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Khon Kaen Dave

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Posts posted by Khon Kaen Dave

  1. 9 hours ago, SongSomSoda said:

    Sadly it's true what you say.

    If you are married to a thai girl, you literally can do what you want with her.

    Police does not want to get involved in family affairs. They went on their way

    Gesendet von meinem LG-H990 mit Tapatalk

    Bull shit. i am married to a Thai 'girl' and i tell you matey, that if i thought that i could get away with anything i liked, her family would soon make me understand that i was on a loser. Where do people get these ideas?

  2. 5 hours ago, Godang said:

    Filipino,s speak American English not the same as U.K English. 

    Very true. When i was teaching at an International school, the PI teachers were not allowed to teach English, because of the accent. My experience of visiting the PI was that they believed that everything was American. I had the worlds worst job trying to convince one woman that 'Rod Stewart' was not American.

  3. I dont think an overall answer is possible here. The safety factor should range on a 1/10 scale. Depending upon, where you are visiting,  age,gender,agenda,family status,(whether bringing kids) funds available, number of people in party) possession of insurance. Worldly wisdom,and skin type. ( i do not mean colour, but ability to withstand the dehydrating sun for long periods) and of course the ability to gauge alcohol consumption...

  4. On 6/16/2017 at 10:13 PM, AlexRich said:

    It all sounds pretty appalling. It sounded a bit like the Deep South of the US, where they used every excuse in the book to deny black people their legal right to vote ... and I think they still do.


    i would suggest that you and your wife persevere and don't be put off by people that are simply trying to wear you into submission.

    Hi Alex.

    I lived in the South, from 1980 to 85. I was in Marrietta Georgia. It was bad enough then (i have done a previous post on this) Is it still the same now ?

  5. 4 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Which bars have been closed down? All that is happening is that existing alcohol licensing laws are being enforced. It's happened before and is usually not long lasting.

    Been here 17 years. Every year or so this is repeated. "gonna do this, gonna do that.Close at 12, cant open till 6." Its all a load of Blox. It hasnt happened yet and when it does its for about 5 days, then every thing is back to normal.Me and Mrs Kaen had 2 bars in patts for 5 years. We were never visited, or told about any closures.We were never bothered, in any way. And we werent paying much money to plod. We used to open at 2 pm, play music until 12. Close our glass doors and quietly go on til about 3 am.1 bar wasn't too far away from soi 6.

  6. They say that Stallone wrote the screen play. I saw a movie some time ago (well before the Rocky movies) called 'somebody up there likes me'.It  was about Rocky Graziano, whose name was actually Rocky Bellboa. (sound like rocky?)He was the light heavy weight that took the title. The film is very much like the Rocky movies of today. I wonder how much Stallone actually took the Bellboa story into his Rocky Balboa idea.

  7. 1 hour ago, TGIR said:

    What a freaking joke this verdict is.   Anyone with a heartbeat and a brain would convict based on the video.   Unbelievable.

    Wait for the movie. It will justify the killing as only Hollywood can.


    1 hour ago, just.a.thought said:

    I don't agree with the verdict, but for f..... sake it is so tiere some to hear the constant referral to skin color as reason for their misfortune. At one point in time all races/colors have had periods where they could risk becoming slaves.....get over it and educate your children so they can get a better life

    Errm, I dont remember anywhere in history, of the black slaves agreeing to be so. America created its own problem by carrying on slavery, well into the 1860's.And for another decade also. Do you really think that this can all be forgotten in just over 150 years?The Americans treated black people as possessions. The atrocities committed by the arrogant, spoiled, people of the South are responsible for this latter  day hatred of white people.I lived in the Southern states in the 80's, and i can tell you quite truthfully that blacks were still second class citizens then.The Black and White problem still exists in the south, even today. And this is all over the plantations needing their cotton and Tobacco picked.The South is indeed a beautiful place, but some of the people are still pig ignorant. Some believe that they speak American, and not English.I will admit that the use of the double negative does not do the Black race any good, but that is neither here nor there. America is sitting on a ticking bomb, these people are not shy to show their anger. I see more riots, as in the case of the King guy. This will never stop.

  8. 6 hours ago, Trumpish said:


    Fully agree, though, of course, this dishonest behaviour is not limited to Thailand.


    The exercise is as follows:


    1. Hire a paid professional liar. Preferably male, in their 30's, tall, slim and good-looking (for info as to why these factors are important, check our instinctive reactions to various body types).

    2. Evaluate his ability to suggest that a downright lie is somehow plausible.

    3. Evaluate his ability to claim untruths without giving any detail which might betray their untruthfulness.

    4. Evaluate his ability to create a facial and body expression that is highly sincere without going OTT

    5. Ensure he wears audience-friendly clothes that suggest authority.

    6 Train him to automatically adopt benign and viewer-friendly, non-aggressive gestures and poses (eg, no finger-pointing).

    7. All set, tell him what lies to tell and set him loose.


    Sad really, where the people we elect to represent us are more expert in the art of lies than the art of truth. Next time you see Sansern or Prayuth lecturing us all, dig a bit deeper into their techniques for telling lies in such a way that they sound like they *might* be true.


    Thais are natural liars, in Thailand, the truth is always subservient to what is useful to say.

    This guy sounds wonderful, do you have a contact number for him?As i am sure he will soon be required in the UK soon, to answer the public inquiry into the Lattimer road fire.

  9. On 6/14/2017 at 4:13 PM, chickenslegs said:

    IMHO - It's just business.


    News sources need our clicks (or need us to buy newspapers, etc.) to boost their revenue. Stories about crime, especially about foreigners committing crime (shoplifting or otherwise) get our attention - therefore reporters are keen to find these stories.


    If we didn't click they wouldn't publish this cr4p (I'm not excluding myself from the blame).


    Another factor is that this is very inexpensive journalism. No need to send reporters all around the country to spend months investigating matters of real public interest (e.g. corruption in almost every public office). Just need to phone the local police station and get all the daily crime stories and gossip. 


    My two-penn'orth




    Bugger! does this mean i will ave to return the Biro that i walked away with, when i done my 90 days

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