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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. Any warning to guys about Thai women. 555
  2. Opened a Bangkok Bank account by myself a couple of months ago. No talk of insurance. They only wanted a Certificate of Residence. Bank staff were extremely helpful.
  3. Was it bad enough that they had to paint out the THAI logo on the plane?
  4. Oh dear! Guess you had a bad experience and now have a chip on your shoulder.
  5. I guess they learned that super glue can be too painful. The German police sorted out those idiots that glued themselves to the roads.
  6. Just as well they did not conduct this poll on Aseannow.
  7. Pretty sure these two little female nut jobs will end up in some sado masochistic bar when older.
  8. I think you mean road tax renewal.
  9. Are you kidding. He was still waking up.
  10. This section is a couple of kilometres further to the west, but is the same construction project.
  11. They breed them tough in Bueng Kan Provence.
  12. Need to get a tree branch stuck in that crack quick.
  13. Maybe should have just lit up a joint.
  14. Mr James a scumbag. not sorry in the slightest.
  15. Jesus Christ, how many things happening in this story. Need another Chang to figure it out.
  16. Unfortunately, this story sounds all too familiar.
  17. You need to watch "The Great Escape" movie.
  18. At least he did not crap on the floor like the crazy Belgian guy.
  19. Actually, thanks for that. I seem to lose it it when they start mentioning the Thai names.
  20. There you go. A sensible and logical solution.
  21. You think any Thai wife or GF is going to report any offender? No chance.
  22. Maybe more UV radiation in Australia, but that was not the question. Plenty of skin cancer here. I personally have been treated for melanoma and have had dozens of biopsies. Geez.
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