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Posts posted by milesinnz

  1. 5 hours ago, Tim207 said:

    The chineese are exactly why the thai property market could be optimistic. The speculators who are able to liquidate their chineese properties will have cash they want to get out of china. Thailand is an accessible market for those not well enough connected to be able to access western markets. Only time will tell if enough of them will be able to get out of their chineese properties and be able to get the cash offshore before the bottom falls out but the Thai market could benefit.

    meanwhile, in countries like Australia, there is concern that Chinese owners in Australia will be forced to sell up to cover their losses in China...  "speculators able to liquidate their properties".. and who will the buyers be ? - other speculators ?.. are you paid by the Chinese government ? then you have China's demographics.. where will all the new young Chinese come from who have money ?

  2. Khmer really don't have a clue.. some of the least productive people.. but have been conditioned that it's someone else's job to make their lives better. They are competing against people in Bangladesh where they earn a lot less. If they get their increase they will be complaining that they don't have any jobs. The $64,000 question, is why are they not creating their own businesses ?...

  3. 1 hour ago, placnx said:

    I was surprised to discover that Cambodia was more bombed than Laos (2.7mn tons vs 2mn tons). Here's a good analysis which suggests that the bombing contributed to the rise of the Khmer Rouge:


    On Laos bombing:


    Cluster bombs are a terrible legacy to this day.


    yes, I know the bombing led to the rise of the Khmer Rouge.. before the US started bombing Cambodia, Pol Pot were just a rag bag band of bandits in the North East.. Pol Pot said he fought for the Vietcong, but all he was was a cook... when the B52's dropped from above cloud, the farmers didn't hear them and the next thing that happened was bombs were going off around them, not surprisingly they literally <deleted> themselves.. and were ready recruits for the Khmer Rouge.. I am not sure if by population or land area, Laos by I think at least one of these measures was the most heavily bombed country... there are some pseudo real time videos of the bombing missions over the period of time.. you can see how they start off small and isolated and then progress rapidly to the whole country.. I did read when it all started that the B52 crew were not given their co-ordinates until they were in the air... so they didn't really know they were bombing Cambodia, that must have been early on when they were trying to take out the Ho Chi Minh Trail - which was the original justification... so that if American factories make bombs and sold to someone, and those bombs are used against some other enemy, does that give a right to this other enemy to come and bomb America ?

  4. 11 hours ago, olfu said:

    Life sentence too harsh?

    Lets ask victim's relatives opinions.

    and from someone in the USA, who dropped 3 1/2 times more bombs on Cambodia than they did on Japan in WW2.. and this was a country that the USA was not even at war with.. oh the utter hypocrisy.. who in the USA ever went to prison for this ? oh, and what about Agent Orange which still affects people today... ??? you want to comment or run for it ?

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  5. 15 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    So it's not just dumb blonde female college students that fall for the old "I'll pay you to carry this on the plane for me trick". 

    You'd think someone from Columbia would be smarter than that.

    Unless of course he knew what he was doing all along. Don't think I'd want to spend "life" in a Cambodian prison. (Or any other one for that matter.)

    Talking about smart, I think ColUmbia is a county in the US ?

    • Confused 1
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