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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. Yes I was clamped there ..went on 7 for a water came out big chain on the bike..so what's new about this law .. isn't it the same
  2. Lol....bought one on line eat to much Somtam not to ha !!!
  3. It was the extension on top of the tank to bring the lid to ground level....All sorted now bought one on line Global can keep mine
  4. Yes mate it's my french I forget sometimes
  5. Ok so I'm a loser because I prefer to bring up my kids up here rather than in Londonistan..only one loser on this post eh Guess Who !!!
  6. My wife spoke to him on the phone .. didn't want to get out of his Aircon office .. didn't give a #hite
  7. Manager was there .. didn't want to know ..he was an arrogant little #hite
  8. Yes says if all mate eh
  9. Had the same problem in our Soi for 2 years..none of our other neighbors complained even tho the told us they were sick of it Farang complaing when others don't not always the best thing .. Luckily it's getting a little better ..hope sand for you mate
  10. Yep mate true
  11. Wouldn't call half a missing Fosse septic a toilet part ..don't think I'd like to see your bathroom mate ..
  12. Need to dig it up mate .ha
  13. Yep what a shame what a pity..
  14. Hey folks each day I live here I'm never surprised by the total lack of logic I'll tell you what happend please let me know if you've experienced anything like it So building a house builder bought most of the material I was requested to buy also I went to a large builders /DIY in town purchased a lot of gear ..lot of cash..I won't name the company due to certain stupid laws we all know about the this Chain of DIY is well known Globally!!!!!!! Ok so found a large extension piece got the Fosse septic was Not there I went to this store today they checked my purchase on the PC. Yep I'd bought it ..now told can't give me one as they are only given with each tank ..Yep well j bought a tank ..I couldn't get them to realise I'm due one of these Nope not happening..so i said ok I'll buy one to Which the reply was only with a tank I got the bloody tank ..how difficult is it for them to understand I'm even prepared to pay for something they owe me but then can't sell separate .. Love the country .love the people but these jobworhs in these Stores need educating ...Wow feel better for that had me angry for bloody hours ...take care keep safe...H
  15. As quoted here ..an unusual incident here in Pattaya..Haha tell me anything that happens here that could be unusual its Blooming Pattaya for god's sake anything goes...let the bloke enjoy his little walk he's just one of our quality visitors ...
  16. If it was my son's teachers I'd be there for a drink and a little Boogie..Oh to Dream eh !!!
  17. Not met a good one yet ..take if you don't live near jomtien eh
  18. Hello folks just asking if anyone has an answer to this .. I posted a little about it earlier but now after reading more not getting anywhere.. Ok I live permanently in Thailand ..I receive a pension from France and soon get my pension from UK in a few months time .I spoke to the guy at pensions about where I declare for tax on my pensions and told him get a small pension from France would that be taxed in UK ..he said it has nothing to do with them and would not need to declare it ..now on the other hand I've been told that I need to declare my UK pension along with anything else I might earn bank interest .ect I'm British I worked for a time in France but they are a bloody complicated lot when it comes to anything like this ..so do I have to declare UK pension in France ..even tho I don't live there how's this all work any help appreciated folks ..
  19. No one said they hadn't...just saying they tend to want to change things where they live more than most .... Don't they ..just sayin H
  20. Muslims wanting to change how countries laws are run..glad they don't try to do that in UK eh
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