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  1. You need to study up a little bit on the MAD doctrine and game theory. It's all pretty much International Relations 101. It all makes sense if everyone involved is a rational actor. Today, rational actors seem to be in short supply. If Putin, for example, were to perceive a threat of a potential first strike by an irrational actor, he might be tempted to do his own first strike. Use your nukes or lose them. It's all nuts at this point. Delusional people are currently running America.
  2. This isn't 1949, in case you missed that little detail. Moreover, neither the USA nor the entirety of NATO has the military capacity to fight a prolonged ground war against Russia. The war would escalate, as wars always do, and Western Europe's capital cities would be obliterated.. Paris, London, Berlin, Warsaw, and various military targets. They would all be gone in less than 30 minutes. What you don't seem to understand that it's not a question of right or wrong. You can be right and still end up dead. Russia perceives an existential threat and it will respond accordingly. Ukraine NATO membership and the Russia-speaking areas of Ukraine are not worth sacrificing the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Billions, perhaps, if things get out of hand.
  3. Tops at Central Festival has free range c chicken eggs from Hill Tribes. Something like that. Actually, they have all sorts of different kinds. I never paid too much attention.
  4. I won't be so quick to believe any of the Western propaganda.
  5. For what it's worth, I'm an American and II've received nothing from Bank. It's a very old account, through. It has been open for around 15 years.
  6. I'm wondering how long it takes Jaguar to wake up and realize that the kind of people who buy Jaguars probably won't appreciate the nutty brand makeover, and it's certainly not going to sell any cars. Who owns the company these days?
  7. Some of you guys seen to think it's all about Trump and some sort of cult like group of followers. That's hardly the case. A lot of people voted for Trump. not because they're part of some cult, but because they couldn't stand the alternative and they weren't so stupid as to believe all the mainstream propaganda. They didn't want four more years or war. They didn't want four more years of inflation and a bad economy. They didn't want to be talked down to, and they were sick of all the "woke" nonsense. And so, they voted for Trump. Don't forget, Harris didn't come across as any kind of leader. She wouldn't even do an honest news interview. And she wanted to be President of the USA?
  8. Russian rhetoric? If you ask me, it's the only sensible explanation for the stupidly of trying to start WW III, which is exactly what the current administration seems to be trying to do People think that such a thing can't happen, but it absolutely can. Hopefully, the world will make it through the next two months and Trump will tell Zelensky to make a deal or lose all funding. What's left of Ukraine can.still be saved. perhaps.
  9. I think the point of "Mutually Assured Destruction" is that, in theory, rational actors would have no reason to use nukes. as their use would be not in their best interest. But it all falls apart when it becomes obvious that one side is not acting in a rational manner. It's a game that can't be won. That's the danger the world is facing now. The US is acting in a way that is not rational if one assumes that, at some point, Russia will no longer be "bluffing." They make that assumption, but is it correct, necessarily? I think not. To think otherwise is either remarkably evil or remarkably stupid. Billions of lives are being risked.
  10. There's always something, right? And there's no shortage of advice floating around about what's a buy and what isn't. What's your time horizon? Personally, I've had better luck with trades that play out over a year or two. Trying to time the market over the short term usually doesn't work out too well, for me. Or rather, my greed always seems to screw me up.
  11. Eastern Europe has been disputed territory for centuries. This dispute is just the most recent iteration. Look up the history of Russia. Look up the so-called "Heartland Theory." A theory put forth by a British geopolitical analyst named Mackinder in the early 1900s suggesting that control of Eastern Europe was the key to controlling the "Heartland" which, in turn, was the the key to controlling the world island, the central landmass containing over half of the world's resources. Whoever controlled that landmass and its natural resources could control the wold. Whether they admit it or not, that's pretty much what's going on today. Western hegemony is at stake and the West doesn't want to see Russia with all those assets. Wasn't it US Senator Lindsey Graham that was mouthing off about just that? The trillions of dollars of assets at stake? Look at Blackrock and their greed. They already have contracts to "rebuild" Ukraine. In return, they'll pretty much own Ukraine, but I digress. Once you understand the geopolitical implications, superimpose on that mess a bunch of crazy Neocons trying to turn back the clock of history and preserve so-called "American exceptionalism." At least that's the theory, but even those guys have been co-opted by the greedy warmongers whose only god is money. On top of all that, throw in Game Theory and global thermonuclear war. Then set aside or imagine a disruption of the MAD principle. Mutually Assured Destruction. A disruption of the MAD principle because people, by way of the crazy NEOCONs or because of pure greed, no longer act as a rational actor might act. It all becomes a crapshoot. Then try to guess what will happen next. The Globalists are playing dice with the lives of billions of people and perhaps humanity itself.
  12. Eastern Europe has been disputed territory for centuries. This dispute is just the most recent iteration. Look up the history of Russia. Look up the so-called "Heartland Theory." A theory put forth by a British geopolitical analyst named Mackinder in the early 1900s suggesting that control of Eastern Europe was the key to controlling the "Heartland" which, in turn, was the the key to controlling the world island, the central landmass containing over half of the world's resources. Whoever controlled that landmass and its natural resources could control the wold. Whether they admit it or not, that's pretty much what's going on today. Western hegemony is at stake and the West doesn't want to see Russia with all those assets. Wasn't it US Senator Lindsey Graham that was mouthing off about just that? The trillions of dollars of assets at stake? Look at Blackrock and their greed. They already have contracts to "rebuild" Ukraine. In return, they'll pretty much own Ukraine, but I digress. Once you understand the geopolitical implications, superimpose on that mess a bunch of crazy Neocons trying to turn back the clock of history and preserve so-called "American exceptionalism." At least that's the theory, but even those guys have been co-opted by the greedy warmongers whose only god is money. On top of all that, throw in Game Theory and global thermonuclear war. Then set aside or imagine a disruption of the MAD principle. Mutually Assured Destruction. A disruption of the MAD principle because people, by way of the crazy NEOCONs or because of pure greed, no longer act as a rational actor might act. It all becomes a crapshoot. Then try to guess what will happen next. The Globalists are playing dice with the lives of billions of people and perhaps humanity itself.
  13. Most of the times I worked for the government, work from home wasn't a thing. They didn't even have an Internet until the 1990s. Anyway, when I was able to work from home, it wasn't for me. Too many distractions and I really did have to do some work. I finally just decided to go to work every day. I could drive to my office in 10 minutes and once I was there I could do whatever I wanted.
  14. I could sit here all day and tel you stories about what goes on, but I'm not sure what the point would be. I would be called a conspiracy theorist be some, and the rest of the people wouldn't believe me.
  15. Have you ever worked in a government office? Some agencies are better than others, but it really is true. You can probably walk into about any big government agency and fire half the people. The public would never notice the difference. Currently, they can't really do that so easily, so they'll have to figure out creative ways to do it. Eliminating entire agencies. Moving the agency headquarters to Guam. Ending work from home.

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