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  1. He wasn't even good at that, it was all Daddy's money.
  2. How could we make a mistake on our entry stamp? It is the IO that stamps it and has a record of you going through, but yes it is always wise do double check no mistakes have been made never happened to me
  3. How is that Islamophobic then? She needs a good sh4g that lady (I'm definitely not volunteering)
  4. Fair play to him at least he hasn't set up a gofund me yet!
  5. Trump’s face is so orange, the Oompa Loompas have filed a copyright complaint against him That's winning
  6. Not much difference if Trump tries to Annex Greenland than Putin Invading Crimea or Ukraine. Given 85% of the autonomous region opposes it it would not only be undemocratic but outright illegal it would be like 'buying' (which he suggested to Denmark) Scotland or Wales from the UK! The guy has got a screw loose. He will end up sitting next to Putin in the ICC hopefully.
  7. Thats a good one @Gottfrid I had to set the .apk up on the PC to use it LDPlayer - Lightweight & Fast Android Emulator for PC a little bit slow and not very intuitive, however seems to have a good selection of movies and shows. I have used WizzTV for years and don't think it can be beaten on value for money, reliability, Movie/Show/LiveTV variety of choice ease of use and speed. Not sure how they get away with it but been around for years 🙂
  8. Difficult to have sympathy for the guy the video clearly shows him attacking the Thai guys first and trying to make off with the motorbike, the Thai guys didn't seem to over react, most countries in the world will get way with self-defence on that, he was also a lot taller than the Thai guys. Can't fix stupid, not rocket science to know when you are staying in Thailand (or any country for that matter) you don't just randomly attack people and try and steal their stuff, it is never going to end well for you, obviously didn't for him.
  9. @madone just tried that Stremio looks super cool, some of the modern movies look like they need different addons not sure which ones to install
  10. Use this first https://piratebayproxy.info/ It is a list of all active PB mirrors and checks regularly if they are available.
  11. The '*****' of the Caribbean bay site has been around for many years and is still happy days, decent VPN and Torrent client recommended. I do actually subscribe to a lot of paid services like Netflix, YouTube, Amazon and TrueID that usually have the things I am downloading on so don't feel too bad downloading them as feel I have already paid the relevant royalty usage.
  12. Lots of free proxies around but in my experience they are slow and unreliable, and could be being ran by bad actors to intercept your data. Better off biting the bullet and paying a couple of dollars a month for a decent paid VPN that will work across all devices PC, Laptop, Mobile, Smartbox etc.
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