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Posts posted by RawboneFunksta

  1. There was a thread somewhere else where a poster said it is difficult to get HIV from a girl as HIV is a gay man's disease. While this is not strictly true, HIV among straight people has gone down radically since 2005 and is still falling in the west. In contrast it has gone up significantly in gay society. 

    Still safest to always wear a condom.


    I also don't think the narrative of the prostitute's victimhood should be swallowed wholesale. They don't all have families to feed and even if they did it is a choice they make, a gamble for high earnings that may pay off but probably leaves most hookers like battle weary troops after a few years, desensitised.



  2. 6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Your post is interesting but curious you say relationships are not built on: intellilect, conversation, or sex.

    So, whats left?

    I think they are not built solely on either of those things but they may be part of the deal I guess.

    One thing I have learned here is that what the Thais call (in English) 'feeling comfortable' is just as important as Thai people think it is.

    We would probably call it 'ease of heart' sabai jai?

    The happy state of affairs when two people are not living in each others pockets but love the time they spend together or not necessarily involved in each others business but share precious time together. . . . .sounds a bit corny, I admit. 

    Not constantly checking on each other but just the right amount of jealousy (very little) 


    But then, what do I know????

    • Like 2
  3. This sounds familiar.


    Western feminist organisations cite 1 woman in 4 will be raped on US college campi but the 'statistics' have long been proven erroneous. 

    4000 rapes per year? If many other rapes are unreported, how does anyone know about them? Hogwash!

    In the west sexual assault and rape have dropped considerably since 2005 but one constantly hears the media discuss the rape epidemic or rape culture. I wonder how much of this is real and how much conjured to gain charitable endorsements for organisations promoting the lies?

    The west is beginning to wake up now and several rape accusers have been convicted as well as college authorities being criticised for simply accepting the word of the accuser.


    It is a serious problem that all people would like to see eradicated but making up statistics or blaming all men does not help anyone except the organisations who get government money to 'raise awareness' etc

  4. Actually while it may be and easy bandwagon to jump onto for those with vague belief in the default politics of today (a kind of lukewarm leftist politics of identity ) Fox news is no better or worse than any other channel and at least invites those with opposing views on to the show and gives them an opportunity to share their point of view. 


    The presenters are also rather attractive and that's no small thing in the feminist gulags of Europe and the USA.

  5. I believe there should be a referendum or at least the act of removing statues should be done by elected officials as opposed to a bunch of liberal soft-cocks steeped in Marxism from some shabby university with a minimal grasp on history.


    Our colonial past may be a reminder of deeds now considered negatively but we all know the reason for their removal is to appease the left wing agenda and it's tool of political correctness. If you want to see fascism in action, look outside! 

  6. Red Ken Livingstone the then communist mayor of London tried to do the same in Trafalgar Square. He wanted all the statues of Generals who helped build and sustain the British Empire removed and the history eradicated.


    Trump's right. the left have brought the inherent violence out into the open by six months of protesting and if anything are much more anti-freedom that conservatives. The KKK etc are nuts and everyone knows it. 


    Demanding the Pres 'condemns white supremacists is just a ploy by the left wing media who can't name Islamic terrorism when they see it, ironic.

  7. Seriously, you think the environmental lobbyists are not powerful? 


    Just consider the censure directed at anyone who disagrees with their agenda . . .Trump was vilified. (again)


    It is simply a fact that the Paris Accord will put millions of people out of work and that is a factor that has to be considered as well as the environment.


    As the Thais say, and it's a credo worth adopting, Sam Ruam, the middle way.

  8. He won't resign. 


    Russian interference is just another red herring cooked up by the liberal elites who cannot believe they lost to such a 'colourful' character.

    The republicans oppose him as do the democrats as both want the cold war with Russia to continue indefinitely (excellent business in arms etc)


    He is brash, vulgar and does not have a good vocabulary BUT he does poke holes in the media and established norms like political correctness, feminism and Marxism.

    That has to be very good for most people. 


    He does not believe that the best way to stop environmental issues is via the Paris Accord and was brave enough to say so. He wants no part of Merkelism or Macronism or Trudeauism all of whom care nothing for ordinary citizens but serve the liberal elite globalists who seek to import unskilled foreign labour into the west. 


    Perhaps he is only a catalyst for change and will not be around for long but his daughter will be the first female president of the USA, I wager.

  9. National service is not required of all in Thailand. It's a lottery with a 1 in 5 chance of getting a stint of 2 years in the army but women do not serve at all.


    Not one single ladyboy in Thailand tries to assert that she is a woman or that she deserves special treatment.


    It's western liberals that are trying to expand the number of genders to include 'whatever one identifies as'


    Some of you should try to understand a little more about Thailand and then you would be glad you are not surrounded by whining liberals, feminists, transpeople and Marxists all trying to destroy western culture.


    Be glad you are in Thailand

  10. While it is true that studying abroad makes an enormous difference to the confidence and vocabulary of Thai students that is not necessarily a reflection on the innate intelligence of Thai students. Some learn from television and recently I encountered a person who scored level 9 in an IELTS exam who had done just that. Most native speakers do not score anything near to level 9.

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