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Everything posted by Ajarnbrian

  1. Good news indeed. An example of helping our fellow human beings. Not a story for cynical comments at all.
  2. Unless you are a pilot or air traffic controller with a full understanding of the conditions, you are not in a position to say.
  3. Looks like yet another British male in Pattaya not making sensible choices.
  4. The evidence is being gathered, if clear enough he will be convicted and sentenced. Witness testimony and cctv evidence can together make that evidence strong and a guilty verdict result. But it is courts that do this, not those commenting who have little or no information.
  5. An alleged thief has been arrested, who happens to come from Israel. Now we see both anti Semetic and anti Palestinian posts here, which are not related to the news story. Please keep your prejudices to yourself. Editor, could you remove? Thanks.
  6. For many years China had a one-child policy, only recently abandoned. Selective abortion of females (and female infanticide), with a cultural preference for sons, has led a great population imbalance. Far more males than females in China, men who can’t find wives and still an obsession with having sons rather than daughters.
  7. Just the type of tourist Thailand doesn’t need.
  8. Ryan is spot on. How long until the uneducated, deluded supporters of that ‘authoritarian narcissist’ see what is increasingly obvious?
  9. The men who don’t respect women, they are the problem.
  10. Try the old road south of the city (from Padaet I remember) that follows the west side of the Ping River.
  11. Surely the issue is under-age sex workers and the sex tourists exploiting this. What consenting adults do in Pattaya is otherwise their own business.
  12. 4 am closing time means more drunks on the roads, more noisy people heading home late at night and disturbing neighbours who have to get up for work in the morning. Most people can manage their entertainment hours to finish by 1 am so let’s keep to that.
  13. No assault or mugging should be condoned. Sad to read the sick comments suggesting a woman’s haircut somehow makes it ok.
  14. On the basis of what research is this opinion? A few beers in a bar somewhere? If you can’t reference reliable sources, better to withdraw your comment.
  15. With smaller places, I usually book directly with the accomodation. With larger places I’ve used Booking.com successfully many times. If internet connection is not so good, avoid online payments.
  16. Not sure if records are kept of nationality of firestarters. Chiang Mai does not want him or his petty disputes, wherever he is from.
  17. ‘Crowded skies’ are not a feature around Hua Hin airport, or many other regional airports. If more flights are available to such places, that is surely a good thing.
  18. Do hotels that laid off their loyal staff really expect them to sit and wait until called back to work years later? People move on so to attract staff hotels need to pay more and provide the training, as needed. Haven’t hotel managers been doing this?
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