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Posts posted by Hammock

  1. Easy fix. Russia and China join NATO. They announce their willingness and eagerness to join publicly.

    MJP. There were discussions about Russia joining Nato, Russia wanted to have good relations with the west after the collapse of the USSR, when Russia had pro-western governments. Russia turned to the western democracy for a while. But the West decided to go another way - tsuddenly start confrontation with Russia, start expanding Nato to the East closer to the Russians borders, started demonising Russia in the eyes of the world. What was that? It is beyond understanding. Gorbachev and Yeltsin were pro-western presidents why the West spat in their hands? Clinton started bombing Serbia and so on and so forth. Now all chances gone. There is no more trust in western democracy in the minds of the Russian people. Western style democracy is now associated with violence, war-mongering, violation of international rights, moral disintegration. Polls in Russia are showing it. And these polls are conducted by western organisations. So, what to say? Congratulations to some "smart" decision makers in the west who had screwed up the chance they had in the 90s.

  2. Russia is trying to protect its western borders from NATO aggression. When Soviets placed their nukes 90 miles from Florida the UsofA certainly didn't like it. Why should Russians be happy now to get nato troops placed on it's borders? If nato would try to take on Russia it would get a return swift kickback so nato with their new microscopic Baltic friends would become sweet pussycats again for another 100 years busy with their brexits, frexits, corruption, refugees. Nobody in Russia trusts Western lies anymore.

    The history of the United States and the history of Russia are radically opposite, as is the constitution of each country.

    USA for instance does not have 1000 years of Czarist history nor did Lenin lead the American Revolutionary War of Independence or the country itself. Stalin was dictator-czar of Soviet Russia, not of the USA.

    Putin is a Czarist-Chekist which we do not have in the USA.

    Finland has a long history of being abused by Russia and it remains concerned in the 21st century about yet another Russian leader in Putin the revanchist and irredentist. USA has no history of czars, madhat dictators, revanchism or irredentism. USA did in fact gain most of its land area by purchasing it, to include from the local tribes and treaty-making.

    If the Fins are a bit nervous these days it would be understandable given they have a 1000 year neighbor from hell.

    Publicus, to my point of view a person who worked in the secret intelligence services like CIA, KGB, MI6, FBI, FSB shows his/her high intellectual level, high moral principles, discipline, patriotism. Is there anything wrong with it? Why do you constantly refer Putin as a KGB/NKVD Chekist, Spy? Putin did his intelligence work in GDR, has a colonel rank. He did not shoot people in the head like NKVD did during Stalin. You like James Bond 007, don't you? Everybody likes Bond James Bond. Because he is smart. He is a spy. Same as Putin. You are constantly in each post labelling Putin a Chekist Czarist. Why? It doesn't make you look good, believe me. Obama was a community leader somewhere in Hawaii when Putin was already a colonel. USA has 200 years of history and did not have czars or kings. So what? Do you consider nations which has kings a low ranked nations or what? I just don't get your logic here about czarism. It is the same thing as Kingdom. I understand that you hate Russia, Russian people, Russian government. You can hate everyone in the world including yourself. But the level of your hatred is already alarming. To me it shows that something wrong is happening in your country. From your posts I see that hatred, war-mongering, complex of superiority over everyone in the world is your main issue. I never say anything bad about American people who are talented, hard-working and are doing many good things to the mankind like technology, science. But please, could you explain what is wrong with you? Why your poison is dripping on my keyboard while I am reading your posts about Russia?

    The personalised post containing certain characterisations created by the poster are variously rejected or denied, from the first word to the last one.

    Putin is a Chekist who carries forward into the present 1000 years of czarism. Putin the Chekist is not a democrat, or Putin is only nominally a democrat. Putin is an authoritarian as his ridiculous and failed saying the "dictatorship of democracy" demonstrates.

    No one group of a society controls everything in the society but Putin and his gangs do a bang-up job of it themselves and for themselves.....

    Chekism (from Cheka, the first Soviet secret police organization) is a term to describe the situation in the Soviet Union and contemporary Russia, where the secret political police control everything in society.

    The idea of the secret political police as a backbone of Soviet society was put forward by Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov, who wrote: It is not true that the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party is a supreme power. The Political Bureau is only a shadow of the real supreme power that stands behind the chair of every Bureau member (...) The real power thinks, acts and dictates for all of us. The name of the power is NKVDMVDMGB. The Stalin regime is based not on the Soviets, Party ideals, the power of the Political Bureau or Stalin’s personality, but on the organization and the techniques of the Soviet political police where Stalin plays the role of the first policeman.


    This is the legacy Putin lives and pursues and it why Finland in its long history of Russian imposed misery is discussing whether it might apply to Nato.

    Oh dear, Publicus, what are you writing? What Cheka? It was 70 years ago. There is no more Cheka. No more KGB. No more USSR. They are all gone. Wake up, man. The style, even caps font and total absence of logic in your post shows your are obsessed with some illusions and paranoia.

  3. Russia is trying to protect its western borders from NATO aggression. When Soviets placed their nukes 90 miles from Florida the UsofA certainly didn't like it. Why should Russians be happy now to get nato troops placed on it's borders? If nato would try to take on Russia it would get a return swift kickback so nato with their new microscopic Baltic friends would become sweet pussycats again for another 100 years busy with their brexits, frexits, corruption, refugees. Nobody in Russia trusts Western lies anymore.

    The history of the United States and the history of Russia are radically opposite, as is the constitution of each country.

    USA for instance does not have 1000 years of Czarist history nor did Lenin lead the American Revolutionary War of Independence or the country itself. Stalin was dictator-czar of Soviet Russia, not of the USA.

    Putin is a Czarist-Chekist which we do not have in the USA.

    Finland has a long history of being abused by Russia and it remains concerned in the 21st century about yet another Russian leader in Putin the revanchist and irredentist. USA has no history of czars, madhat dictators, revanchism or irredentism. USA did in fact gain most of its land area by purchasing it, to include from the local tribes and treaty-making.

    If the Fins are a bit nervous these days it would be understandable given they have a 1000 year neighbor from hell.

    Publicus, to my point of view a person who worked in the secret intelligence services like CIA, KGB, MI6, FBI, FSB shows his/her high intellectual level, high moral principles, discipline, patriotism. Is there anything wrong with it? Why do you constantly refer Putin as a KGB/NKVD Chekist, Spy? Putin did his intelligence work in GDR, has a colonel rank. He did not shoot people in the head like NKVD did during Stalin. You like James Bond 007, don't you? Everybody likes Bond James Bond. Because he is smart. He is a spy. Same as Putin. You are constantly in each post labelling Putin a Chekist Czarist. Why? It doesn't make you look good, believe me. Obama was a community leader somewhere in Hawaii when Putin was already a colonel. USA has 200 years of history and did not have czars or kings. So what? Do you consider nations which has kings a low ranked nations or what? I just don't get your logic here about czarism. It is the same thing as Kingdom. I understand that you hate Russia, Russian people, Russian government. You can hate everyone in the world including yourself. But the level of your hatred is already alarming. To me it shows that something wrong is happening in your country. From your posts I see that hatred, war-mongering, complex of superiority over everyone in the world is your main issue. I never say anything bad about American people who are talented, hard-working and are doing many good things to the mankind like technology, science. But please, could you explain what is wrong with you? Why your poison is dripping on my keyboard while I am reading your posts about Russia?

  4. Oilinki, maybe I am in the wrong bubble or sitting at the wrong table but polls are showing 80% support for Putin's policy in Russia. It is proven even by US poll agencies. The West has lost its chance during Gorbachev and Yesltsin to establish normal relations with Russia. Now there is no chance unless: 1) the west will try to overthrrow the governmnent like it did in Ukraine and 2) war

  5. Russia is trying to protect its western borders from NATO aggression. When Soviets placed their nukes 90 miles from Florida the UsofA certainly didn't like it. Why should Russians be happy now to get nato troops placed on it's borders? If nato would try to take on Russia it would get a return swift kickback so nato with their new microscopic Baltic friends would become sweet pussycats again for another 100 years busy with their brexits, frexits, corruption, refugees. Nobody in Russia trusts Western lies anymore.

  6. The West rejected Russia's desire to become a part of the European "civilized" community or even become a NATO member back in the 90s during Gorbachev and Yeltsin's period. The only thing the West wants from them is their natural resources and huge territory (same as China BTW). Russians only saw endless evil and wars coming from the western borders: Poland, Sweden, Napoleon, Hitler, now NATO standing on its borders preparing for another war, even bloody communism was created and imported from Europe.

  7. Galactus, your ignorance makes me feel you either have not ever seen the map of the world or even worse:

    You wrote: "it is Russia's fault to be in Syria tens of thousands of km away from it"

    Correct answer: the distance between the Russian and Syrian border is 650 km

    You wrote: "Russia has no cultural or historical ties in Syria"

    Correct answer: First written evidence of contacts between Russian pilgrims and Syrians are dated back to 12 century as Syria is the cradle of Orthodox Christianity and since 12 century relations between Russia and Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates have been actively developing.

    Check your facts before publishing them here.

    Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchate

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