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Posts posted by patman30

  1. On 2/26/2024 at 2:50 PM, richard_smith237 said:


    I've just had a surgical procedure (on my leg)....  its quite painful and I have some 'gummies' ready to assist with sleep, but don't want to be taking those every night (its going to be a long recovery).... 

    So... I'm thinking of mixing this up with a 'bit of Krathom'....  but know nothing about the subject at all  (I think I've mentioned this in other replies on this thread - specifically to you Lacessit, if I'm not mistaken). 

    What advice would you give - recently operated on (nothing major, just ligaments), but seeking some pain relief.... 

    And I don't want to end up taking a a few glasses of whisky every night so I'm open to alternatives and not fearful of something such as Krathom... 

    Also - where to get it from, buy the stuff on the street ?.... or from elsewhere.

    If so, where on the street ? (in central Bangkok for example).

    I'm not worried about getting addicted... I have sleeping tablets, Xanax, Clonozopam etc left over from similar times in the past when I wish to sleep better post injury / surgery...  and I have no issues managing that, so I'm not concerned. 

    Kratom is a VERY mild stimulant in my own experience, seriously, drinking tea or coffee is stronger
    it is calming like tea is compared to coffee
    as for addiction, it may be habitual no way would i say its addictive, and definitely nothing compared to benzos or harder stuff
    might be nice drink for you in mornings for pain relief during day (i did not have pains to relieve)
    i have drunk it as coffee alternative to reduce caffeine tolerance
    loads of people just sell on roadside, not sure if any advertise on facebook anymore, loads used to (don't use FB)
    it is also easy to grow

  2. 52 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    What about a Thai woman who is bi-lingual and who is married to a Thai man who speaks only Thai? Would the Thai husband be justified if he flipped out, cut his wife's conversation with the non-Thai speaking foreigner short, and forbade her from talking to the foreigner again if she engaged in an English conversation with the foreigner which he was unable to follow? Sounds very rigid and controlling to me, not to mention Anglo-centric.


    And another thing I can't help wondering is whether your "that's rude and highly disrespectful" posture on this issue would change if the shoe was on the other foot and you were the one able to speak Thai and able to take advantage of opportunities to engage conversationally in Thai in culturally mixed settings? :whistling:


    Sounds to me like what you're saying is if I can't speak Thai to my wife, I don't want any other foreigners to speak Thai to my wife either.

    Strawman (stopped at Thai man)


    3 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    And what would be so objectionable to the foreign husband, if after engaging in a Thai language conversation with a foreigner, the Thai wife or the Thai-speaking foreigner politely summarized the conversation for the benefit of the foreign husband, and solicited his input about what was said?

    another strawman (not about the wife, but the farang)

    Read the OP FFS

    • Confused 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

    I didn't say she can't speak English. A person can have enough proficiency to manage routine one-on-one communication with their spouse, but struggle or feel overwhelmed when in a social setting with a group of native speakers.

    "her English is limited" so much so she cannot engage in what is likely a small talk convo
    if her English is not limited (even though you said it was)
    her silence would mean she has no interest in the convo
    by "native speakers" you mean Thai yes? 

  4. 36 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I agree... Cutting anyone out is a very rude.


    I find that when I am the only foreigner in a room, the Thai's will still speak English, especially when they are all fluent, but within that group there may be individual spin-off contestations in Thai.


    And often I'll speak to someones Wife in whatever language is easier for either of us, but I'd always ensure to include her partner if he is part of the conversation. I often see my Wife deep in conversation with my friends, me in conversation with their wife... or wives of others.... Its normal to communicate in the most efficient manner for both.... 


    But... to deliberately speak a different language to avoid someone's partner understanding, is underhand, impolite and ultimately quite wrong. 

    for myself i don't mind being left out when there is a group convo
    many times the family are here and only some speak English, those times it can be better to be left out lol
    but even when family do speak English very often they will converse in Thai in front of me
    but usually when the convo is just small talk or of no relevance to myself
    i never find it rude when Thais speak Thai regardless of who is in the room, or how it may feel
    but a foreigner speaking Thai is a completely different matter, especially if English is most convenient for those in the conversation

  5. depends on setting and circumstance
    if you are in small setting, English is your first language and you are cutting the farang out of the conversation between his wife and yourself, that is very disrespectful,
    if for instance you are at a dinner or event with a few wives and/or talking to a group etc and farang is not the only one left out of the convo then that is completely different.

    If English is your first language, and you were having a convo with myself, and then you decided to talk to my wife in Thai (assuming i would not understand any) cutting me out of the convo, it would likely be the last convo you have with my wife or myself and would likely be cut short.

    • Like 1
  6. take it to a samsung customer service centre 🤦‍♂️
    i had a Laptop brought to me from uk and had battery replaced under warranty in Pattaya at samsung service centre on sukhumvit near lotus, but i think they moved it to pattaya klang
    for bkk see HERE

    to me it sounds like the shop just repaired the screen themselves, hence the offer of refund.

  7. if you think you may have any need for any more cables in future, you can buy the cable and connectors and crimpers and make yourself
    it is very easy to do, and is what i now do since wiring my new office i run a lot of LAN cables in the wall
    obviously you may buy a good bit more cable than you need, Glink CAT6 100m is like 400 baht iirc
    you can buy the shieled connectors cheap
    and can colour code the cables
    if doing this though be sure to buy the pass through connectors and crimpers for such as they are much easier than the old ones
    obviously doing this you can make the cable exactly the right length

  8. On 2/19/2024 at 1:27 PM, kingstonkid said:

    Has anyone ever tried to set up a meet up for expats living in BKK.


    Next question how many would be interested in meeting for a coffee. Or....

    If you have a topic of discussion (or not)
    you can try using meetup.com 
    if you have a friend or two just start meeting at a regular spot that others are welcome to join

  9. 3 minutes ago, stoner said:

    per capita canadians are among the biggest polluters on the planet. put the reefer down no way. reefer is magical. you can turn carbon into money. really cool.  

    but but but.... your carbon footprint
    you do know it is very common to use carbon generators at deadly levels to grow high grade?

    Sorry to break it to you
    Canada is so screwed, i honestly hope you are here and not there.
    you at least get a thumbs up if you got out already.

    BTW, what strain you puffin today?

    • Sad 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, stoner said:


    the amount of garbage and pollution you cause compared to him is far greater is what i was getting at.


    even him burning some garbage is offset (and more) by some of his other habits in life. compared to yours. if i am assuming right. you don't utilize the things he does. if you do my bad.


    so you driving a gas car for a couple years or using grid electricity (that is mostly created from burning - which releases toxic fumes) probably puts out more pollution and causes more damage to you and the planet than his entire lifetime of burning personal garbage. 

    put the reefer down and actually read what has been typed

    firstly you know nothing of me, so it is foolish to assume anything
    then you go on to tell me i use grid power, after i have already stated i am COMPLETEY OFF GRID

    if you want a conversation please do find the answers to these questions for yourself.
    what percent of the atmosphere is Co2?
    what percent of that is man made?
    At what level of Co2 does all life on earth die?
    What happens to the oxygen levels in the atmosphere when Co2 levels increase?
    how many KW is the average to charge an EV?
    what is the average household use in KW?

    if you know these then we can have a conversation

    now as to myself to address your dumb af comments
    my cars is used extremely little, it would make zero sense either side of the argument for myself to purchase a new car regardless of fuel
    we have extremely small amount of garbage, literally one bag a month, which is mainly nappies that are mostly agar agar
    (we use nappies night time only, daytime we use terrycloth)
    we do not burn any garbage or plastics which are toxic
    again i am not referring to general air pollution
    but the releasing of toxic chemicals to those around you in near proximity
    not to mention it is actually illegal to burn garbage



    now this does not matter to myself, but.............




    Now, i have shown you mine, you show me yours.

  11. 3 hours ago, stoner said:

    having less of a carbon footprint

    This is the problem right here, thinking it is about what we are told it is about
    for my comments i am specifically referring to burning of plastics and the toxicity to those around you
    i do not care about "carbon footprint" as i understand how backwards this mentality is
    CO2 = life
    i do not live completely off grid and nearly self sufficient for any such reasons.

    don't be fooled by the nonsense that is put out in order to impose more tax and regulations
    and as far as EV drivers go.... there are reasons to buy an EV
    saving the environment is not one of them,
    and thinking you have the moral high ground because you drive one is just asinine 

  12. 4 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Reading comprehension ...

    What i read.....

    5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    we have very little trash to burn



    5 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    we pollute


    8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    I would just burn it with the rest of the stuff that we burn


    8 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    If a wee bit gets recycled, then a good thing.  If they burn it, then not different than us

    and not all plastic packaging can be sold for recycling, which is the trash you burn.
    anything that is biodegradable is not trash,
    really not much else apart from plastic packaging that is not biodegradable



    • Agree 2
  13. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    But takes 4 days, so you can take a trip for 3 days somewhere
    go see Tea Plantations etc
    then pick up passport and then can take a trip down south to the beaches if you want to stay longer
    they do now also have an airport down south, so possibly will not need to travel back to Colombo for return flight
    not been for many years, so cannot comment on current flights, or visa services
    but previous visits was told "for you (foreigner) can do any visa" for a fee of course.

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