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Social Media

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Posts posted by Social Media

  1. I guess it depends what you want out of a relationship. Personally, I value shared interests, stimulating conversation, and a deep understanding of what makes each other tick. I can't imagine any of that without a common language that goes beyond baby talk.

    That is kind of my point. Once you get passed the usual physical attraction and sex aspect, surely you need to be able to "chat" and talk about things and discuss latest world events maybe, have a meaningful conversation.

    Perhaps for some couples they are happy with the maid/housekeeper type relationship but I would have thought that communication above the very basics would be preferred for any long term relationship to survive, even more so in older people where sex isnt always the main event/priority.

  2. I was in a Bank in Bangkok recently, a couple were sat at a desk, and seemed to be having a problem so I asked if I could help ?

    The guy was French, spoke very little English, no Thai, his (wife?) Gf was Thai spoke no French and no English. Bank staff obviously Thai and spoke reasonable English.

    I was able to help as I speak a little French, reasonable Thai and English is my language. So I was happy to assist and sort the problem quite quickly for him/them.

    He had been in Thailand 4 months, dont know how long they had been together but guessing probably the 3-4 months he had been here.

    She was not a young girl, certainly not any form of "trophy" type relationship, in fact I would say she was probably about mid 50, him early 60's,.

    Anyone got any guess's or know of anyone in a relationship like that with zero verbal communication ?

    Anyway, that got me to thinking, how in the heck can that "relationship" work ?

    how do they communicate ? how can any reasonable relationship without the basics of a common language possibly work, let alone last ?

  3. Google maps requires an internet connection.

    Use a smartphone with maps and you dont need an internet connection.

    I use Sygic, free to download, updated regularly and the maps are really cheap. Once purchased your set for life.Only need to carry one device and its extremely accurate and reliable.It also uses your phones camera as a dash-cam which is very useful.

    Good info in this thread too:http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/697913-thailand-gps-turn-by-turn-apps-for-android/

  4. Dont like them personally, but to assume someone hasnt got one, just because its not on display is wrong.

    I have known plenty of females who have them but you would never know unless they were undressed. In the small of their back, on the hip etc, and more intimate places. So those Bank staff, hi-so etc you mention, dont bet on it.

    I never understood it, why have one if you then hide it, I asked one girl, she said I like it, subtle, and think its pretty, but dont think its right to publicise it, thats "cheap" and could be viewed as as a "tramp stamp".

    For her it was a private choice.

  5. Two things to consider.

    1. Is this going to be something she is interested in/good at and is passionate about.


    2. Something she can initiate, oversee, and just Manage those that can operate it on a day to day basis

    Need to get those two sorted first.


    A. Does it need to be self sufficient and reasonable profit, whilst desirable is not necessarily the goal, as long as it pays its way. so more of an interest and activity to keep a person active etc.

    B. Needs to provide a steady income for specific reasons and as a future/longer term investment.

    Then you can start narrowing down what opportunities and types of business to consider in order to fulfil which of the the above are most relevant.

    Next step, is the goal realistic and achievable, with the investment of time and money available.

    Dont forget: The way to make a small fortune in Thailand, is start with a big one.

  6. Is there a particular area or street where shops selling Material/Fabric are to be found ?

    I noticed that in Thailand shops of a particular type tend to group together in an area. Is this the case or are they dotted around ?

    Needing to get wholesale type quantities not just a few yards of this or that.

    Any help, comment or guidance appreciated. Thanks.

  7. Why does there have to be a number of genders, why cant people just accept others for who and what they are or choose to be and how they wish to live their life is their choice and not forced on them by convention.

    If it isnt imposed on you, who is anyone to judge another, be happy for them that they are living their life, their way, on their terms.

    People are people, why should anyone classify them at all.

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