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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. yes same here hate the blooming things ..its their country their rules and I'll wear one .. doesn't mean i agree or like it
  2. i best go check the shed..i live just a short distance from Nong Phai
  3. Thais yes mate !!! i agree can defend against these yabba ect ect takers but as a foreigner..i wouldn't rate my chances who's side BIB would take..
  4. hello mate we called the land office direct yesterday they told us nothing to do with them direct must go thru the agent M......x .so called them also and to my surprise No Quota left ... now i know for certain many foreigners have sold here more than likely bought in foreign in name condo owners or renting here now mostly thai so that should have freed up quota i would have thought..now i also know that some condos have not yet been sold could the company be keeping back foreign quota as a way of possibly seeling those and refusing them to people like myself who have already bought...had my money why care ...maybe totally wrong just a thought
  5. fine standing young men they raise here in Thailand credit to their parents ...
  6. can i contact them direct or go via the condo or matrix tks
  7. not sure about the divorce bit.we are not spitting up she just wants the company thing gone ..so you are saying if i close the company ..then transferred it into my wifes name there would be about 6% tax to pay..any other expenses ..if transferred to her could i add one or more of my kids or myself in the form of a userfruct did it here when we built this house..any info appreciated
  8. ok mate thanks id been led to believe when i e asked both at the condo offices and the main company office that they had the say ..learn each day eh
  9. its my wife that wants rid of the condo said to sell it give the money to my kids in Europe if not just to find another way to get it out of company name ...if you have any ideas id like to hear them tks
  10. i bought thru a company called matrix best not to say to much on here !!!!!!!
  11. ok mate will do i did ask the agent before Christmas while i was there they said no free foreign quota..true or not only they know eh
  12. same here but we ate at a restaurant the other afternoon of course no masks place fairly crowded..but for an hour sitting there no mask ..then in the afternoon im out on my motorcycle 70..90 km an hour but have to wear a mask.....if it cant get me sitting still how the hell can it get me on a bike .. stupidity at its best
  13. yes correct no foreign quota left .if i could change it now to foreign i wouldn't id never think of selling i approached the company who run the condo they say no foreign quota now i know many farangs have sold up here many pre covid and id say the majority of clients now thai..thats all i see there so would this have freed up foreign places ..if so why don't they let me change ..this is just an assumption but as i said thais moving in all the time
  14. what.. you mean you can choose to wear condoms instead of cloth masks Wow but how do they fit on your ears ..just asking ha
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