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Posts posted by Harveyboy

  1. hey hope you are all well in the LOS its not stopped raining for weeks here in France cant wait to get back there for some decent weather. i have a question ref Phetch im getting married there in feb next year ill be looking for a lawyer in the area anyone know a good one genuine and not out to relieve me of my hard earned cash

  2. hi im afraid trying to teach an english person or one of our commonwealth mate the history of the horrors of the Burma railway the reasons and whys it happend the regiments in the brit forces and battalions of the Australians history its not a thing you can teach easy ive been doing this 35 years as a guide its more than a job you must be interested in it i cant see thais ever being able to do it but i understand what you are saying ..as for your bad experience ref your tour sorry you were not able to get the best from your guide they paint a bad picture for all the professional ones.as you say silk shop..gems ect anything for the kick back i know how it all works perhaps one day you can go back and see what you wanted

  3. hey guys im a bit late getting back to the forum ref how much can i take legal into thailand from europe got caught with the 50 million quid ha ha!! so tks for all the replies but still confused by the différant answers 10.000 per person irrespective of of age been told that if my children are not in the same house hold as they are not but travel with me they dont count as same family this was from customs officer this year at paris airport customs confusing eh!!!

  4. hey tks seems my ship has sunk before it sailed eh as one of the comments here stated the guides know nothing of the history i wanted to change this being a professional tour guide over 20 years specialised in war tours it seemed a good way to go when i come to live there permanently in 2 years get married there next year i have a travel agency here in France and able to work anywhere EXCEPT thailand as it seems any other suggestions or does it seem i give over my groups to a thai guide for 3 days and sit back and listen to the trying to get us to his mates bar/ resto shop ect sad

  5. tks guys i said kanchanaburi just because i go there a few times during my stay but you say cannot do visa run there didnt know ..my girlfriend works for the government in sakon nakhon but has to go to the office in Mukdhan been there a few times with her and thought about the crossing there but was told had to do 24 hr stayover tks for letting me know she also works a lot at the office in Nakhon Phanom is this easy to do also as far as the dates cannot change already booked i get in on 14 nov but must fly out to paris for the day on 12 feb YEP for the day my status in France is Brit ive been here 30 years plus but kept my uk passport

  6. ha yes i stay sometimes at homeland know what you mean... or in town at The One near the market simple but clean n cheap not far from the bars and retos

  7. tks mate so can i apply here in france for the first visa as for the border cross ill be near sakon nakon could do a run to laos ive been told have to do 24 hrs i e overnight ..or poss i will be in kanchanaburi heard can get across and back in a few hours what do you know on this mate

  8. hi just want to say im not sure if isaan or central forums are the right one for phetch some say one and others well... any way just want to say hi to any x pats in and around the area of Phetchabun getting married there next year so hope to be spending lots of time in and around get back and say hello !!!

  9. tks guys ..yep read that yesterday doll making cigarette rolling and ball making is also not alowed ha wouldnt want to ruin the thai economy now would we ha ive just been on a site a legal site called thai work permit basics it lists abut 30 jobs and ways that permits may be granted one reads ....if you are a representative bringing in foreigners to travel in thailand... quote!!! also it states that if you are married to a thai citizen permit could be allowed ... could i use a thai driver /guide who i rent but i do the tour ie histories ect i wouldnt be picking persons off the street my agency flies them OZ to bkk i meet them with thai basic i do the work he gets paid 3 day set tour back to bkk ive been on tour with farang guides a few times out of Pattaya to the kwai i wonder how they work it and help would really be appreciated tks

  10. hi guys im new on here so not realy sure how this all works ok so im a battlefield tour guide in france i work with Australians who are sent from our agency..(.please note im a brit).. in OZ i have a tour guides licence here ive been working as a guide for 30 years ...im getting married in Thailand in feb next year i normaly spend nov till april out there then the rest of the year in France my agents have now sugested that my small groups 4...6. pax could stop off and tour with me there i spend a lot of time on the kwai and know the history unlike a most of the taxi guide who just drop off people at the kwai and places like hellfire pass id like to set up a small company NOW can i get a permit ive just been on the sites on the net and it reads people who may be exempt from all the regs involved in working there includes people bringing in tourists to thailand can anyone help on this

  11. The average thai woman wants the same as most women of the world. Thai women hate stinky men hahahahahah,and pissheads/smokers

    The Thai women like to be part of western fellows for there financial input to increase their live style.

    The western fellows like to get Thai girls because the are much younger in age than themselves.

    I have dated a Thai woman that was 10 years older than me and being a veteran teacher making 50k/month did not need financial support from me. What was our excuse?

    I have also dated professional Thai women my same age who did not have a problem paying when we went on dates.

    There are more scenarios than the poor bar girl from the northeast/guy who can't get laid by a decent woman back home one.

  12. Hi there, Harveyboy!

    You will find plenty of 'farangs' in Phetchabun - regardless of which geographic forum. ? A good place to start would be the café called 'Toffy Home' which you could look up on their website. From about 14.00, certainly Monday to Friday, you will find a motley crew of expats putting the world to rights. They're good guys! Tell them Martin sent you - they're sure to let you buy them a can of something.hahaha Enjoy!

    hey tks for the reply ..i know toffy home my girlfriend used to work at izuzu just across the road from there we used to meet lunchtime there great coffee

  13. Hey all hope you can help here and answer a question ive seen on here before but at the end of the chat no definite answers were given it was all well I think or im not sure ect im going back to thailand In 2 days I only left there yesterday got here this afternoon im going back with my 2 teenage daughter both under 16 so not adult I want to take the maximum cash possible I spoke to customs at paris today and was told all 3 were allowed 10.000 euros max undeclared more if you fill in the forms and declare it I know I can take up to 16.000 euros into thailand undeclared BUT how much as a family can we take are my girls allowed the same as me ..they are in leaving France ..I spoke to customs at BKK yesterday no one seemed to know ..Some of are going to ask why carry it ..why not transfer a few reasons one is the high charges and at the moment the euro is suffering against the baht I always get a lot better rate on and around town +id know my x wife lawyer would love to pick up the litte bit I managed to keep so not going in bank thats for sure no bank cannot transfer so my option is to take it hope you people out there can help tks

  14. Hey all hope you can help here and answer a question ive seen on here before but at the end of the chat no definite answers were given it was all well I think or im not sure ect im going back to thailand In 2 days I only left there yesterday got here this afternoon im going back with my 2 teenage daughter both under 16 so not adult I want to take the maximum cash possible I spoke to customs at paris today and was told all 3 were allowed 10.000 euros max undeclared more if you fill in the forms and declare it I know I can take up to 16.000 euros into thailand undeclared BUT how much as a family can we take are my girls allowed the same as me ..they are in leaving France ..I spoke to customs at BKK yesterday no one seemed to know ..Some of are going to ask why carry it ..why not transfer a few reasons one is the high charges and at the moment the euro is suffering against the baht I always get a lot better rate on and around town +id know my x wife lawyer would love to pick up the litte bit I managed to keep so not going in bank thats for sure no bank cannot transfer so my option is to take it hope you people out there can help tks

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