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Posts posted by kensawadee

  1. After reading this post I am going to solicit a number of my young Thai girlfriends (that I sponsor and support during this pandemic) to get groups of their friends to go and start doing this blood donation thing... I've done it (Given Blood) many times in the USA and I can assure them it don't hurt (If they don't look) and Buddha will bless them....  IF YOU HAVE YOUNGER THAI FRIENDS that you think you can influence to donate.... Give it a try.... And help a worthy cause (for when next you are in need)..........

  2. 27 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    can you not read the other posts above? already suggested what to do like try installing the app and see what happens

    Note: K PLUS cannot be installed and re-register in overseas since normally, K PLUS must be used through 3G/4G/EDGE/GPRS of Thai mobile phone number only. K PLUS cannot be connected via the signal in another country.


    I READ THIS..... Is that what you refer to?  Posted just above......

  3. 8 minutes ago, welshissan said:

    I had this problem a few months back. The code was 105. 

    I had to go to the bank and eventually lead to the ATM where they sent a code to my new phone, using the old SIM card.

    But if you went to the bank and an ATM ...... You must be in Thailand....


    I have a similar situation... I've been gone from Thailand a year and a half.... I lost the cellphone several months ago which I had my Kasikorn Account App on, although it had a local USA sim card in it when lost.... I still have my Thai Sim card..... So how to re-establish my Kasikorn account??????

  4. 9 minutes ago, TheAppletons said:

      I politely suggest your response indicates you don’t really understand the OP. 

      Your example is the exact opposite of the OP, which is that Thais are spending more money outside of Thailand, to buy things from outside of Thailand, and that those things are priced in foreign currencies. 

      From the OP:  Youtrip also reported that Thai consumer spending in foreign currencies is still on the increase. Part of the reason is that people cannot travel abroad, but the demand for foreign goods remains high, while the same products might not be available in Thailand or are selling locally at inflated prices.

    My Mia-Noi in Thailand has MY USA CREDIT CARD and uses it almost daily at 7-11, Tesco-Lotus or BigC or For filling petrol in the truck.... She buys in Thailand and I pay US Dollars here in the USA.... And I still request her to Pay in Thai Baht to save me money on the conversion rates....

    There are many things happening in this world that your narrow mind just can't comprehend.....

    Many things are close-enough to being on topic and valuable input and don't need your worthless ridicule...

  5. 13 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Do you have a link to said video?

    I have PM'ed this to your Personal Mail...

    I'm not sure if it is permitted but Moderators can take it down if need be....

    It is a Google search to the sources of the news (Not Video)

    Google Search...



    This was the first article I read but now I find many more sources as well...


  6. Did you see where the President of Afghanistan fled his country as the Taliban took control????? And he had 3 cars loaded with money - too much to fit in his Helicopter so he had to leave some behind.... This post makes me wonder about Prayut in Thailand when he flees the country he will probably have  a few trucks and use a 'JUMBO' jet to carry his money that he has 'accumulated' while being PRIME MINISTER of Thailand...... Now that these 'Protesters' are hot on him..... Can you see the comparison I am making to this post and their distrust of the PM?

  7. 35 minutes ago, robblok said:
    40 minutes ago, kensawadee said:

    Any documentation on that comment defending 'Pot Heads' ??????

    Pot heads only eat, or assult, chocolate and Pizza as a main choice????

    They never smoke a joint and drink a pint???????

    Right????????    (How Funny this has become..... )

    And we forgot all about the 'Drunken' Thai Bas_tard who beats his wife and often kills them.... I have about 45 years experience in Thailand (and 2 Thai wives) and I've seen for myself that Thai men and 'Thai men Cops' have a large PERCENT of legitimate questionability.... and percentage wise alcohol is often the key factor.... My Thai wife from Korat has 2 brothers that are RTP Cops.... Drunk, On Duty, daily.... Most of their fellow officers like-wise.....


    Just send you a scientific link but that probably goes over your head. The graph came from the lancet.

    That could be a scientific proof to a 'pot-head' looking desperately for some back up........ But it really doesn't convince us non-doper crowd..... There is millions of these distorted scientific charts around for what ever farce you like to prove is real.........

  8. 24 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Just send you a scientific link but that probably goes over your head. The graph came from the lancet.


    As you can see pot is far less of a problem then alcohol. Its a common fact that pot heads are far less agressive then the average alcohol user. Pot heads that drink and smoke are alcohol users too. So I would not count them as potheads you can count them in both categories. 


    Anyway according to you most thais beat their wives and have an alcohol problem while you on the other hand have none and are perfect and pot heads are bad.. Thanks.. i don't often drop laughing from my chair.



    RIP.... Man............... RIP

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  9. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Anyway I don't defend any violence, violence is the worst thing. At least pot heads assault a pizza or mars bar not people like alcoholics do.

    Any documentation on that comment defending 'Pot Heads' ??????

    Pot heads only eat, or assult, chocolate and Pizza as a main choice????

    They never smoke a joint and drink a pint???????

    Right????????    (How Funny this has become..... )

    And we forgot all about the 'Drunken' Thai Bas_tard who beats his wife and often kills them.... I have about 45 years experience in Thailand (and 2 Thai wives) and I've seen for myself that Thai men and 'Thai men Cops' have a large PERCENT of legitimate questionability.... and percentage wise alcohol is often the key factor.... My Thai wife from Korat has 2 brothers that are RTP Cops.... Drunk, On Duty, daily.... Most of their fellow officers like-wise.....

    • Sad 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Why just open it up for other drugs too, but one should punish those that step over the line when under the influence of drugs and alcohol harshly. Those that can use drugs / alcohol should not be penalised for the idiots that cant and cause trouble when doing alcohol or drugs.


    Just punish the people getting out of line not the products. I mean some cars can go 220K/h+ should we ban selling them or just catch those that misuse those cars. Just my opinion. I am a big fan of weed ( besides its effects on diet)

    I am NOT a big fan of POT-HEADS and I do not try to defend Thai Guys who in drunken stupors beat-up their women..... Have it your way, as you are probably not thinking straight after that last joint, and lets end it here and I give you the comfort of knowing... OPINIONS ARE LIKE A__HOLES, everyone has ONE ....  I got mine and you got yours..... Enjoy your weed..... 

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  11. 6 minutes ago, robblok said:

    I know plenty of Thais who can hold their alcohol. Woman and men, sure there are quite a few who cannot too but your casting a net that is far to wide. If it was as bad as you say there would be far more violence. Its just a percentage that lets their agression goes just like in every country. I am sure you know examples of it. I know some of my friends who got really aggressive on alcohol. You just did not want to be around them when drunk. I am sure everyone knows people like that.


    Even if you can't hold your alcohol your no problem, its the people who are aggressive by nature that are a problem no matter what drug they take. These  people should be permanently banned from drinking alcohol (not that i have any idea on how to enforce it). Maybe if convicted once for alcohol violence its x years and ad x years extra for each time after that. 


    But anyway i disagree with all Thais cant hold their alcohol, maybe more then westerners but certainly not in the range of 50% or so like your implying. 

    In this world and on this forum it is an established fact that OPINIONS ARE LIKE A__HOLES, everyone has ONE OF HIS OWN.... 

    If you will re-read my reply you will see that I DID NOT SAY all Thais are included.... Certainly there are some that can hold their drink..... There are some American Indians can hold their drink.... But I am an observer of percentages and draw many of my conclusions from percentages.... My reply was just making a comparison and I implore you to re-read it.....

    • Confused 1
  12. Thai men (not sure about Thai women) seem very similar to The American Native Indians..... They cannot hold their liquor.... ONE BEER and they don't know what they are doing (I'm sure there may be exceptions to that, but it is common  knowledge... It must be genetic)..... I have lived among and witnessed Native American Indians..... I think these Thai guys must have some or many of the same genes.... Maybe a the American Indians are decendants of long ago Thai's... Who knows, But I personally see a very distinct similarity.... Thai guys can have a couple drinks and they don't know 'Anything they do'..... Same with American Indian guys.....   I doubt there is a remedy for the problem...

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  13. 17 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Wow, just wow.


    They ran dry.


    And along comes the pm to issue orders.


    Not that they're big on history here, other than counting to ten, but prayut and anutin will go down in Thai history as EPIC FAILURES, responsible for more deaths of Thai citizens than anyone other Thai leader EVER.


    If he had more than a thimble-full of courage and honor he'd resign. If he really cares about the country and it's people he'd resign.


    Not sure how he lives with the SHAME?


    Note to owner: Time for a new Jockey.










    Thank you, Thank you, Many thanks...

    .........."prayut and anutin"     In the English language it is common to 'Capitalize names' and other things as a matter of 'RESPECT'..... People, states, cities, countries, religions, and the list goes on....  I do not respect prayut or anutin or muslim..... among others and when I write something about such things I REFUSE to capitalize those words for respect........    prayut and his bunch have 'raped and pillaged their own people, and totally filled their pockets with money that should have gone to helping 'Thai people' endure and survive this communist china 'WORLD Warfare' called Covid 19.... I have utmost pity for the normal Thai people, having leaders who are so pre-occupied with filling their own pockets, at their people's loss......

    CHEERS for you, my Friend.......

  14. 22 hours ago, colinneil said:

    You are correct about putting money into the open hand of a woman.

    Years ago living with my ex, i arrived here from the UK, she says no gas, ok i will go at get a new bottle, no no i send my nephew, he needs five hundred baht, thought nothing of it.

    Fast forward  to being with my new wife, gas ran out, i went to get a new one, 290 baht.

    Got home said to my wife, gas shop have made a mistake, no darling that is the price.

    So who was stupid just putting money into an open hand?   ME.

    Yes...... So many of us farangs find later we were, I might say 'stupid' but I will soften that to 'Unprepared', for what we found in a foreign (third world) countries..... NOW if you can do it????? Put the blame where it belongs --- On yourself...... Because you came to a foreign country expecting to find everything same as YOU were accustomed to........ Now who's fault is it in this case??????? 

    I love women, at least the biggest percent of them..... Would you like to know why???????  Well , I will tell you even if you don't want to know ---- as a child, My mother taught me  to go through life and form any of my opinions after walking a mile in that 'other persons shoes'.... At 81 years old I still try to do that......

    Colin, I know you are in a wheelchair, But i can't find that an excuse to try to fight verbally (On this site) with others, as myself, to seek pity and approval for yourself, when you may have a differing opinion.....

    As I read many posts on this forum I find MANY POSTERS claiming Thai women (and in cases some men feeling 'ALL WOMEN') are 'Users'...... Well here again , Have you walked a mile 'IN THEIR SHOES'?????

    For me.... I always stop to think first, about the 'other side' of the story......

    I think there are an alarming rate of farangs in Thailand, who after a drink of two, are totally unaware of how abusive they are after their drinks.... But the women they live are fully aware of it... And then those guys post here about their women 'silently hating them'.... This bunch of guys don't even know what they do after a few drinks......  MY OWN FATHER AND OLDER BROTHER FALL INTO THIS CATAGORY (HOPELESS DRUNKS AFTER JUST 1 BEER (They couldn't remember the next day anything past the first beer).....

    The next time you drink..... I 'Challenge' you to wake up the next morning and remember the evening before, right up to climbing into bed and resting your head on the pillow, AND SEEING YOURSELF AS YOUR WIFE/GF SAW YOU LAST NIGHT..... i saw my own family fail this challenge.......

    Afterward you may discover that these Thai wives/gfs are entitled to a better life than what they are experiencing with you..... After all.... these Thai women ---- THEY ARE NOT SOI DOGS..... TO BE BE USED AND KICKED AROUND..............

    IF YOU CAN'T LIVE WITH THEM.... Leave them..... A good lesson will be learned BY ALL.......

  15. 1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

    No need to hear the woman's side they always lie.

    As for Colin, I believe he was completely innocent of any blame.

    I have only pity for gullible people like you, and therefore don't waste much of my time, since I don't think you really want to see the truth....

    Your statement above, "they always lie"....... Is my first clue as to how narrow minded You are......

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  16. As an American I must stand behind MY COUNTRY and say --- If you choose by your own choice to go trapesing off to the other countries around the world, and abandon your part of being American by residence.... WHY do you think the USA is responsible for searching out all of it's 'ex-residents' and giving them the same care they could have received if they were here 'at home'... I am retired and I love Thailand and until the pandemic (I last left Thailand March 9, 2020) .... I spent about half my time in Thailand, But since I am an American my home is here in the USA and have had the best of care, as has all my family here. ME and all the family and friends who want vaccine, have obtained it.... You don't hear me crying and expecting my country to search for me.....

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  17. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    I wonder if his wife was hurt by this. 

    The Dalai Lama said, if you can't help people, don't hurt them. 



     The wife is number 4 and she is second Thai Wife..... She does not know about or hurt over the Mia noi of 29 years... Nor do any of them hurt over the few extra partners of mine... the Thai wife in the USA is a $millionaire and the Mia noi in Thailand is not far behind......

    Now lets talk about what you have 'Hidden' In YOUR closet .... 555

    Can you not think for yourself and have to quote Dalai Lama?

    Your post and your SAD 

    1 hour ago, faraday said:

     I was a part - time volunteer for a homeless charity.


    I spoke with many homeless people, & heard how they became so.


    There simply, is not enough support for them, to treat those with MH issues, or substance abuse & accommodation is scarce.


    I have had real life experience of this problem.


    Your view is very blinkered.


    As for your comment:


    "Wife & a mia noi"....!!!


    Words fail me.

    Why do words fail you???????  Are you not able to say what you mean? yet you expect somebody to trust what you say

    You can see my contributions to Thailand 'far' out number yours and the average.... I suppose you have had just one wife and are the most dedicated husband to her... I am subsidizing many Thai households and keeping my relationship with my Thai wife (Number 4) at home of 29 years.... At 80 years old I have lived a full live and learned a bit....... Some of you like to think you know it all, but factually you don't qualify....

    • Sad 5
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  18. 4 hours ago, faraday said:

    Yes, there are many reasons. 


    Do you really think that people choose to become homeless?


    I think there's a lot of poetic licence in your post; and fantasy.



    NOT FANTASY.... My friend.... I live in a town in the USA that has so many homeless..... I see homeless daily..... (Just over my back fence)

    To answer your question --- Do you really think that people choose to become homeless?

    YES................    When they have a choice between working and being homeless... They choose homeless....... I see it daily where I live.... physically able bodied men begging money at street corners....

    What is your personal knowledge of them?????

    I have 2 close friend/families with sons that choose to be homeless... What do you really know on the topic???????

    Read my post above to Collin for more info........





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