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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. A couple of weeks ago first heard then saw a bunch of motorcycles hammering down 331. I thought, some of them will never make their next birthday.
  2. That old fella was pushing his luck trying to cross a busy road like that. Still, the scumbag that hit him has no excuse.
  3. And no pat on the back for making the completion date. Thailand Is Tough (TIT.
  4. Where can I get one. Checked Lazada, but none there.
  5. Did not know elephants had a bite. Will he need a rabies shot.
  6. Are you serious. You must be smoking some strong s**t.
  7. Hope you have a good neighbour.
  8. At last, A good Thai father.
  9. Will give them a try thanks.
  10. Thanks
  11. Thanks
  12. Looks like the distraction worked then.
  13. Thanks. I did look at the Youtube videos and thought maybe I could try compression socks. But getting pushed by my family to get an expert opinion. Just that in Pattaya, that seems to come with a big price tag.
  14. Thanks oxo, but have seen some quotes for prices and it seems quite expensive here.
  15. Has anybody any recommendations for the treatment of varicose veins in Pattaya and how much? I have just developed them and they are painful when I run, so that I have to stop. I am not concerned about how they look, only the pain aspect. Thanks.
  16. That is the mistake he made. Idiot.
  17. Naw, now they just come across the English Chanel in dingies.
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