminal investigation of the democratic cities allowing them ? Lying to the public about his son, lying to the public about russian dossiers. Failure to indict ANY democrats that said the election was stolen by trump, Is Trump perfect - no, far from it, but he is no worse than Biden who is now openly trying to use the DOJ and FBI to stop his biggest rival. How do we know this is the case ? Because NONE of the cases would fall after the election. Not one case have they looked at it politically and seen the election is coming and the prosecution could wait until after - if they did not fear him getting back in, why the hurry ? He would still be there after the next election.


    All bull <deleted>. Let accountability decide the truth please and leave justice  to the juries. 

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  3. 18 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    Meanwhile, the true meaning of the term "mugshot" comes to light on Trump's official online merchandise sale's page, because the mugs will be buying it.


    "Never Surrender"?  But didn't he just...  Oh well, we'll add that lie to the rest.



    Gov. Sununu: Trump’s mug shot will turn off independents


    Independents have a good sense of right and wrong.

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  4. 47 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    Trump Appears to Violate Consent Bond Order in Fulton County.


    “Trump attacks Fulton County District Attorney and the city of Atlanta just hours after bond order was entered.”




    Somebody needs to take away this crybaby’s internet privileges. Or maybe start locking him up for constantly breaking the terms of his release. 

    Maggie, who knows him well told that the first thing he would do is test where the line is drawn.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Who said its not a cult, MAGA believe Trump more than their own family....lol


    CBS News poll finds Trump's big lead grows, as GOP voters dismiss indictments

    More generally, Trump's voters hold him as a source of true information, even more so than other sources, including conservative media figures, religious leaders, and even their own friends and family.


    All but a guarantee Trump will go against Biden. Even if Biden's approval is at less than the current 43% Trump has 53% of American not ever going to vote him in again. Go figure why Republicans will give this election away?

  6. 16 hours ago, Dave0206 said:

    You are quite right I did not know he had anyone in opposition. 

    Nevertheless all the Republican challengers will not openly criticise trump on virtually anything ???? so if they think he did a perfect job how can they do it better it's time they grew a pair of using your words you know what 


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  7. 30 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    His explanation.


    Rep. Greg Steube says if a Republican president is elected in 2024 takes over DOJ and the FBI, he expects Joe Biden to be charged with treason.


    How are you feeling about Trump winning the Presidency possibility?




  8. 42 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Yes, the poster to whom you responded is far from unbiased.


    I, too, am biased. I am arrogant enough to think I am morally superior to racists, misogynists, antisemitics, and especially those tikitorch marchers who chant "Jews will not replace us". They are not one side of 'good people', as trump said (almost losing his economic advisor Gary Cohn that day).


    Though perhaps unfair, I believe myself intellectually superior to those who, inter alia, believe in the QAnon drivel, use terms such as 'globalist cabal' or "Deep State", or who believe both sides of a story where 'trump declassified in his mind' and 'the FBI planted them'.  Also, I consider myself a good enough judge of character and intent that a guy who calls his supporters to DC for 6 January and says 'it'll be wild', and who later tells them to 'march to the Capitol', and 'fight like hell' and 'you'll never get back your country with weakness' wasn't suggesting his goobers go to the Capitol gift shop to buy souvenirs.


    Along the same vein, and having observed trump's style for far too long, I know his intent when---in a speech in New Hampshire this week---he talks of opponent Chris Christie, saying "he's probably eating right now", and follows with "Don't call him a fat pig. You can't do it. You can't do that. So now, because you're not allowed to do that, and, therefore, we're not going to do it, OK? We want to be very civil, right?" Trump said as he chuckled. (From Fox News https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-mockery-christies-weight-takes-230558345.html).


    Pretty clear what trump's intent is, which is funny in itself, as it doesn not look as if trump has ever missed a meal nor seen the inside of a gym.


    Honestly the reality of a Trump supporter is entertaining at best.

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  9. 1 minute ago, jerrymahoney said:

    That's right. Opinion. As is just about everything else posted on here. And this is the opinion of a conservative Hoover Institution senior staffer. And in his opinion, given his credentials, the operative point here is that:


    The case involves novel applications of three criminal laws and raises tricky issues of Mr. Trump’s intent, his freedom of speech and the contours of presidential power.


    I take exception to that. Many and I mean many of us post links to avoid the "everybody has opinions"!

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