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Posts posted by milesinnz

  1. On 8/11/2023 at 1:31 PM, Grumpy one said:

    I must admit my statement was wrong, it should have been " In hindsight the kid should have been drowned at childbirth"

    Now you can like it or give another tirade on my mental health, either way I will not be loosing any sleep due to your comments

    I can see you consider education a "tirade" when it goes against your ignorant confirmation bias.. try explaining which bit I got wrong.. but you won't of course, because you are clueless on such matters and we can blame your childhood for that... you are a sick joke

  2. 15 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I would dispute that, although evil is perhaps too strong a word. Kids bully others in school all the time. Where do they learn that from? They are born with the desire to hurt others. Fortunately, most grow out of it. Others don't, but restrict their hate to social media posts. Humans instinctively don't like fellow humans. A simple example is not wanting someone to sit next to you on a bus. Being close to others of their species make them uncomfortable.

    You don’t have a clue what you are talking about and know nothing about childhood development and further you would not want to learn as it would be contrary to your confirmation bias. And if we were to look into your childhood we would find the reasons for this. You are not even capable of discussing such issues, you would just wet yourself and run for the exit. The critical years are from 0 to 3… I could explain why but you are not capable of absorbing this – see confirmation bias. “They are born with the desire to hurt others.” wrong – idiot. Babies are born with a need to have their needs met – this is why they will shout and scream – you are confused but I guess that is an easy occurrence in your case. In a functional childhood there comes a time when the young child realizes there are other people they must become aware of and learn to become socialized but if the years 0 to 3 have been full of abuse this will be close to impossible. I could say a lot more, but it would be completely wasted on an idiot like you – but would gladly give you some lessons – except you don’t want them do you ? And we will find the answer to your perversions in your childhood.

  3. 17 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

    The son should have been drowned at childbirth

    You need a dose of your own medicine and then the world would be a better place. Your level of ignorance and stupidity are astounding and guess what, if we were to look at your childhood we would soon find the reason for your dysfunction. And along with this obvious level of dysfunction is the total inability to even discuss such issues - and how sick in the head is that ? If I was to say there was no such thing as free choice you would blow a gasket. If you knew anything about childhood development - which you clearly do not, you would know that criminals are created not born. But you are not even capable of discussing this. I would say "get an education" but in your case I can see that would be impossible as you only play to your confirmation bias - sorry for the long word.

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