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Posts posted by Renter

  1. yes stevenl - i rent by intelligent choice

    i own 2 properties in a jurisdiction that has rule of law ~ and it's enforced

    i also know of 2 people who have been badly burnt property investing here

    u are apparently in thaistocks camp having put money on the line here........getting a bit nervous maybe ?

  2. thaistocks -- must be invested here

    again he's trying to tell the world how wonderful it is here & long term residents know this is far from the truth

    i need another BIG grain of salt after reading his latest "promoting Phuket" post

    • Like 2
  3. re thaistocks comments :-

    I'd take anything he says with a BIG grain of salt as it sounds as though he's going to do & say everything he can to convince all that investing here is a smart move ( I don't think so !! )

    Just look at his posting name "thaistocks" ---that tells us all we need to know about him

  4. all these negative comments here are correct

    one would have to have rocks in ur head to BUY any property here

    they only want gullible ( preferably youngish & easily hoodwinked) 7 day millionaires who would fall for the pea & thimble trick

    BTW - NKMan u are correct - i was told the die was cast about 2008 - i know one place that's allegedly earmarked & ever time i drive past i think - Yes it's ideal

  5. some people need a reality check.

    many younger Thai women prefer older guys & why wouldn't they.

    have a look at what is on offer in the younger brigade - simpletons who after a few days of playing with their phones have nothing intelligent to say.

    Thai ladies are not stupid - contrary to what many losers on here say ( as they failed with women at home & they fail here too ) - females' internal clocks are ticking LOUDLY.

    If they hang with young & poor cheap-charlie losers it's for very little time. I have many older friends living happily with young Thai women as I do too and am I'm very content.

    After all the young cheap-charlie's are here for a little while & then it's back to their career of flipping burgers.

  6. just streamed the latest Bond movie SPECTRE.

    this has gottta be the worst thing ever, even worse than the "gay" Bond Roger M's efforts which were abysmal but better than this.

    Surely this is D Craig's last raid on the incompetent producers wallets, that Barbara Broccoli has just about destroyed old Harry's golden goose that he left her.

    Craig looks like he's ready for the retirement home - yesterday.

    • Like 1
  7. this shows the mentality of the " quality tourists " we are subjected to receiving here in paradise lost.

    drink heavily, drive , maybe survive or maybe not.

    Maybe pay a bribe & get waved on to maybe make it home because after you step off the plane you can do anything here ( but bet your life they don't behave like that at home - too scared too because the have "real police" there. )

    We residents have seen it all a thousand times - i for one have run out of pity when the inevitable happens.

    i've had 2 friends drunk driving & kill themselves here.

    Don't report the death toll as we all know it is astronomical - but let's not talk about it as it's bad publicity & may stop a few unaware suckers from coming.

  8. this is all cynical meaningless chit chat to try and pacify those folk who are going down the drain at the rate of knots.

    be unconcerned now as we promise you a better after life - so just stay in line & be thankful & quiet.

    Nero fiddling while Rome burns.

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