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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. At least his hair is looking good. Must have just used a fresh bottle.
  2. You can imagine the accusations and finger pointing among the wives.
  3. Have you thought about adoption? Not sure if you not being married would be an issue.
  4. Maybe he uses the same GPS as the tik tok coffee shop lady.
  5. Think this only applies if you are a female who has changed your name.
  6. I believe an agent can sort out the passport stamps transfer and thus the bank balance. I was offered this service in Pattaya.
  7. Maybe they are into lottery numbers.
  8. I thought you did not need a letter from an Embassy now. This was announced a few months ago.
  9. They also punched the man to force them to transfer the money. The two were released unharmed. Think punching him counts as harmed.
  10. That punch sent me sprawling and broke my glasses. Plus I am probably forty years older than either of them.
  11. I had a similar situation many years ago, but it was a driveable car that was parked opposite my driveway. When I complained and asked him to move it, so I could park in my driveway, his mate came upto me and blindsided me with a smack to the side of the face. Sold the house and moved after that.
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