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Paul Kernell

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Posts posted by Paul Kernell

  1. The wet stuff is probably petrol/diesel or LPG on the way to evaporate. In any way it should be highly flammable. A miracle that the whole place is not on fire.

    Here's a picture of the wet stuff coming out of a fireman's hose, possibly to dilute the diesel fuel, if it was indeed diesel, on an LPG tanker?

    attachicon.gifwet stuff.jpg

    Wet stuff is indeed water from the fire man, maybe diesel from the truck being diluted and washed away. NOT a good idea, Diesel is nasty stuff in a waterway. LPG is a liquid gas, it will boil unpressurized . Those tanks are very tough, if one ruptures you will have a disaster on a large scale. Good to see the Thai drivers testing them reguarly

  2. Why did it take the soldiers to deal with this? Sad that the police couldn't handle it....

    Because like all the other times the Army is involved it's one of the operation that either a man of the bib owns or is getting a bribe from.The All Night clubs pay in excess of 100,000 baht to stay open then the Army says raid the place just to show the bib who the bosses rely are.

    Brown envelope, Wrong pocket.

  3. At least the little kid on the sidecar gets a good look, well done 'mother'...

    You will see that in Thailand, people want their children to see death as death is a part of life as Buddha said, no part of life should be hidden. In truth, in the West, we are terrified to see something, only to see it, it's not actually something to be afraid of, dead people don't hurt us, but through the detachment of hiding from death our whole lives we develop a great fear, it is really just fear of the unknown and once you have seen a few dead people the fear goes away.

    I don't think a murder victim, headless, armless,and has been decomposing for a month at sea is worth showing anybody! certainly not children! (pictulated photo's) I can see two juveniles in the photo. It must be those Cambodians again!

    I'm not scared of the dozen or so dead people I've tried to help or handled, I just prey and shed a tear....... ( I'm not in the rescue service)

  4. So sad...But i can smell a crackdown on busdrivers coming.

    Enforced for a whole day, if that.

    That's always the problem, there is zero enforcement here unless it's about scooter helmets. Quick cash is the name of the game in the land of road carnage.

    Trying to get the kids at my last school too wear crash helmets was a joke! 1/ Blessed with a 5mm cane (bamboo) on the head on arrival when riding a motorbike. Your hurting the students! if they were wearing a helmet it wouldn't hurt and it it hurt a lot less than a concrete road....... NO WAY.... 2/ Fine them 20 baht for not wearing a helmet (dinner money) It's the law and your King said so. After 5 fines you give them a hemet, paid for by the fines and if they still forget they are stupid and hungry! learn too think! YEA! A helmet costs 60 Baht in bulk, so you can make a bit of tea money also! YEA! No way can we have hungry kids at school! Let the carnage continue. Prey to Buddha and nothing bad will happen!

  5. I met an English girl around thirty years old here on holiday. She is a teacher in England, her grammar was appalling, in it, like. She taught physics and she couldn't work out why we have condoms on our beer bottles! After explaining to her why she answered "It will warm it up quicker because it"s insulation in it" Yea right! teaching levels! She also turned down many invites for a lift home and took it on herself to walk the 2kms alone at 2am in the morning!!!! What is she going too teach?

  6. Yeah right!!! It reminds me when the tassaban pest control came to the school where I taught a few years back to tranquilise the 8-10 stray dogs that had became residents. They performed the act during lunch time while all the kid's from 3-17 years old were playing in the grounds!!!!!!! The darts were far too strong killing the dogs dead, the puppies were crying for their dead mothers. The so called marks men were walking around like big game hunters, missing three out of four shots and not recovering the darts! (Left for the kids to play with unless I and my colleagues found them). Small kid's were in distress and all the kids were lucky they didn't get caught in the cross fire! It has to be a special kind of stupid not to come on a saturday with some bones and scraps and a van!! Tease the dogs with the scraps and throw the bones in the back of the van and close the doors while the dogs are choosing and fighting over the bones!!!!! Animal rights and children safety my arse! not in this country......

  7. <deleted> is happening. Tourism is down a lot! Never mind the manipulated figures, go to any beaches, bars or restaurants over the past 2-3 months and they are as good as empty!!!!! So arrest/detain the rest for playing bridge and not carrying your passport, (which I was advised not to carry by the Thai police because of the rise in thefts) Make sure they or their friends don't come back! AM I MISSING SOMETHING? Or do you have to be a special kind of stupid?

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