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Everything posted by JMT42

  1. Must be a Yank or an Iranian to make such a comment.
  2. Now if the court turns him loose it will send a message to other loan sharks that their days are numbered.
  3. The "land of the free" will cry because they are losing another customer for their guns and bombs. A country with 10% of the worlds' population and 25% of the worlds incarcerated , CIA prison ships etc. has no business talking about human rights,
  4. Xi doesn't have to do anything just wait. The people of Taiwan are Chinese and when it benefits them to go with China they will go.. They have already changed the name of the airport, that should tell you something. The USA will howl as they always do when democracy fails to produce the answer they favour.
  5. Bangkok OK but I think only first class has arrival lounges unless you go to India where most planes arrive in the middle of the night. They are a good place to go untill public transport starts up ,and all the crooks that hang around outside disappear when the sun comes up.
  6. I find the main problem is that they don't want to correct you when you get it wrong. So when you attain a certain level it's hard to improve.
  7. I would be tossing the old beer bottle hamburger over the wall at midnight.
  8. I would multiply this by ten o get a more realistic number.
  9. A silly idea won't happen. Are they going to try and tax all money coming into Thailand? Who decIdes what is classified as income?
  10. The rates in Thailand are too high. They seem to think they are only competing with the USA rates, I don't know about south America but the best rates as far as I know are eastern Europe such as Latvia or Slovakia. Two teeth you will break even on your two flights, more than two you will be thousands ahead.
  11. Thailand likes to go with the winner. Till it is clear whether the US or China comes out on top they are staying on the fence. In WWII it looked like the nippers were winning so they went with them cost them two provinces Kedah and Kelantan.
  12. Norfloxacin take one then take another after two hours. It should fix you.
  13. Read the ingredients on the tin. It's a chemical soup no milk anywhere near it.
  14. Queers are born queer, it is an affliction not of their making. So I don't believe in causing them any grief on account of their affliction. However I do object to those that espouse that this is some kind of normal state of existence.
  15. Poor Yanks don't have much of a choice. One is senile the other is nuts.
  16. You are what you do unless you are too old to do it.
  17. Good luck with the new system
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