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Social Media

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Everything posted by Social Media

  1. There was a recent announcement regarding Hydrogen being used now by Hyundai for cars Here we see Trains running on Hydrogen.It seems its use as an alternative energy is spreading. Hydrogen car discussion here.....
  2. This seems a bit extreme , whats the world coming to ? What do you think ?
  3. This is NOT what you expect when ordering at a Coffee shop !......unless you are in the Ukraine !.
  4. Just curious here but how did the water get there if it wasnt rain ? cos thats a hell of a burst pipe if it wasnt...????
  5. Just wondering how people celebrate their Christmas here in Thailand. Has it faded and become just another day ? Do you still make an effort and put up a Christmas tree and lights ? Maybe you have kids or Grand kids and keep it going for them ?
  6. That would depend who and where youre reading, the one I looked at auoted "weeks" . Just take it as is, choose to believe or not upto you, this is the pub ! ????
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