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Posts posted by kidneyw

  1. 22 hours ago, tgw said:

    What I did in the past was to drive to Tesco at On Nut and leave my car on their parking lot for the day. BTS On Nut is directly next to Tesco.

    I don't know if that is still possible, they might now charge for the parking (how much?) or put a time limit - what is the newest info on that?

    They were charging a year ago.

    Think you get the first three hours free, then it was about 30 or 40 baht an hour after that.

  2. Went to CW to get another 60 day covid extension at CW.

    No drama, but the lady did explain that after these covid extensions ceased, I would have to sort out my situation with a proper visa.

    She did ask for my TM30 reciept, which I have lost, but did have a police report concerning this.

    She gave me sixty days on the spot without the usual '14 days under consideration stamp.'

    Then as a bonus, she did my 90 day reporting.

    This was great as I was going to go to MTT after finishing at CW.

    Was out of there by 9.00am.

    Have to admit, the whole outcome was a pleasant surprise.

    • Like 2
  3. My daughter went to Bangkok Uni at Rangsit.

    Had her own room, which was average size.

    Total cost for the year for everything (Uni fees, books, accommodation, food etc.,) was around 300,000 baht.

    Was the about the same for all four years.

    Obviously different for area and Uni course.

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, bobandyson said:

    I last applied for a covid ext on July 20th about a week (?) after the Cabinet approval and didn't have any problem.

    In with the required documents/copies for submission I also included an email print out from the Phaya Thai hospital detailing my appointment for my first vaccine jab which was on July 28th. And also stated on a form the reason for the extension was because of my vaccine appointment and not wanting to travel anywhere while un-vaccinated.  

    I last applied on the 9th. July, before the latest approval,

    Anyway, thanks, you have given me some hope.

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