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Posts posted by tatom

  1. I always do my 90 day report at the same time as my annual retirement extension.

    In Nong Khai, they dont give me back the bottom part of my report form, but staple a small piece of paper into my passport that says I must report in 90 days. It has todays date and the date of next report, but not my name or any officials name.

    Can I use this paper to report by mail to Bangkok next time?

  2. A while back I posted a question about electrical adaptors. I was under the impression that the cheap 50-60 baht adaptors, were for converting 220v to 110v. Now I believe they are just to allow plugs to fit into different types of outlets.

    I have looked for gadgets to convert from 220 to 110, but cant find any.

    Can someone tell me how I can use 110v appliances, chargers, etc, here in Thailand?

  3. I bought aPhantom 2 yearsago and like it very much. The only complaint I have is that the foot pegs seem to be made for peoplewith short legs.

    I would like to have what I call "Highway pegs". That would be foot rests about 1 foot furthur ahead of the existing ones and 2-3 inches higher.

    The only ones Ive seen look like elephant ears sticking out on each side and I personaly think they are unattractive.

    I would like just 2 simple pegs so I can stretch out my legs while highway riding.

    Has anyone seen these, either commercially made or self fabricated?

  4. I need a new helmet and am thinking about a full face helmet. I have some questions though.

    The full face helmets look good and safer, but Im wondering about visibility. Is visability good, periferal vision etc?

    Also, they look like they may be hot with not as much vetilation?

  5. Coventry,

    I think you missed something here. I said the mosquitos are REPELED by the light. That means they go away.

    The package says photons repel them but dont kill them.

    I know what a mosquito looks like and they are there before I turn on the light and gone 20 min. after.

  6. Hmmm... Never heard of a bad elec. meter in farangland. We had a broken meter once here and had free elec. I thought it would be a good idea to buy a cheap meter, and maybe it would not last long and we would get free again. Meters sell from around 200 baht to 1,000 I believe.

    But I suppose a faulty meter can work against you as stated above.

    Does anyone know how to check if a meter is working properly?

  7. Electric bill came yesterday. 188 baht! Used 132 units.

    Under 150 units...50% off, under 80 units....Free!

    The bill is in my wifes name. I wonder if a farang would get the discount.

    I dont know how the government can afford it, it must add up to quite a chunk of money overall.

    Any farangs use less than 80 units?

  8. For the past year Ive been reporting by mail to BKK. (After being advised by Nong Khai, not to send to them).

    My next report is due just before my annual extension. I still do the extension in NK as it must be done in person and the atitude there doesnt bother me.

    I believe I will recieve my notification slip back before I go for my extension, but if not, would it be a problem if I dont have it when I go to NK?

    Is a notification receit nessesary to get the extension?

    Also, when doing the extension, is there also a 7 day before-after rule, or does it have to be done before the date?

  9. We bought ours from radio station 107 in Khon Kaen. The DJ makes extra money selling stuff on the side.

    I dont believe it is just a matter of the light being yellow, because there are pleanty of mosquitos before I turn the light on. Then after 20 min. or so, there are hardly any. The package says it works because it emits "photons" Beats me what a photon is! I just know it works.

    With malaria on the rise here, I think its a good idea. I got it once and it wasnt much fun!

  10. I just bought a 4 foot yellow neon mosquito light. It works great, not a single bug when its on! 440 baht, but worth it. Evenings on the patio are much more pleasant and I leave it on all night for the dog.

    There is something I dont understand though. The only yellow bug lights I see around, are in cow sheds. Good for the cows, for sure. But in our small village, and surrounding villages, the people sit outside at night under a white light. Ive done that and the bugs are unreal! Why wouldnt they use a bug light? There have been reports of malaria here and 1 death in the next village.

    The box the yellow tube comes in says its safe for humans and animals, and recomends use in homes, schools and hospitals. They are supposed to emit photons, whatever they are, and are safe.

  11. Ive had several motorcycles. Most of them had a throttle that would return to idle when I took my hand off , but a couple of them would stay at the same speed. Now I have a Phantom and the throttle returns to idle. Is there some way I can rig it to stay on when I release my grip?

  12. My sister has asked me if it is safefor a farang woman to go places alone in Bangkok or should she have a male companion. I dont know how to answer that.

    I would guess it would not be a good idea at nighttime.

    Any helpful advice?

  13. Ive been thinking about getting one of those plastic septic tanks. Ive seen some and they look pretty good. The ones Ive seen, all have the outlet running out to the gutter in the street. (could explain some of the bad smells around Thailand)

    I live out in the countryside and there is nowhere to run an outlet pipe. My question is, would a leachfield work here? I would imagine it would have to be at least a meter deep so it wouldnt be affected by heavy rains. Ive put in a number of leachfields in my day and the house I own in the US is still operating well on a drywell I put in about 20 years ago.

  14. What a shame. The wife and I used to vacation in Ban Pe. We would rent a little bungalo and walk on the beach and never see another person. Probably the beach is developed all the way to Ko Chang by now. Well, we still have fond memories.

  15. I started using CAT phone cards a few months ago. I was told I could call the US for 2 baht a min. The first card worked great, just as advertized. But on the second card, it seemed I didnt get much call time. Thought maybe I did something wrong so I bought another card and followed directions carefully. The operator said I have 100 baht and 10 min. remaining. 10 baht a min! Does anyone know whats going on?

    Also, anyone know of another way to call the US cheaply? I was dailing 009 through 1-2-call for about 6 baht per min.

  16. My wife suggested some EM and Ill give it a try.

    Im sure a vent pipe will do the trick, but it wont be very pretty. The tank is beside the house about 3 meters out. Our place is nicely landscaped and a tall pipe will stick out like a sore thumb.

    Ive seen several homes with vent pipes on the tanks but they were only 30 centemeters or so tall. I wonder if anyone in Thailand vents out through the roof?

  17. My plumming was done Issan style and then I added another bathroom myself using the same style. The toilet of course has a built in trap. There is still a little smell but not bad. The problem Im having now is a real stink coming from the septic tank. Its just 4 round tiles with a concrete cover.

    I suppose they dont use a vent pipe because the tanks are not buried, so are not airtight. Enough air to flush, no problem. I just pumped the tank a few months ago but for the last week or so there has been a real strong stink.

    Anyone got any suggestions?

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