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Posts posted by milesinnz

  1. For a very weak economy with a dubious banking system, I find is quite surprising that the government has managed to maintain a stable exchange rate Riel/USD . perhaps because in value terms the Riel is small beer.. but if it takes over as the main pricing mechanism, for a country that has a balance of trade deficit and a now non-existent tourist sector, how can the Riel maintain a stable value against the USD - will China provide a never ending amount of "soft" loans.. something is not adding up...

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, dddave said:

    Last time I was in Siem Reap; pre-Covid, there were daily rolling blackouts due to a shortage of energy.  I believe they were buying 25% of their power from Thailand. 

    If they have domestic coal supplies, why wouldn't they use them?  The Global Warming crisis is a result of Western and Chinese interests totally ignoring warnings for 100+ years, as long as coal was profitable to burn.  Now that they have other sources such as LNG, the big powers are pressuring smaller, poorer nations to do what they weren't willing to do themselves.

    Garment exports are I think about 80% of Cambodia's exports. Many have western brand names. Buyers increasingly want to know that what they are buying comes from countries with good employment and environmental credentials - this "development" may well come back to bite Cambodia very hard. Of course even with the industrial development that has taken place in Cambodia, the CO2 emissions PP is still a tiny fraction of those in a country such as the US. In the case of the coal fired power station and this mining activity, what would be interesting to see, is just who were the (few) people who benefited. I bet it was not and is not the Cambodian people - and that is the bigger and buried point...

    • Thanks 1
  3. 17 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    I must admit to being baffled. Surely Thailand has committed to building a new vaccine production facility, you know the one announced with big fanfare, "we are the big boys of SE Asia, and we will save you all". Other countries in the region were relying on Thailand to have this facility up and running this year as promised, but now Thailand is ordering 35 million doses from AZ instead of manufacturing them. 


    Ah, it is tied in with Thailand's space program, the sacred cow said the vaccine will need some cheese from the moon....

  4. 11 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    Is there anyone out there can fathom the mentality of people that do this?

    Yes, if you have access to the details of the childhood, 0-2 critical, then 3-8 .. and less as they get older... but "people" don't want the answers.

    They want to believe there is some almost magical unexplained reason because the truth becomes too uncomfortable.

    I am always happy to discuss such matters but almost all just start running, covering their ears and making up nonsense to support their position..

  5. 33 minutes ago, Rmac442 said:

    Catch 22 really ..and it has been further exacerbated by the recent involved, like in so many countries, of China.

    Prove work, food and support at people level so they might fight this injustice ..

    ah... it does not work that way.. how can you fight when the other side fire live bullets at you... and assassinates any leadership of the people.. the same is happening and much worse in Nigeria now... it is close to civil war.... what you are suggesting has absolutely zero credibility.. so what you say, "don't do this", but you have nothing credible to suggest in return, so just how helpful is that ????

  6. 5 hours ago, geovalin said:

    Cambodia remains a world’s best tourism destination in 2020, the Ministry of Tourism said, stressing that scores of international institutions and websites specialising in rating the best tourism places around the world have ranked Cambodia among the best places to visit and live.


    My International Movers, based in the UK, America, and Australia, in January this year rated Cambodia No. 1 among the top ten friendliest countries in the world to move to. Outrage Travel on January 30, 2020 characterised Cambodia as one of five safest places to be in Asia.


    In March 2020, Cambodia was presented the International Travel Award 2020 by the India-based Pacific Area Travel Writers Association, considering Cambodia as the Best Destination for Heritage. On Oct. 9, 2020, the Big 7 Travel’s publication highlighted Cambodia’s Siem Reap province as one of the 7 Most Relaxing Locations in the World.


    read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50787065/cambodia-maintains-its-position-as-one-of-the-worlds-top-tourism-destinations/

    Just cheap propaganda which does little for the credibility of Cambodia...

  7. 8 hours ago, dastakantattaka said:

    There're plenty of nations that haven't opened and the infections are still rising.


    Therefore, be a country open or not - no difference.


    oh, come on... in New Zealand it's never been a big deal. Even the lock down was a breeze because it was done very early. All the infections are from people being allowed into NZ (and everyone seems to be desperate to get here for some reason - I wonder what they is?) but kept in quarantine. I am surprised at the numbers who are coming to NZ who are infected. I would guess covid-19 is far more widespread than anyone is admitting. NZ immigration website has had the biggest number of hits from the US, ever, of people looking how to emigrate to NZ.. I have never worn a mark, and my daily life is perfectly normal...

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, UnkleGoooose said:

    Well she was President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, and everything that she has said and done  since then stinks of Socialism. I don't know what you think a socialist is, but you might want to have a bit of reflection.



    Vote TRUMP for a better world... be interesting to see how the US elections work out.... funny how there has been a huge spike on the NZ immigration website for people from the US looking how to emigrate to NZ and how right now, numbers of US doctors are getting out of the US.. to come to where...? oh Jacinda's socialist country.. not that it is socialist.. there is a difference between socialist and a capitalist economy with a social safety net.. try Sweden and an example..

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, AndyFoxy said:

    Comrade Arden will win, but she really is a nasty bit of work. Pity National don’t have a decent candidate.

    ha ha... it was not about the leader of the National Party, it was all the other clowns that the electorate didn't appreciate.. one clown after the next and now, laugh upon laugh even the deputy leader of the National Party lost his electorate seat.. Jacinda is just like many politicians of the left or the right, head in the clouds really just career politicians.. but then on the right, we have ummm errrr... TRUMP... want to guess what is going to happen in  the US elections ?

  10. 2 hours ago, Redline said:

    The 5G waves are shorter and stronger.  The jury is still out on this, but you know that there are massive stakeholders that would hold back any negative information for many years to come

    makes you wonder why we are not all dead because of all those old TV sets with ion guns pointing at us... why are we not already dead from 2 or 2 or 4 G ????.... you do know where all this nonsense about cell phone transmissions came from ? Without checking, it came out of an article by some school science teacher in the UK I think, pointing out the dangers of cell phone radiation.. it was even used by some dumb MP to ask question about it in parliament.. but then someone with a bit more knowledge pointed out that the skins with the amount of water in skin, acts as a complete barrier (I cannot remember the technical details).. and then he retracted his original article and the MP was left looking like a fool.. but maybe there is a secret plan by Putin... to blank out any intelligence the American people might have.. oh hang on, I forgot, Putin already got Trump to do that...

    • Haha 1
  11. Yet Cambodia will not accept International Driving licenses from the 99 countries.. I will use my International driving license when I am next in Cambodia, then make sure when I am picked up for it, it makes the news at least in my country... never have any trouble with loads of times I have been stopped in Thailand with it.... Cambodia seems to be a bunch of hypocrites.. take our license with our crazy driving standards, but we wont take yours with much higher license and training standards.. yep, sounds about right for Cambodia... hope their tourist trade remains sunk...

  12. 7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If that was true, IMO a lot more would be infected than are.


    As for masks, the jury is still out.

    Anyway, if it becomes law I'll wear one, but till then, along with almost everyone else where I live I won't.


    Anyone fearful can wear one, or stay at home, or wear a full body protection, but don't expect everyone else to protect them.

    The sooner a majority have caught it and recovered, the sooner we get to herd immunity and life can go back to some semblance of normality.

    Sweden rocks!

    yes, I think the USA should throw everything open, then data suggests 80% will be infected and we will have a good few million dead and hospitals overwhelmed. There is no evidence of herd immunity. Why do you think we still have the flu. Why is the whole world not immune to the Flu by now, it's been around long enough. Sweden's record is not good whereas New Zealand's record is good. Sweden is a less densely populated country and probably has a much more compliant population than the USA. The USA has well earned the situation it finds itself in.....

    • Like 2
  13. 15 hours ago, Grumpy John said:

    While I do think there needs to be a different, probably safer, alternative it has to be at a reasonable price.  The last box of Glyphosate (6 x 5L) we bought was 460 baht/5L. If you come up with something safer to replace it at the same price,  or maybe a bit more,  we will be on it reasonably priced alternative like a rat on a KFC chicken wing!  Glyphosate will be gone forever once you name the reasonably priced alternative.  Can you name the reasonably priced alternative???  Playing the devils advocate: Are you one of the numpties that don't care if we pay 2 or 3 or 4 times as much for the current less effective alternative?  Like we don't deserve to make a living as long as you get what you want???

    you might like to consider DDT, or agent orange...

  14. Giving enough and continual social shaming of Red Bull idiot, and if people keep pointing the finger at him wherever he goes and he is not allowed to forget what he has done, and if it is made clear that 99% of Thailand hate him, then this will punish him with enough serious psychological damage, that at the end of the day, he might squander a lot of his money on drugs, and never live to be an old man...

    • Sad 1
  15. 4 hours ago, naryan said:

    For 4 mounts there have been no tourists and it does not look any different in the near future.

    So I make no tourists down 100% maybe I'm NOT GOOD A MATHS but 0 coming in  makes 0.

    And the regulations that will be in place do not make Thailand a good place for tourists topped

    with a high THB and extreme racism not a good advert for wish you were here!

    The resent Marathon excluding foreign participation and the 2 prices for Thais and foreigners not very welcoming. I have a Thai wife or I would go elsewhere, so I'm not really a tourist.

    put it down to "rounding errors".. TAT were never very good at maths..

  16. 12 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

    It will find it's way in eventually if you keep the boarders shut or not and I have no doubt Thailand can deal with it.

    If they're waiting for the Vaccine I reckon it's going to be couple of years can they wait that long?
    Immunity is the way to go but that people need to be exposed to the Virus.
    Flatten the curve not eliminate it.




    you mean the Trump approach ? Thailand is little different from a state in the USA....

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