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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. ok mate i bow down to your recherche..they exist ok ...but i still don't meet them here ..just seems to be the ones blowing their snot onto the pavement or gobbing it everywhere..i suppose thats pattaya for you eh ..
  2. can i get a glass of what these people are drinking... cuckoo land all of them
  3. sorry never seen any..oh yes maybe the guy always trying to sell me a tuxedo on a nice 40° degree day on second road....suppose he's middle class eh...ha
  4. yep not the old days..girls are far more demanding as far as cash.. according to my Mate
  5. agree..except the part about cheap horizontal refreshment...lots of countries where the girls charge less.... Europe for starters many eastern girls working lots of competition..My Mate told me
  6. not just guests we help their economy..covid and lack of tourists proved that... Duel pricing is wrong
  7. needs more than sterilisation..a cull is needed here ..poor girl 4 years old must have been bloody terrified...did you read the owners quote normally calm but have bitten people before couldn't make this S#£t up could you
  8. why the ha ha funny face .. don't you believe this upstanding gentleman when he tells you ..Guide to the Stars...lets just say this !! Mission was not Impossibe !!!
  9. just in case you don't fully understand.. insurance companies pay for accidents ect and don't ask you to pay it back Thats why its called INSURANCE..if you have to pay it back ..its just the same as a loan hope that's cleared it for you
  10. varied life .. worked as an international tour guide ..then onto working on movies .. Hollywood..spent a lot of time in LA ..did script writing with some of the biggest names in the industry worked with many top A list actors... producer's director's..did location scouting in Europe..had a lot of fun lived the dream now im a House husband here in a small village in the north of Thailand cash gone but im happy as a pig in Shooot
  11. hope the guy was only interested in female toilets..ive been visiting that hospital weekly for almost 2 years...many visits to the porcelain bowl..need to see if im on tic toc lol
  12. word has gotten around for many years about the fleecing antic's and corruption here But tourist's still came ..millions of them ..do you really think this will be any different
  13. would be a blooming big fine maximum ive paid 400 baht ha
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