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Posts posted by LolaS

  1. 7 hours ago, cerox said:

    It's my first year here.


    Tuesday late afternoon I could see smog everywhere and my eyes were burning. Same for last week Sunday for the eyes but no smoke.


    For some reason it has become better yesterday and today so I opened my windows.  Not sure what the reasons are, maybe my body gets used to it or the wind / no fresh burning etc. :)


    @chiang mai: I remember you saying that Air conditioning only would be ok, but after a few days it really felt like the air is kind of stuffy in my room, although I used air conditioning. It became better after letting "fresh" air in. Maybe it depends on the AirCon unit or other things, I'm not sure.


    wherfe did you see it???? i m here 3 years, this year no where

  2. On 1/22/2017 at 0:14 PM, thetruth revealer said:

    ....whenever i feel like, will do that...and who is forcing YOU to respond here in such manner ? surely you completely missed the point, but hey go on if you feel so.(My Post was refering to Tax payers compared with Retirees .)


    BTW, soon i hang out at some other beautyful places , like Malaga , Costa del Sol ,Spain or Algarve in Portugal and you know why ?

    Because i have free choice , but nonetheless im commenting here whats wrong or could be done more conviniently as long im feeling so.


    And whats your alternative ?

    Swallow the frog every day and enjoy the usual ANTI FALANG RIP OFF MENTALITY?  And keep on smiling ??? :passifier:

    Thailand is struggling and everybody knows.

    Now we cant speak out clearly, because of loosing face bla bla.

    I DONT GIVE A DAMN S**T about that 3. World rules and based on RACIALISM. 





    it is very funny, 

    you are mentioning places that aso have dula pricing :D

    • Like 1
  3. I want to disagree with thai bashing here, 

    please take a look https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/countries-global-higher-education-superstars-tactics-?utm_content=bufferca9ec&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer 

    also take a look on Thailand in scimago ranking 


    In general, yes a lot of PhD professors, finished abroad,

    my coadvisor didnt, he is super smart and capable person ( MCU )

    Honestly, thai speak and write good English, even better than me, they publish in high impact factors and now they subscribe to TURNITIN,

    BA; BSc, even most of MSc and MA are not so good, but there are some briliant teachers, and briliant student, honestly I dont see problem and difference from west.

    Only problem, that thai culture is so crazy sometime and I think most of thais dont want to internationalize.

  4. On 11/23/2016 at 4:08 PM, pentae said:

    I run a startup with 10-20 employees in Chiang Mai. The gov is making a lot of noise about Startups and innovation but the problem is there's simply not enough skilled university graduates. Anyone who has attempted to post a job looking for thai people with even basic web development skills have a better chance at finding a snowball in hell. Because of this, most of my staff are foreigners (We had to set up a BOI company which allows this). They do require us to bring in thai staff to train but most barely know how to use a computer or speak english after completing university.


    On the other hand, there is a huge amount of talented foreigners in the country that are software engineers, digital nomads and so on. So far the Ministry has made absolutely no attempt to take advantage of this foreign resource inside the country and cross pollinate talent between foreigners and thais. After reaching out to them none of the programs are available unless you are a thai citizen, all the startup programs are 100% in thai and not in English. They simply aren't interested in talking to you unless you are thai. This is the wrong attitude. 


    Most countries are doing everything they can to attract highly skilled foreign talent, Thailand already has them here but they aren't smart enough or don't show any interest in taking advantage of that. Stupid.


    Last time I checked computer coding was done in English, so why are all these startup programs in Thai with people who can barely speak/read/write English?


    There are also no attempts that i've seen particularly in the north to train thai computer science graduates skills that are relevant in the real world. Unless they address education and bring foreigners into the program (on any capacity, even teachers) then it's a missed opportunity.


    I wish them luck but they have already doomed themselves for failure.




    this is so so so true. 

    I agree with everything, and i will copy and paste forward your observations.

    However, I cannot understand "all the startup programs are 100% in thai and not in English. They simply aren't interested in talking to you unless you are thai. This is the wrong attitude. "

    Like yeah, you are in thailand, of course everything is in thai, but all information are under 1997 Info act available by demand on english.

  5. On 8/25/2016 at 6:59 PM, Morakot said:


    I'm still not clear what this is all about.


    You are talking about Thailand and there are academics without a PhD who want to become a Dean or something? They go for a DBA instead of a PhD...?  Why?


    Or are you talking about why more professional doctoral programmes are on offer than research doctoral programmes? If so, the reason is that the majority Thai academics have PhDs from aboard. Doctoral programmes offered by Thai universities seem to cater for a local market, where potential candidates are not necessarily academics. Those who have missed the boat on scholarships abroad, or hadn't had the flexibility to go abroad because they already had a family,  or are outsiders from industry, might end up with a local degree, which incidently might be professional one.


    It takes more or less the same time/ effort and (in the West) can be considerably more expensive than a PhD.


    you dont need PhD to become dean in Thailand, and I think almost elsewhere


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