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  1. Is there a special queue at airports in Thailand for seniors when departing from Thailand? And is 2.45 hours enough time on Don Meuang airport to catch an international flight, so including going through immigration?
  2. What's the relation between a person's height and the mirrors on a scooter? I noticed that when I rented a scooter in Thailand, I didn't feel comfortable with what could be seen in the mirrors. Maybe they're more suitable for Thai people, and that taller (foreign) people need a different mirror, adjusted to their height?
  3. And what were the installment costs per unit?
  4. On the websites I filled in specific information whereas at the shop they had standardized the btu depending on the size of the room: 22 - 26 square meters would require 18000 btu, no further questions asked. Actually, does it really make a lot of difference, let's say 12000 or 18000 btu?
  5. I want to place an a/c in my room which measures 6 x 4 meters (24 square meters) which is about 260 square feet. The height of the room is 2.5 meter. At a big specialized shop they recommended 18000 btu for this room. When I did a calculation myself on a few websites, including the details of the room (sunlight etc.) it gave me a result between 10000 and 13000 btu. What could cause this difference?
  6. And where can Ibuprofen 200 Motrin be bought?
  7. I've googled "Bangkok Drug web site" but no result.
  8. Ibuprofen 400mg is standard, maybe you're confusing Ibuprofen with Paracetamol?
  9. Can I buy Ibuprofen 200mg in Bangkok, or can it be ordered online?
  10. Wasn't there some kind of app that can be used to make it difficult for third parties to make abuse of the first page of a passport, the one with the bio data? I have been looking on Google Play Store but couldn't find anything.
  11. I bought a multiple re-entry permit along with my "retirement visa". I left Thailand a few weeks ago and are now about to return to Thailand. Did I have to mention anything to the immigration officer upon leaving Thailand a few weeks ago? Or not necessary?
  12. My problem has been solved recently but thanks for the suggestion!
  13. This is what I mean... Thanks, Richard!
  14. I guess most bookings at AirAsia will not cause any problems, but IF you encounter a problem then you're screwed and have to deal with their virtual assistant BO, who has only limited knowledge and "is still learning", as he himself acknowledges during the chat. For the rest one cannot contact AirAsia by phone, I tried the Thai service desk (voicemail) that spoke in a subdued voice. Live chat with a real person is also not available anymore. Be warned !
  15. What would be a good insurance to choose after getting a Thai driver's license?
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