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  1. Are there any real Democrats these days? The ones for sure I know about are now Republicans and helped elect Donald Trump. Elon Musk, RFK, Jr., Tulsi Gabbard. And then there are the Republicans like Mitch McConnell. Part of the Deep State doing their best to protect the forever war money laundering operation and their so-called "Democracy."
  2. There's more to it than even that, I'm afraid. First, the current Left in the USA is a party of destruction. They have no replacement for America,. They just want to destroy it. They hate America and everything it stands for, and they want to destroy it. And those people are being used by a cult at the WEF, including people intent on reducing the human population by 80%. In the warped view of the unelected WEF cult, the ordinary people will own nothing and be happy, and they'll eat bugs and live in 15 minute cities, while the elite rule the world. How anyone thinks that the world will function with 80% less people is beyond me. Of course, I could go into the killer COVID jabs and how that was orchestrated, but I could go on all day.
  3. I'm talking about the fact that D.O.G.E fired all the people that ran the site and shut it down. Perhaps that's why you can't log in? You say it's working. How do you know, if you can't log in?
  4. I read yesterday, I think, that D.O.G.E had suspended the unit that runs that site. Fired all the people. So maybe it's not a surprise you can't log in. Fortunately, I did my taxes before that happened, so I was able to log in. Maybe by next year they'll have a fix.
  5. I'm having the time of my life with stocks right now. Just the other day I paid all sorts of taxes on money I made for some stock sales at the end of the year. Fortunately, mast of the Wall Street institutions immediately flipped out at the prospect of Trump's tariffs, not realizing the numbers they always look at are flawed because of all the phony data put out by the Biden administration. And so the stock market drop may have been temporary? Whatever happens, I keep making money because I have a good assortment of stocks and I believe in what I have. So if the market drops 50%, for me that's just a big sale. Let it happen. I can wait for the rebound when all that sideline cash comes back into risk assets.
  6. Trump did good, and the lunatic Democrats on the left ended up looking like the true idiots that they are. The little signs they held up from time to time only made matters worse for them. Juvenile tactics. Anyway, what a difference a few months makes. The unelected Deep State reduced to looking like fools. One thing surprised me: Trump acknowledged an apology letter from Zelenskyy. He didn't say much about it, one way or the other, other than to read it out loud. So we'll have to see. Before this is over, perhaps he can get both Russia and Ukraine to sign off on an immediate end to the war. He didn't say anything about NATO or the prospect of a continuation of hostilities with Europe involved. Maybe that's dead in the water? Europe knows they have no troops that can sustain a war, and no money to fight one. Trump wins all the way around. Another interesting tidbit: he suggested that the tariffs could be a little flexible. Of course, that was always the case, I think. It's supposed to be a self adjusting process.
  7. There's no way they would spend the political capital to pursue a losing argument. Even a friendly Supreme Court would know the case to take away Title II benefits is unconstitutional. In short, it's not going to happen. Maybe some lower court would go along? A possibility that would be quickly enjoined. There's a lot to worry about for some people, but traveling overseas with your property isn't one of them.
  8. With an agenda, for sure. Hence the "Ex." Head been trying to scam tp obtain more employees with scare tactics.
  9. I'm afraid Trump is done with Zelenskyy, and Zelenskyy himself has reached the end of his political acting career. I'm not sure what's next, but it looks like it's any deal to stop the war now, including a deal with Putin. The US can mine minerals in the Donbass and throughout the rest of Russia.
  10. It's not. only the amount, which is usually minimal but the amount is sometimes supplemented by various states. It's the source of funding. Title II benefits are funded from the Social Security trust fund and are generally considered a property right by the courts. Title XVI benefits are funded by the government's general fund and are a creature of statute and regulation. There's a distinction, and in legal terms. It matters for purposes of my point here.
  11. Trust me on this, it's not your "property" in the same way your Title II benefits are your property. It's considered a form of welfare, based not on your work record but on the government's beneficence. In any event, they normally don't play such benefits to those overseas more than 30 days. And they can very much do that. However, Title II benefits are different. Bottom line: they'd have as much luck telling you couldn't travel with Nike jogging shoes as they would telling you couldn't travel with your Title I benefits. Musk may get some mileage with the "chainsaw" nonsense, but you can bet he has very smart legal advisors who know the law and know full well they'd get nowhere in court with any kind of restriction on receiving Title II benefits overseas.
  12. You obviously know nothing, so believe what you want. The right to travel is a fundamental human right recognized by the Supreme Court. It's a longstanding concept. As is your fundamental right to your property, including your Title II social Security benefits which you earned. If anyone tried to restrict your right to travel, including your right to travel overseas with your property, they wouldn't' get very far in the courts. Perhaps you should stick to commenting about that which you have some clue.
  13. Easier said than done. There are two types of Social Security benefits. Benefits received under Title II and Benefits received under Title XVI. Title XVI benefits are SSI and are a form of welfare. They're not typically payable to those onside the USA for more than 30 days, except in certain unusual circumstances. Title II benefits are the received based on your earnings and are your property, so to speak. And you have a constitutional right to travel, including travel outside the USA. A ban on the payments of Title II benefits outside the ISA wouldn't fly, constitutionally. Even the Supreme Court wouldn't uphold such a ban.
  14. You miss the point, I'm afraid. The war is over, and cannot be won by Ukraine. As for the US being broke? Not so long as they have the world reserve currency. And least not for a while. Years, perhaps. In any event, if you step back a look at the bigger picture, you also miss one very important factor. Russia is now at the table and ready to make a deal with the US for mining Russia minerals, not only in the Donbas, but across Russia. The Big Lie has now been exposed and no amount of nonsense from Europe can change that simple fact. The sooner you digest all that, the sooner your eyes will open and you'll begin to see.
  15. The UK is broke. They can sign all the loan agreements in the world with Ukraine and it doesn't change that simple fact.
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