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Posts posted by Moti24

  1. At a 7/11 (Not my local), last night, there were no signs of plastic bags on the counter.  I bought some bread, biscuits and a pork burger which was heated in the microwave.  The girl got a plastic bag from under the counter and put the hot pork burger in it, followed by the bread and biscuits.  I took-out the pork burger and explained that it was hot and the bread and biscuits shouldn't be in the same bag; I got a "I don't under-sa-tand" look. 


    I didn't expect a bag for the bread and biscuits, but it's a good idea to still put hot food in plastice bags, but common sense just isn't a Thai trait.


    On the down side, I usually use the plastic bags to pick-up the mess from my dogs when I take them for a walk.  Nobody else in my village does this, in fact, nobody else takes their dogs for a walk, they just let their dogs roam the sois, messing where they want.  It looks like I'll be turning into a Thai, letting my dogs do the same; then I'll probably be known as, "The farang who lets his dogs mess all over the place"; ****in hypocrites!

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  2. 5 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

    Ive always found that strange get a ticket and your good to go, in the UK they take the vehicle off you, then pay to get it back within one week or it gets scrapped 

    I've been using the Uk roads since I was knee-high to a grasshopper, with 100% no-claims bonus.  Watching these morons on the roads every day raises my blood-pressure; mostly because I can do nothing about it.

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  3. 5 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Of note, to be reported as “injured” during the Seven Days campaign, road-accident victims must be taken to hospital for treatment. People injured in accidents who are not transported to hospital from the accident scene are not included in the statistics for the period.

    Pathetic excuse designed to make Phuket look like a safe haven.  If there were people injured, there were people ****in injured!  Full stop!

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  4. 6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    There were 731,933 vehicles being called for inspection, with 158,453 persons being given tickets, mostly for not wearing a helmet and not having a valid driver’s licence.

    "Here's a ticket, now carry-on with your journey!"  


    Nothing changes here; no driving licence, no problem!  The police should be held responsible if any of these ticketed morons cause injury to anybody at a later date.  Somebody, somewhere, needs to stand-up and be counted for allowing the daily culling on the roads.

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    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, LomSak27 said:

    Thailand has never been big on teaching about World War II in their schools, for obvious reasons. That is not going to change anytime soon.

    About 10 years ago, I borrowed a globe from one of the Thai classrooms so I could use it during a lesson to EP students.  There was only 1 country showing on the globe - Thailand, the rest of the globe was completely blacked-out.  Needless to say, none of my students knew anything about life outside Thailand at the time.  I mentioned the fact to the school director; I just got a blank look, and was told the students need to learn about Thai history.


    Yes, you're right!  There won't be any change anytime soon; probably never.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    A man can have a love and sexual relationship with his wife.

    He can also have an extra relationship with another woman for the sex. 

    A woman can have a love and sexual relationship with her husband. 

    She can also have an extra relationship with another man for the sex or/and money. 

    Where do you live?  Pluto!

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