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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. I don't have a Mummy to run to for handouts, so have to use the ATM.
  2. Is this what the suffragettes fought for all those years ago? Okay, they wanted the vote, but who would have believe it would have gone this silly.
  3. Go for it. First did it in 1982. I was 32 and she was 30 with four kids. We did marry and divorce. The kids were never an issue but she was. The upcountry experience was something else. I really enjoyed it. Take the trip with your eyes open. If it does not work out, you will still have a tale to tell your mates down the pub when you are back home.
  4. They need to plant some bushy things in the middle, that they usually stick in holes in the road.
  5. Local residents were outraged due to the sacredness of the temple and police were trying to control the hectic scene and keep residents from getting to the injured man who was taken to a hospital under heavy police presence for his safety due to angry local residents pledging to follow the man to the hospital. So it is okay for monks to piss it up, take drugs and have sexual liaisons inside the temple. Hypocrites.
  6. Maybe he was sick before and you would not give your tilac money to help him.
  7. It was a while back I installed it on my phone, but remember there were no issues concerning it. But I do know the bank staff are very helpful with any issues you might have.
  8. Because it never used a broom handle or an iron mallet, just its instincts.
  9. Maybe should have kept his mask on. See he took it off for the picture.
  10. Unless his misses had been biting his arms, he should gone to a doctor for sure.
  11. If innocent they would have made no payments. Then should have gone straight to the police.
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