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Everything posted by NeoDinosaw

  1. That is because they are not stupid !
  2. was the American talking like an Eastender from London ?
  3. Thailand’s Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation has announced the discovery of a second near-extinct species of freshwater crab, officially named “Indochinamon Bhumibol” a second near-extinct species of freshwater crab. it is the same (single) species, but the second specimen. “Indochinamon Bhumibol” is defintiely not its official name.
  4. Does your use of colonial names for the country and its former capital indicate that you want to rattle the cage to produce backward time-travel ?
  5. I arrived in Chiang Mai in 1972 but after Queen Elizabeth had left. There were large number of Thai staff at CMU who spoke fluent English. Surely these must also have been somebody at the British Consulate who was fluent in Thai !!
  6. This suggests a rare case in which someone learned to write before they could read
  7. Yes, it would be good to see a photo of the tree tunk, which I assume is still in situ
  8. PS and all the Nordic and Benelux counties too
  9. That's because the Germans have to pass though France to get to Spain !!!
  10. there is more to take into consideration than the cost of fuel. High quality accomodation and good service also count. I have not used them for several years now , but when I come back to Thailand later this year. this is my preffered mode of transport to Hua Hin
  11. That is cheap for a tourist
  12. But this is what Thai teachers do. They punish all the kids (not always bad) but the innocent kids are too scared to dob their classmates in. British teachers at the grammar school that I attended did exactly the same ! There is no need for this thoughtless Thai-bashing.
  13. I suspect that UK Companies House records contains many which only show a pretend owner (a front man),
  14. This is because it is registered in London, and the owners businesses are also based. London welcomes inwards inversments ????
  15. "At Hanoi's Noi Bai airport, pilots must make sure they leave the runway within 60 seconds after landing and take-off within 30 seconds." I would assume that immediately after take-off the aircraft has left the runway .........
  16. I think it should read 'roar' instead of 'rear'
  17. Thailand is like UK - there is no test when you get old, but you do have to sign a form saying that you can still see ok !!
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