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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Day job as Purchasing Manager left 2015. Go America and Biden. Peace
  2. On the 16th we get notice of our next years SSA increase, Projection is huge
  3. Trump leaving office 30.00 Today with Biden leadership 37.88 Twenty six percent increase
  4. In the Bay Area US that same gal looks right thru you. Here, they appreciate the attention and makes life feel good.
  5. We are all here to share. 39 states have it legalized and Canada as well. Knowing how much that stick was shipped out of Thailand which was illegal seems to disqualify that problem of the legality to export, me think. Also, I was told importation was the currently inventory in Thailand by a CM shop owner. He went on and assured me in several months in Thailand we will see prices drop as Thai grown crops take market. As far as I can tell for many, only the top shelf works. True, that the rest under 400 g is most difficult to differentiate.
  6. 70% of the cannibis in Thailand is imported! Interesting enough though, as I googled the answer to my question, which Al Jazeera answered.
  7. In youtube I listen to the Duran and am getting straight State talking points Also Gonzalo Lira 11 points made inside Ukraine also propaganda. Enabling cold counterpoints. The two on the Duran now are feeling like Putin has let Russians down and in their option Putin needs to get truly offensive and react without remorse. End the bluffing.
  8. I warned others go right to the window three and no waiting the info line
  9. Destroyer there is 399 and I paid 200. Sold out now but my last 5 g seems even better, like it is now a one hit smoke. Thanks for the green crack tip.
  10. Colds are NOT passed person to person but weather is the cause
  11. Did mine Friday evening and had my approved Monday
  12. January 2020 I left Thailand and began the whole process all over again.
  13. My personal experience was in CM. I have SSA deposited on fourth Wednesday monthly. Went to my BKB as to ask why no deposit made on Thursday. Was told that a new law was being enforced requiring recipients address now was needed for the records. Contacted the office where my funds were sent back to in US. I told them my information but they asked I provide every detail. I did and asked they expedite the return. They did not send it back until Tuesday. So my monthly was one day late. Immigration refused me and after appealing to the top official I again was turned down and told to leave.
  14. Absolutely correct that each individual best to try and decide. I have some good sites to reference. Knowledge is power.. https://www.healthline.com/health/sativa-vs-indica#cannabis-strain-chart https://en.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Mimosa/BSB_Genetics/ https://www.leafly.com/strains/mimosa
  15. If it was used in a brownie I agree.I smoke twice a day. Morning is from Pai which was inexpensive and only a couple of hit. I do add one or two hits of destroyer only and sailing away to my exercise park. An hour before bed I smoke two hits of the good stuff and sale away
  16. Destroyer is my choice. This has so far been the closest to original Thai Stick. It has a creeping up effect, different than stick which you would have an immediate effect. This 100% Sativa strain is a cross of Meao Thai and an early and stable Mexico/Colombia. User Rating Destroyer gets 9.83 of 10 possible Points in the average!
  17. Putin style
  18. Nancy for President
  19. I went from Click 110 to Click 160. I also had tried out the PCX which does not have the step through feature I like so much on the Click. Acceleration huge effect powering up speed . My top speed is with the 160 is 80 KPH and did not feel safe going fast on the 110 . The one comfort difference is the feel of control with my 160 is hugely one of safety. Compartments seemed the same but the 160 has a shallow coin compartment which I enjoyed a deep version on my 110.
  20. One shop I visited in CM told me that prices for the product they are waiting for to mature will be high quality at much lower costs. Buying quantity in the GT area, it is bricked for 50 a gram. On line top grade sativa can be had for 200 g currently. Price wars may begin in time.
  21. Wrong! pay close attention to the actual wording "cannabis extracts that contain more than 0.2% THC"
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