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Posts posted by milesinnz

  1. On 6/9/2024 at 2:43 PM, Celsius said:


    But here you have a wide range who had 1000 Arab and Indian men $scatted and creamed your Asian princess.


    At least Western girls are a bit more picky due to less poverty.



    you are dead wrong.. only if you go to tourist type bars.. in the real Thailand... I have known more than one girl.... over 20... who have had no sexual experience at all. and there are some things you cannot fake.. if you go to Cambodia, there are many virgin girls looking for a western man.. I have known 2 intimately... and this is not all.. you are clueless...

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:



    Whilst I agree wholeheartedly that the UK are failing to deal with this influx of maniacs, it is a bit unfair to single out the UK government for criticism, although this incident happened there.


    There have been far, far, more incidents like this in France in particular, Sweden, Germany, and many other European countries. Europe is sleepwalking into the extinction of its cultural history, thanks in large to Mutti Merkel; the only countries in Europe that are avoiding this invasion of islamic extremists are the Visegrad group, comprising the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia …. and the EU are punishing them financially for fighting to preserve their respective countries heritage and culture ….. we are doomed.



    So why can't the UK behave like Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. I saw a short clip of the Polish PM, where he was being attacked for being racist.. and he went on to say, "well if I am racist then so be it as I put the people of my country first".. and he said a lot more.. the far left interviewer was left speechless.. BREXIT was all about gaining control (of the UK's borders), so the UK has BREXIT and nothing has changed as regards the borders. So now we see the real truth is gutless UK Politicians and the march of the far left who when they don't get their way, start screaming far right conspiracies.. there was a vote on BREXIT, why not one on immigration = they would be too frightened to have one.. and that has to be the biggest exposure of lack of democracy ever, in the UK.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bandersnatch said:


    Haven’t had your morning coffee? That was a bit harsh.


    I never made any comment about Cambodia which everyone knows is a far poorer country than Thailand overall. I simply said that there is also poverty in NE Thailand.


    I live close to the Cambodian boarder and see every day the big American Cars with Cambodian plates. The signs in the private hospital here are in Khmer and Thai as most of the patients are from over the boarder. There are clearly also a lot of  wealthy Cambodians who live close enough to do their food shopping in Thailand. 

    you don't understand Cambodia at all.. "and see every day the big American Cars with Cambodian plates".. these are the corrupt.. you can see Rolls Royces and other exotic cars regularly crashed in Phnom Penh almost every night - the drivers often run away or someone comes to collect them - some causing injury or even death to ordinary Khmer - where do you think the money could come from ? Cambodia is the most corrupt country in SE Asia.. and figures very poorly in the world ranking as far as corruption is concerned - I think even falling in recent ranking... I know Thailand is corrupt, but the dynasty in Cambodia is more akin to North Korea than Thailand. you were comparing the poverty in NE Thailand with the poverty in Cambodia.. I forget your exact words.. by any measure the poverty in Cambodia is many degrees worse than Thailand.. the recent news,,, I think I am correct in saying that Cambodia has the poorest mental health in SE Asia... why do Khmer cross the border in such numbers to work in Thailand in the lowest paid jobs if there is any sort of equality at the bottom of the social ladder  ?... why do people in Cambodia seek to go to Thai hospitals if they possibly can ? There have been a number of recent cases where Thai's have been lured to Cambodia to work in high paid jobs but as then imprisoned and forces to work scams - that is regularly in the news...

    • Confused 3
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  4. 15 hours ago, Bandersnatch said:

    There is plenty of poverty in NE Thailand 

    Some real data... Cambodia is rated as no 38 in the most poor countries in the World.. nothing like Thailand... you just shot any credibility you had to bits. I know NE Thailand very well... I can have what I can call a third home there (Udon)... the farm and my main family involvement in is Northern Cambodia - mainly Anlong Veng which was the last stronghold of the Khmer Rouge. The mother of my daughter there is a senior Police Officer so I know well the social issues as we discuss and try to take action in those areas that we can. You are living in an arrogant delusional bubble and don't have a clue what you are talking about...

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