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  • Birthday 08/15/1952

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  1. Nothing changes here, crappy buses, poorly trained drivers, lack of government checks, and the No 1 of all, too many brown envelopes.
  2. Is this not a good thing.😜
  3. Nothing has changed on this forum, theres always smart arses to put in their 2 bobs worth.
  4. Hi to all. Anybody out there that have tried 'translation ear buds' would like to know if they are effective with Thai language. Many on the market, time kettle seems to be popular but with a price tag. Cheers.
  5. Same sh@t, different agenda, nothing changes here.
  6. Same sh#t different city, next week it will be Russians in Phuket, then Chinese in Pattaya, Australians in Bangkok, blah, blah, blah. Media generated news to suite their political agenda.
  7. Obviously didnt do their homework when conducting business in Thailand. Scams everywhere in Thailand.
  8. No mention of what airline and more importantly what aircraft?
  9. Good move, the whole UN thing is a SHAM. That was proven with covid BS.
  10. Tech savvy they are, however, when it comes to the environment and local government decades behind, and lets not even go there with the BIB and road laws.
  11. If this all true I guess I'll be up for back taxes after living here for 9 years with no tax file number. If this government starts taxing pensioners it will be another item to tip the scales for leaving Thailand.
  12. As I quoted previously until I get official notification by mail or email from Thai government I will not over-react to heresay or fear mongering. Your quote: 'It's not up to them to inform u individually' Really and can you show me an official Thai government document stating just that.? Cheers
  13. Yes the BIBs are overstretched doing the daily rounds of wheel clamping for tea money. Unless there is a photo shoot involved police nowhere to be found.
  14. What a load of BS. Until the Thai government officially sends me a written notice to my home that I need to apply for a tax file number for my overseas income, I will carry on as normal.
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