Eastern Europe has been disputed territory for centuries. This dispute is just the most recent iteration.
Look up the history of Russia.
Look up the so-called "Heartland Theory." A theory put forth by a British geopolitical analyst named Mackinder in the early 1900s suggesting that control of Eastern Europe was the key to controlling the "Heartland" which, in turn, was the the key to controlling the world island, the central landmass containing over half of the world's resources. Whoever controlled that landmass and its natural resources could control the wold.
Whether they admit it or not, that's pretty much what's going on today. Western hegemony is at stake and the West doesn't want to see Russia with all those assets. Wasn't it US Senator Lindsey Graham that was mouthing off about just that? The trillions of dollars of assets at stake? Look at Blackrock and their greed. They already have contracts to "rebuild" Ukraine. In return, they'll pretty much own Ukraine, but I digress.
Once you understand the geopolitical implications, superimpose on that mess a bunch of crazy Neocons trying to turn back the clock of history and preserve so-called "American exceptionalism." At least that's the theory, but even those guys have been co-opted by the greedy warmongers whose only god is money.
On top of all that, throw in Game Theory and global thermonuclear war. Then set aside or imagine a disruption of the MAD principle. Mutually Assured Destruction. A disruption of the MAD principle because people, by way of the crazy NEOCONs or because of pure greed, no longer act as a rational actor might act. It all becomes a crapshoot.
Then try to guess what will happen next. The Globalists are playing dice with the lives of billions of people and perhaps humanity itself.