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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. I agree. His Presidency will be remembered historically for that amazing feat of rushing the world to get the vaccine to market. Personally he has high marks for his supporting helping American stimulus payout, despite his own party not supporting him. Trump revealed himself early with the birthering attacks. His supporters are not able to see his true self.
  2. I feel your pain and understand how all the winning effects a person.
  3. True, always plays the victim hoping to move along. Where has this happened before!
  4. “Shocked at the stupidity”: Prosecutors obtain lawyer notes that blow up Trump’s Mar-a-Lago defense. https://www.salon.com/2023/05/22/shocked-at-the-stupidity-prosecutors-obtain-lawyer-notes-that-blow-up-trumps-mar-a-lago-defense/
  5. My point well taken, keep up the lying when confronted
  6. I don't buy anything you are saying and it seems your just detached from the America I know. But back to your point challenge your avoiding and answer the question. This in not about an argument it is about verifiable facts. "Please share with me anything on the progressive side that compares with birtherisim, QAnon, and the belief in stolen election"
  7. Your comparison to each is silly. Trump has energy to lie for hours and hours and nobody gives a hoot but his brainwashed supporters. Attached is a link to his Howard University commencement to prove how off you are on a comparison basis.
  8. This is the current state that any attack on the President has a lot to do with the attacks I see in postings I read at any Fox News article. Same thing everyday, different roast. Sad but you know this is the plan to go after anyone not a Trump supporter.
  9. The most recent post here is the news update I was referring to. CNN also reported on Thursday that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) informed Trump that 16 records would be handed over to Smith, allegedly showing that the former president and his top advisers had knowledge of the correct declassification process while he was president. Aronberg said this development is "significant" as it shows the former president's intent on keeping the documents in his possession.
  10. That happened my last time. This time I have the photocopy of the accepted letter
  11. I wait only for the deposit day this month of 12th month. I asked as that day I will go to BKB and request the Bangkok letter. Hence the question. The online was a back up and earliest date.
  12. Your posting makes me believe you have not kept up with the news and if you knew me I always know his supporters are the last ones to realize the current news.
  13. I wanted ask if anyone recently had Retirement Visa experience recently? Mine is due the 13th and I have an appointment on the 12th. If I can have everything ready sooner can I go late afternoon and without appointment?
  14. So just to summarize your thought is the Democratic party is forthcoming to becoming fearful? Can you provide example so this helps to clarify. Thanks
  15. Not sure why you posted a link quite a bit prior to the jury's guilty findings but your point is sound for almost all Republicans outlook anyways. The part that "your" generation feeling desperation seems like total made up B* though. Pretty much if you check thoroughly you will find many believe that the Duran report was a true letdown.
  16. I was guilty of myself being facetious. The truth is that his spectacular rally turnout you speak of often are not important as a reflection of voter turnout and more importantly results. Proof enough?
  17. But, but didn't we agree polls don't count and votes don't count just rally numbers make America Great Again.
  18. Damn it, we don't count polls and we don't count votes. We count rally exposure!!! Only!
  19. Just to throw salt on your wounds. I also see RFK polling is actually trending down. But we all are awaiting your astounding links for your proof! https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/24_democratic_presidential_nomination-8171.html
  20. I decided I might look myself as you have no evidence but I do! Look here as his numbers went down and not up slightly. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/general-election-trump-vs-biden-7383.html
  21. Please provide the links for the proof his polls went up then!
  22. In what way does the rally attendance reflect the voting results, pray tell? Trump received seven million fewer votes! Trump LOST the election and Biden had no rally attendance.
  23. I have been asking every Trump supporter since the town hall event. Granted, supporters were enthralled with this event. Even feeling like a political rally. My only question to you is in what way did he convince any new voters, as you all say he is stronger?
  24. Nobody in America is above the law. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. If found guilty lock him up.
  25. The focus group of eight gave a true represented of how supporters deal with his lying. They support him because they feel his sincerity in believing his lies makes it ok. Takes a lot of non reflecting about reality to support a lying loser like him.
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