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About PomPolo

  • Birthday 01/26/1973

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  1. She is definitely after a seat at the US table!
  2. The irony is if he had just have shot or macheted someone he's never see a day behind bars, fair play for the love of his dogs
  3. I like this topic, I think Zelensky and Trump have more in common than they would both like to admit, they are both stand up comedians
  4. I like Trumps policies on many things such as immigration and nationalistic policies. But when it comes to world politics he is playing monopoly with it. He has take a recent dislike to Starmer and Macron as much as I think their policies are also BS, I think he just doesn't like anyone that is not Putin, in general he is a danger to the world.
  5. Indeed it probably cost 500 million for the investigators to investigate the investigators, but who investigates the investigators of the investigators. Sounds more like a pyramid scheme to me.
  6. @couchpotato and @Nick Carter icp both technically correct and I guess I over generalised a little muddying the waters on different subjects. By the way @couchpotato you have by far the best profile picture I think I have ever seen on AN 🤣
  7. I have actually got a free beer on one of those signs, I took a photo of it and date/time stamped it and went back the next day with irrefutable proof that I was allowed a free beer that day. He gave me a beer just to shut me up I think.
  8. I believe all Thai hostages have been released now by the terrorists but you need to ask yourself what political purpose did it serve by them taking Thai nationals hostage in the first place? Also the massive Irony is there seems to be a backlash against Israelis currently in certain parts of Thailand and it was the Israelis that negotiated their freedom, just goes to show some backward political thinking by this country sometimes.
  9. Poor terrorist lets not have any anti-islam/anti-terrorist statements please Angela Rayner will be coming for you (and not in the happy way)
  10. "Thai math" now there's an oxymoron if ever I've heard one
  11. Because it rhymes with Pie?
  12. I am not saying Clowney is incorrect but they do look like twins
  13. Just bomb the cr4p out of Gaza as a previous poster said the people elected the terrorists so they hold the ultimate responsibility for who run's their country.

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