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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. i shared a lot of chalets with many a chalet maid ..sad i missed out on elvis ..great times at those camps more going on after dark than soi 6
  2. she could put me in handcuffs any day Please....now thats a cop id like to search me
  3. never going to change here its pointless trying most thai drivers don't have a clue cops not interested unless they can make a dollar..move on nothing new here
  4. yep just do as they say and not what we want... their country their rules..
  5. most of it they did .it looked good for a few months then began to sink and crack so up it comes as dangerous now as it ever was
  6. i worked in Amsterdam years ago booze bars and smoke café were kept apart couldn't mix ..late at night the bars got laud and the bouncer's at them kept busy ..never saw problems at the smoke café a few joints and people chilled...i didn't smoke it i preferred a beer but i saw why people did..also the point about cigarettes and weed many people have their fix without tobacco.. in the form of sweets good old granny cake just sayin
  7. hell folks have a question i want to ask any information would be appreciated ive been contacted several times by a company called Cambly who have offered me the chance to earn a bit of extra cash online not teaching but just talking to foreigners who just want to speak english with native speakers ive checked them out on line and they are an official company who have been trading for many years has anyone had any dealings with them tks
  8. same can ne said for many Thais ..not all farangs are bad ...some of us follow the rules don't paint all of us with the same brush
  9. thats uncanny i worked as a bar manager there at bognor in the best venue the Ocean bar great times ...never saw elvis i was probably to busy chasing the chalet maids ha
  10. a separate bank statement .not the banks letter or the nank book up date but another statement why don't know a new regulation
  11. same here over 2 year's now not being able to get back lost everything business.home belongings..all scavenged..
  12. 2 years never touched it ..one it was the banks unprofessional staff also the immigration rules changed but we were not told another bank statement had bern added to the requirements why i don't know because all it does is tell exactly the same as the letter i paid for and my update in the bank book its crazy
  13. going for your extension eh well i hope you have better luck than me..ok here for my extension marriage visa normally no probs but today is Shooot i was here 12 o'clock its now 3.30.. so first to the bank got my letter saying money in 400.000 update pass book off to immigration..whoops sir but cannot see date on passbook its clearly on the letter but no good back to bank...back to immigration oh now we need a bank statement ??? ok they got passbook update ..letter from bank now a statement ..back to the bank pay more money got a statement back to immigration..sorry sir they said not enough detail on statement now must go back again now for another statement pay some more of my cash and Close the account tell them where to shove it..a five year old could redo this entire system.. so in the the motor on the way back to the Bank ..no visa today i think.. Land of Smiles ..not today its not
  14. do you believe these clown's.. Oh did you also hear Elvis is working in a chip shop in Brighton
  15. The government claims to have solid reasons for the move Greed...and more Greed be careful there are a lot better and cheaper countries !!!
  16. anti-Covid emergency decree. will be with us for eternity then .. control
  17. must admit you have a point my sons learn at school then i correct what they have learned most of the time...you don't go to a French man to learn Thai...just saying
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